Every year Jesus is born spiritually
January 14, 1998
Prayer… “I want you to say this prayer during all Christmas holidays, because it pays special attention to the Holy Eucharist. And there are only a few of these prayers. Do not forget, that in the Holy Eucharist to you comes Jesus, who you often offend with your sins. Offending the Eucharist is the greatest sin of mankind.
Every year Jesus is born spiritually. He comes into the arks of priests and the poor hearts of people. Often after Christmas holidays people stand onto the road of evil again. They partake of the sacrament in a state of sin. This way they wound Jesus. That is why think over your sins child. Over the purity of your heart.”
I saw a wonderful temple, beautifully decorated on the outside. When I entered it, I saw cracked walls, dirt, poverty. “See child, how many centuries passed, and this poor stable does not improve, it becomes poorer and poorer. Countless people talk about how they love Jesus, and especially the holiday of Birth of Christ. But is this love truly sincere? Because this miserable shelter was prepared by you. And every year it becomes poorer.
People forget about the spiritual values, live only for the body, thinking that the time to correct themselves is not here yet. But maybe there will be no time on Earth for such people. As they will find it in hell. You celebrate Christmas, but I cannot call this rite a celebration. Because how much debauchery, drunkenness, overeating, entertainment, and gossip happens on this day. Many people visit the church because it is a custom. Many do not visit it at all, because they have a lot of work at home, you will have guests and you need to saturate their bodies.
How many of you do not even do the sign of cross before eating. Not even a few hours pass after Eucharist and you already offend it with alcohol. So few of you will pray with your families on this day. And how many of you will defile that day by caroling while intoxicated. This is a small piece of what is happening all over the Earth. How can you adorn the poor stable of Jesus. Maybe in a few generations people will completely destroy it with their sinful lives. That is why kneel child and pray especially in these holidays, because the punishment which is coming will destroy everything.
I want priests to call people to repentance, prayer before great holidays. After the birth of Jesus, the Holy Family did not have even a piece of bread and water. They prayed, glorified God and greeted the King, who came to this sinful Earth. Think child, what can your poor heart bring the Little Jesus. He so awaits your prayers, carols, which warm His Heart from the cold, struck by the riches and benefits sinful world.”