I am dying for you on the cross for the last time
April 1, 1999
Temple, near an altar prayed Mary in black clothing embroidered with gold. Her face was sad, and eyes were directed somewhere far. When I looked ahead, I saw a large Crucifixion, from which a stream of blood flowed. Jesus looked directly in the eyes. In His look I felt pain that grasped the soul for the first time.
“Today sister, I am dying for you on the cross for the last time. Today, the last sacrifice of redemption will take place. Today, your sin will kill Me for the last time. That, which you see now on the cross is not corporeal, it is spiritual. That is why wounds hurt much more.
Already today, I will take on Myself all your sins and infidelities for the last time. By laying the cross, I will put the seal of the Holy Spirit on you and leave blank pages in the book of life – white and mirror. Bright, like rays of the sun and dear to My heart. I want you to record only the good there. Only victory over satan and your love. And now sister, heal My wounds.”
I started praying with Mary. At the end of the prayer hit a bright light – the cross took on a vague shape, Jesus disappeared.
In a moment I heard familiar and gentle voice. Near Mary stood Jesus, She gently stroked His hair and glorified God.
“And now, I turn to all of you: My dear little warriors, humble lambs. I turn to you as the dearest Brother and I beg you for a little love. I beg you to renounce the earthly world and worldly passions. I promise to all who will listen to Me, will do all the instructions, will defend their soul at the time of the Warning – will have the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, will have My helping hand and the great love of Heaven. Such person will not go to hell.
I go, to prepare you all a place. I go, to complete the sacrifice of redemption and salvation of human race, to give you peace, love, and eternal life.
Remember only one thing, that no one will love you More than Me!”
Jesus groaned, I saw that from a wound of heart started to pour blood. He kneeled, started to pray, and disappeared.
I heard the voice of Mary: “Daughter, at this hard time, I want to be your support. I love Jesus more than anything in the world, but I love you very much as well. For every fallen soul, My heart hurts so much. How often I pray for your sins to the Heavenly Father. And how often instead of love I receive a stone. My dear souls, I love you, I love you all so much.”