Sunday, January 30, 2000

Pray to “Gods Mercy”


Pray to “Gods Mercy”

January 30, 2000


       Jesus: “Sister, why is it so hard for you to understand that when a woe comes to a home, there is no greater help than Gods Mercy. No will help you and no one will give you as much grace as it can. Gods Mercy is so great that there is no vessel that can contain it. It wants to envelop each person like a veil and bring a tired soul such wanted tranquility and peace.

       I beg you, all of humanity to pray to “Gods Mercy”. Ask, beg, and never doubt It. Because every suffering, sinful or holy soul has a right for it. But you and those who will pray must believe in It and want It over everything. Because there is no mother who would not dream to bring a child to her heart, there is no father who would not want to hug his son, and there is no brother who would not give a helping hand to sister.

       When comes a moment sister, when you look around and realize that you are one, alone in this world. Then look at the sky. And remember, that somewhere far beyond the clouds and sun is a beautiful, beloved, and so desirable to every heart Family. When you feel the need for this family, look My dear at the temple of spirit and you will see the warm gaze of Mary and all Heaven for sure. Then sister, kneel and talk with Them a lot, or just look them in the eyes. And your soul, and any soul as well will receive instant tranquility and peace which is not worth looking for outside its walls.

       When comes time, you will remember about Me. When comes time of spiritual or bodily illness, direct your look to My Crucifixion and in a moment the pain will subside. If only you knew how much My heart burns with love to all of you, if only you knew that fault of all My suffering and death on cross – is that inexhaustible love which burns the whole being from within. Maybe then your life would be a little better. But the woe is that people do not know how much I love them all. They are poor, hungry, thirsty, deaf, blind. They desire this love in the depth of their hearts as well, but they do not believe in it, do not look for it, and what is worse is that they do not even ask for it.

       Maybe such word as love is long forgotten on Earth. Because love forgives, sacrifices itself, does not know how to hate, does not anger anyone and is never cold, always hungry and hot, it burns all essence, it is never enough for it, it turns body into ash. Love never carries darkness, but always light. Love never wounds – it heals. And love does not kill, love can never be deadly, it resurrects and births to eternal life.

       And what do you My dear understand of this word? Maybe you compare it to emotions. But no, it stands higher, much higher because love – is a child of eternity. Time does not exist for love, it is endless. Love does not have a beginning or end, it always existed. That is why ask the Heavenly Father for love, it is easy to defeat sin with it. Now go into your world and take with yourself a piece of My love.”

Sunday, January 23, 2000

Where does this strange apathy for everything come from


Where does this strange apathy for everything come from

January 23, 2000


       In a chapel prayed Jesus… “Why are there so many gossips, misunderstandings, envy between you. Where does this evil come from, that fills your whole being, where does despair come from, that hits My body the most.

       My dearest ones, there is so little time until the rule of satan and you are so far apart from each other. You must be connected in spirit as a whole. You need to pray even more and more fervently to My Mother. She loves you so much. Why do you listen to the Teacher so little.

       The world is turning into a terrible abyss into which fall millions of souls. Curses, smoking, drunkenness, drugs, dishonest words filled the souls of all young people. So little spiritual pastors work on saving healthy young people. Why do you reward yourself and others for sin? Why does that which was always called sin is now just called entertainment? Why are your souls overfilled with such evil and indifference? Where does this strange apathy to everything come from. Like a snake it gently envelops your whole essence, all your soul, bringing freezing cold to your hearts. And you stay indifferent to everything that surrounds you.


       But I believe that none of My little warriors will be able to put up with sin. They cannot calmly watch and stay silent to sin. Closing eyes, ears, thinking that this way will be able to escape temptations, but no My dear ones, it needs to be destroyed, uprooted, killed. I want you to overcome sin and its roots. I want to hug each of your after your birth in eternity.”