Sunday, October 22, 2000

You do not know how to do mercy


You do not know how to do mercy

October 22, 2000


A temple. Near an altar prayed Jesus…

       “My dear friend, today I again want to tell you and all who are with you, that I love you, I love you all so much. Today, I want to open My heart to you again. Today, I want to forgive you all the evil that you did to Me. I want to tell you about how dear you are to Me. I want you to know, that on Earth and in the whole Universe there is no wealth that I would exchange even one of your souls for.

       But you My dear, and those who are dear to you, could you exchange Me for any wealth? I know that you would not exchange My love for any of the world’s treasures. Because not looking at your downfalls, your sinful habits, illnesses, vanity, you always turn to Me. With tears or a smile, you always call upon My name. My dear, the time is so close, but your souls are still so gentle and not ready for the trials.

       The Lords punishment is upon you, but you do not know how to forgive, how to love, how to do mercy. I want you to learn to forgive, to endure, and to love during all the days we will spend together.

       I will pour on you all My love. I will give you all My heart. With all My Essence I will fill you and you will feel that you love. You will feel that trials are easy for you. You will feel that you know how to forgive, repent and most importantly, you will become humble.

       My dear, talk to me, talk to me a lot, because only through your simple words I will be able to help you in everything, especially in the battle against sin. My little warriors, if only you remembered and called My name before any matter, then all that which was hard for you because of complaining, tears, would be significantly easier.

       Every day I wait for your souls near the cross. I am waiting for those simple words: “God, be merciful to sinful me. God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me, for I have sinned innumerably, Lord, forgive me”. I am waiting for your words of love. My dear, never judge, never wish your neighbor evil. Never say you hate, or that you will not forgive, because these few words can carry anyone to hell. Ask for love, knock to the hearts of sinners, seek God.

       At the time of trials. At the time when wolves in sheep skins will become clear. At the time when there will be one pastor and one herd, you will be distinguished from servants of darkness by faith in God, faith in the Creator, who created Heaven and Earth. Faith in undefeatable love that will save the world. If you do not learn to love, patiently endure all hardships, and blows of fate right know. If you do not learn to fast, pray, then later, it will be too late. Child, seek God everywhere: at home, outside, in education, in church, in happiness and woe, in death and eternity. For I tell you the truth, you will emerge victorious from this earthly hell.


       My dear one, love God. Wait for Me every day and remember that I am coming to you. I am coming, to offer sacrificial prayer, fasting and vigil to God with you. I love you, I love you all so much.”


Sunday, October 15, 2000

I love you all so much


I love you all so much

October 15, 2000


A cliff… at the top stood Jesus.

       “One who is with God, who loves Him, who relies in everything on Him, is always under the clouds. They live in some other, far away from earthly problems world. A world where there is no such word as sin, in a world where there is no hatred or pain, in a world where there is light and love.

       Such people look like rays of light in endless darkness. Such people are not bothered by tomorrow, because today, they live only for God. Because today, everything that is the most valuable they give to Him. And somewhere far in the depth of soul they know and believe that tomorrow will be a new day, one more day which they will dedicate to Him. To the One, who is here and there at the same time, to the One, who fills all the Universe, to the One, through whom shine sun and moon, to the One, who carries love into this world – to God.

       I love you all so much. But despite all My words of love. Despite all My requests, you talk to Me so little, you trust Me so little. You rely on My mercy so little.

       Sister, do you love Me very much? If you do, then tell Me that every day. I want in your heart to be only love. I want your souls to be that clean dish that will someday be a container of My love. I want for the ray of your life to burn forever. And I do not want it to be covered by clouds of impurity and sin.

       Dearest ones – pray! Learn to forgive, repent, because the enemy is so close, but your souls are still so far from this heavenly light. Multiply faith because this gift is very hard to receive. Your faith is like a fruit tree, its crown is strong and large, it all sours with life. When comes spring, it is all covered in wonderful flowers, which in the future will turn into fruits. Listen, to what happens with your gifts. They bloom, but so often in their lives there are frosts, cold rains, strong winds, which ruthlessly tear the delicate petals. As the result, only left are thick dark green leaves that abound throughout the summer; and in the autumn they fall, giving no fruit.

       For the petals of your faith to endure frost, rain, and wind, you must temper them with prayer. With the desire to save them and an unceasing request to the Lord to protect them. If you will ask, pray, and most importantly want to have a strong faith – you will have it. You must always remember about God, even when you are well, when you do not have problems. When in the soul shines bright sun, because at any time can come satan under the disguise of this wind, frost, rain and destroy that peace and tranquility, love, and desire to do good, which in the future could become good fruits of your virtues.

       Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how often you hurt Me? Remember, the first thing that will help you to overcome this rain, frost – is forgiving those who hurt you. Forgiving those you give you wounds and suffering. If you learn to truly forgive, you will be able to feel how strong your soul is. And if you will be able to love your offenders, close ones, relatives. You will be able to do what I did. That what did many of My students – you will overcome sin. You will receive eternal peace, eternal happiness, eternal tranquility and all the love of Heaven.


       Now go in peace My dear and be obedient. Tell them all, that I love them, I love them all so much.”



Monday, October 9, 2000

Each of you must learn to love your neighbor


Each of you must learn to love your neighbor

November 9, 2000


       “Sister, today I want to pray with you for the worst sinners. For those, who never saw Gods light. For those, who do not know God, because they are not taught to love Him. For souls of those sinners, who are cruel. And the most for those souls that are in the captivity of satan.

       Each of you needs to learn to love your neighbor. But My dear, your neighbor is not the one who loves you, who treats you well. Not someone you know well – it is someone who hates you, one who wishes you evil. Someone who is called your enemy and anyone who you do not know. Because to love in love is not great, but to love one who hates you, to love any person you meet is the greatest in the eyes of God.

       You and all your close ones need to want to follow Me. I came into this world first to sick and let down souls. I came to bring light to the darkness of their souls. I came to quench the soul’s hunger and thirst, to anoint their souls with peace and prepare them for eternal life. So you do the same.

       Do good – not expecting anything in exchange. Forgive. Love your God as I loved Him. Because only from love to Him, I am ready to continuously die for you. You should not look for answers to questions: “Where to go, what to do, where to search?” – Because He Himself will tell you the way and will guide to eternal Paradise.

       Today, when this world is drowning in dirt. When devils are preparing for their soon feast. When the priesthood is struck with a terrible virus called sin, and monasteries are overfilled with evil spirits and dirt. When there are more servants of satan, than children of God. Carefully keep everything I say. Do not complain. Do not be tearful. Away envy and pride, because otherwise I will consider your souls rotten. I will consider the branches of your good deeds fruitless. And you know that such branches are cut by the root.

       Foolish. Why do you not understand that every pain, every for your thought unresolved problem is just a small cross. Through this pain that you feel, I cry to you that I love you, but you do not believe Me. Your rebellious souls are shouting – get rid of it (this love)!

       I tell you to be whole, as a whole bunch of grapes. I tell you to love each other, but you do not. Still, there is envy, anger, misunderstanding between you. My dear ones, cut off all the evil that is enveloping your souls, minds and hearts. Because it is better to get into Kingdom of Heaven legless and armless than to burn whole in hell. You see a straw in someone else’s eye, but you do not see a log in your own. Whosever speaks evil of his brother, and speaks falsely of his neighbor, and makes himself great because he keeps all the commandments – is no greater than Judas.

       Do not look for evil in your neighbor. Do not look for shortcomings. Learn to see only good and peace in everyone, even if there is the smallest drop of it. Remember, that I love you indefinitely and faithfully, I love all brothers and sisters. But everyone who dares to disrupt My lake, where bloom souls, that I left for Myself. Souls that bloom only for Me, souls who cannot live without it because will die. Souls that bloom only once in life, so that I may admire and see them depart into eternal flowering in the ocean of Heaven – WILL BE RUTHLESSLY CUT OFF! Now go into your world and tell everyone who you know, everyone you meet outside, that I, the Son of Heaven and eternal happiness – love them all!”