The Beginning…
July 26, 2022
Freedom begins with the first beat of heart, from the first pulse of life. We come to earth as children of the Almighty Father, incarnating light and love of the greatest creation – Man, who has the power to overcome the sting of death, turning the perishable into the imperishable of eternal life.
Do no believe the voice that binds you, whispering to you about blood debt. Locking you into a frame of national, racial, religious, financial, gender affiliation. It is a lie.
Because the Lord redeemed all your debts, giving everything to the last drop of blood. He redeemed you from the sting of death and debts of life. Today coming into this world again and again attempting to defeat spiritual death through love to Lord Jesus Christ, you become truly free. Going to sleep and waking up again and again to try to change yourself, you forget that life and death, goodness and evil, light and shadow, beginning and the end – are just a piece of one whole. Only in darkness you can see how bright a candle really burns, only in silence you can hear so clearly, only in powerlessness true power is born. After sunrise comes sunset, after sunset sunrise, after a smile sorrow, after a fall rise, and a defeat in the greatest battle of life will bring victory.
Rise from your knees, you are slaves of flesh no more. You, only you, choose your path of freedom. Freedom from the shackles of death and sin. In your hearts are laid keys to the eternal life. Follow the beat of your hearts. Wake up, the dawn is close.