Sunday, February 16, 1997

The Warning


The Warning

February 16, 1997

A wonderful field in a mountainous area. I saw Mary and many Angels who were singing Her the prayer “Virgin Mary”.

My dear, look what is happening right now on Earth.”

I saw sins of priests and after this the face of the Lord which expressed terrible torment and suffering. I saw Mary who was praying to the Father and a voice which sounded like thunder: “Mankind, repent, forsake your prodigal life, for great punishment will fall on you all!”

On the face of Mary rolled down large tears. On Her knees sat little Jesus, His head was crowned with thorns, hands were wounded and stretched out as if He wanted to hug the whole world.

I heard a gentle child’s voice: “Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will relieve you. Take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is dear and My burden is light.” – These are the words with which the Warning of the Lord will begin.

The Warning

I saw the Earth covered in fog and many light and dark souls around people, who seemed to have fallen asleep in their place. Movement will stop. Wherever a person would be, their body will lose all physical abilities, motionless and blind, stopped in a position in which they were caught by the Warning. At this moment people’s eyes will be opened to good deeds which they never completed and sins which they did. They will see Paradise and the distance that separates that person from It.

Everyone will see before them Jesus in wonderful clothing. In front of everyone will lay a blank sheet separating the Lord from them. At this moment will start all the sins from young age. On the body of Jesus will appear terrible wounds, the wonderful snow-white clothing will become red from the shed blood. On the blank sheet will reflect the suffering face of the Savior. Seeing this, the person will be in the state of such fear, that even before death their fear will seem incomparable to this.

Later the imprint of the wounded Lord will be left in the human soul and everyone will feel all the pain, wounds that Jesus felt for their sins. At this moment there is only one definition of time – eternity. Time does not exist. Many people of little faith will die from the shock and the experienced. And others will repent. After the Warning, every person will remember what happened to them, there will be a feeling of true fear of God. This way mankind will be prepared to the great Miracle, which will happen in Garabandal.

If after the Miracle humanity does not turn back, on them will come down a great punishment, which the Earth did not know or see since the beginning of its existence.

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