April 7, 1997
An illuminated city. One of the angels stood and said:
“I came to show you Hell. In Purgatory you were like a spectator, and here you can feel their pain. You should not fear. I want you to see, while still on Earth, what sin can lead to. I want you to understand how seriously you should repent, partake in the Holy Eucharist, pray.”
Accompanied by an Angel. The sky was black. A huge tunnel and many souls that were going there. I appeared in a large corridor. I felt strong smoke, which began to fill the whole space. I saw two angels which came up to me and carried me to the abyss of hell. I heard thunder. A terrible total darkness and over this abyss I saw a foggy Crucifixion of Jesus. His eyes impressed me, there was justice and pain in them. I felt that I was falling. A burning pain covered my whole body. After this I saw that I am nearing huge gates. What was beyond them brought terror.
I felt as if I was becoming unconscious and I really wanted to go back. When I came up to the gates, I saw that they were made of fire. Everywhere was a smell of something burning and some stench. I saw that I am in a large circle. On the bottom of hell was something like a lake. Hell was made up of circular levels. There were approximately 14 floors.
The first thing I saw were souls, which stood without moving, their bodies were covered in fire. Many of them screamed, and some groaned. When I compared to one soul, I felt a lot of pain, I saw sins which this person did (they were a murderer). In front of my eyes appeared a Crucifixion which I saw earlier, every sin which this person did tore the body of Jesus and I felt the same pain.
I saw a huge spear powerfully strike into the rib of Jesus and was screwing into it. From there poured blood. This blood falls on me and I feel how my body as if burns from the strongest acid, which burns me through. From this pain the whole body grinded, consciousness was very weak. And for some reason I thought about this prayer: “For the sake of His painful suffering, have mercy over us and the whole world”. I saw that the blood pouring out began to stop.
I felt how someone’s hand pulled me out of this circle. Many souls began to rush to me. Touch me. I felt their touches. And I began to pray for each soul that stood before me.
I began to descend a spiral staircase. When I went down lower, I heard horrible screaming and crying. Souls ran around from place to place. One soul stood in one place and groaned, this struck me. On this level was terrible shortness of breath and stench, it was as if the air choked, and pain broke the body as much as if all the bones were broken. When I compared to this soul, I thought I would feel terrible pain, but this did not happen. I heard a voice: “Child, what are you doing here? Are you not a Gods creation?”. His words sounded like a madman’s and it was scary. He grabbed my hand, his hand burned like molten iron. He pulled me to the very edge of the stairs. I saw a cliff, a huge abyss from which came fire, millions of demons, and black smoke.
“Look there, that is real hell. Do you know why it is real, because there it burns forever, pain is much more horrible than here, and I will be there as well.” He could not talk because of pain. He writhed all the time.
“You know, I was a priest sometime on Earth. I always looked for easy life and goodness. I did not believe in hell, although I was a priest. I thought that it was a fairy tale. And right now, over there above, many people think so. I am not complaining about God, but you see, I have found an “easier life”. I found my eternity, I found eternity of fire of hell. I see mass of priests that seek the same life I did. But I can tell them, as a soul, that such life does not exist. There is no easy bread. Because the Lord said: “In the sweat of your brow you will cultivate the land and consume its fruits”.”
I heard a very heavy groaning, he fell in front of me to the ground. I saw gray fog that appeared on the place of his soul, I felt everything he did. I saw a terrible picture. A person on Earth, elderly age, a priest…
Again, appeared a large Crucifixion. I saw how he stands and in front of him lies a turned over cup from which poured out the Holy Eucharist, and his foot on it. This person also “spits” on the cross and it breaks (all this in pictures). Again, I saw the body of Jesus covered in blood. I felt horrible pain, much worse than before. The sound of a hammer was heard everywhere, and many nails went into the body. I could hear how they broke bones. When I raised my head, I saw how Jesus cried with bloody tears and these tears fell on me. They were much more painful than previous sufferings. I felt that from pain, I am falling through, and this “hand” pulled me out of there.
When I wanted to go further, I felt the burning hand again, on my leg. This man raised a little and with a groan said, there was a lot of pleading and despair in his eyes. “Pray for me”, he repeated many times. His eyes filled with blood and he said, “Tell them, that hell exists, tell them that it exists just as God does, tell them that there is eternal fire here, hellish pain and demons. If I listened to them less, I would not be burning here. Tell them not to sin. Let them come to their senses, because when you look for paradise on Earth, you find hell.” – He fell and fainted.
I went lower. On the next floor I heard continuous blunt hits. I felt such great tiredness that I did not have the strength to keep going. Behind me something was moving and touching my back. I looked back and saw a person covered in blood. Skin was cracked and meat and bones were visible from there. Their eyes were even more terrible than body. I felt such horrible pain and fear that I started losing consciousness, seeing such things was impossible.
When I opened my eyes, I heard that somewhere close is running water. I really wanted to drink. I was very exhausted. I saw an Angel that was singing prayers with a rosary. He came up to me and said: “Now you acknowledge what evil sin is. I think for some time your desire to sin will stop. But know – this is only the beginning. You will see much more horrible things, but everything has its time, you will see demons tormenting souls but until you are a child you will not see it yet. Be brave. Pray for the mitigation of this terrible punishment that awaits you.”
You have many churches on Earth that are standing empty.
April 3, 1997
I saw one of the thirteen Angels. We entered a city of incredible beauty, the buildings impressed me. Many plants which I have not seen before. It sank in light. We came up to an altar which stood on a large square. We stood on our knees and began to pray, the prayer was very beautiful.
When I opened my eyes, I saw that I am in a great desert. Wherever I looked I saw churches all around. They were empty. It was very hot outside. I was very thirsty. I entered one of the churches. I saw Jesus, that sat near His cross. He was very upset. He looked at me and said: “Do you see how many churches there are? But they are all empty. You have many churches on Earth that are standing empty.
Every day sin spreads around the world more and more. People forget about God, they become overfilled with personal happiness and their emotions. Many wars, disagreements, curses, debauchery, blasphemy flooded the whole earth. I sit alone under My cross because there is no one to be near Me. In many countries there are majestic temples, but they are empty, there are no people.
Your country does not belong to them yet. In the whole world there are only a few countries that worship God properly. Look, it looks like the church is full, but the people that are there can be truly counted on hands. Very few people partake in the Holy Eucharist. Many of them give Me new and new sufferings after exiting the church.
Brothers and sisters: I turn to you first, as a Brother, second as a Friend and third, as Betrothed and the Father, visit My cross. Worship It with faith. I ask you, do not crucify My body with your sins. Because if you look at Its wounds, there is nothing left to crucify. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation or sudden death.
During this Easter fast, My body suffers the most, but My heart aches even more for the souls on whom I have placed great hopes and expectations. My heart hurts the most when chosen people despise Me with their deeds and thoughts. I do not want My cross to ever stand empty. Pray, pray a lot.
Pray for your country because it is becoming further away from God. Numerous sects and beliefs tear the church to pieces. With this they tear the body that is already mutilated. Disagreements among priests, unfulfillment of their pastor duties, debauchery of youth, groups of satanists inflict on Me the greatest wounds. I want to suffer for you, but only when My sacrifice is worth it, when lost souls return to God.
Enter the church during the day, count how many people stand under My cross. Find at least one that would be on their knees crying in front of It. Maybe there are very few of such people, or maybe they do not exist at all. You do not understand the meaning of the Cross. For you It was left in the past, but do not forget, that every trial is also a cross. Such cross is eternal, for It there is no such thing as time. It goes from generation to generation.
That is why, as your Brother, I ask you, turn back to My sweet yoke. Awaken pity in your soul, take up your cross and follow Me. Every day on My cross I await you, I suffer and die for you. Come to Me and you will find lost faith. Worship Me and you will receive eternal life. Sing for Me and you will heal My wounds. Amen.”
Jesus stood up. On his forehead was bloody sweat. He groaned and bent over, as if an unspeakable burden had been put on His shoulders. After each step onto the ground fell pricks from a tree which were covered in blood. He was going to the Altar. On the ground were left bloody footsteps. I began gathering these pricks which were falling after Jesus, when I gathered a handful, I felt a lot of pain, burden, and tiredness; I did not have the strength to gather more, although there were so many more. Near the Altar Jesus turned around, on His face was a gentle smile, and over cheeks rolled bloody tears.
Before me stood God – shabby, ragged, spat on with many bloody wounds. He blessed the Earth. I heard the voice of an Angel: “Do you not love your Brother Jesus? Why are you standing there? Bow to Him. Kiss the marks of His footprints.” As soon as I touched my head to the ground, Jesus disappeared. There was great sorrow and sadness in my soul.
When I went outside, I saw countless crosses, crucifixions, among which was also our churches cross. They were all empty. The sand that was whiter than the sun turned into a bloody field. I came up to our cross and for the first time with great love and piety I touched the feet of Jesus. I fell before this cross on my knees and prayed for a long time.
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