Thursday, March 26, 1998

I hope that you will heal all My wounds


I hope that you will heal all My wounds

March 26, 1998

A large field covered with very big flowers. They were saturated red color. A little further I saw a Crucifixion. There were even more wounds on the body of Jesus. With each step towards the cross I felt the beating of His heart.

The day has come child, when My sufferings have grown so much that My body can no longer withstand such terrible torments. From My last wounds and pain the heart stops. My eyes do not see because blood of these many days has filled them. My spiritual body wants to become free of this terrible torment. But My heart stops again, it so believes in your love. I hope that you will heal all My wounds. I want to believe that specifically

your prayers will bring Me the desired rest and the long-awaited resurrection. Today you will see My torment for the last time.”

When Jesus looked at me, I saw in His eyes like in a mirror a giant executioner in black clothing who gave us all swords, to the whole humanity, and everyone took them. I saw our sins: disobedience, slander, gossip… I saw how each of us came up to Jesus and hit Him at the left shoulder so hard that parts of meat and skin flew into different directions and blood flowed in streams. But I also saw people who threw away the swords and brought Jesus relief.

Again, I saw the sins that came from our mouths. Again, the executioner gave out this time big staffs. And people beat Jesus as hard as they could on the head, from which the huge wreath of thorns flew apart in all directions. And the remaining thorns went deep into His head. Even without it the bloody head leaned to the side. All hair and beard were wet from blood. I wanted to find at least one small surviving place on Jesus but could not.

Terrible wounds, beatings, fractures, bleedings filled the whole body of the Lord, turning what was once so beautiful, wonderful into a bloody mess. Watching this was terrible. Especially the severe wounds of the shoulder and head. The torn shoulder was so mutilated that a piece of the collarbone protruded from it. On the head of Jesus hanged many pieces of skin with hair.

Jesus looked at me again, but very sadly. He asked in His thoughts, because he could no longer speak with His mouth: “What do you torture Me like this for? Is sin really such a sweet pleasure? Have you never seen the sufferings of the sick? Do you really love the power of darkness more than Me? When you do so to a green tree, what will happen to a dry one? When you want to destroy the sun, have you never thought that by destroying it you will destroy yourselves too.”

Tears rolled down Jesus’s face, “It is very painful for Me child, but I am crying not from the pain. I am crying for your souls. Because by crucifying a tortured body, you are also crucifying your soul. Did you forget that for every sin comes payback. I am crying because a great punishment is coming. I so want you to be near Me. I do not want you to be a part of it.

Ask God for forgiveness, because I assure you that the time of the great Warning has come. You do not know even a quarter of the whole truth. And when you hear about it, death will come to you immediately from what you will hear. Your body will turn to stone and you mind will stop obeying. Only strong of spirit and loving of heart will be able to endure this.”

I saw the terrible sins of the West, especially Americas. Jesus’s body started to shake a lot, he whispered barely audibly: “Father, into Your hands I give My spirit.” To my feet fell the huge wreath of thorns covered in blood. I looked at the tormented body of the Lord for the last time, it was as if He was sleeping. He did not feel the pain anymore, because the consciousness had left Him.

Wednesday, March 25, 1998

Where is it seen for a mother to give her son a stone instead of bread?

 Where is it seen for a mother to give her son a stone instead of bread?

March 25, 1998

I saw that I was in a desert. Not far I saw a large Crucifixion of Jesus, only with more wounds, more painful.

I am glad that you visited My cross again. I am so glad that you do not forget about Me. How sweet your words of love are. Only they, are a drop of joy and relief for Me.”

I felt powerful coldness. When I looked around again, I saw that it was a desert of snow. Snow started falling from the sky. The whole body was broken and pierced by the cold wind.

Do you see child, how cold the Earth is to My sufferings? Just recently My body cracked and burned from burning sun. Today, it cracks and covers with wounds from terrible cold. How often you are passionate about your everyday affairs, forgetting about prayer. How often for the sake of empty chatter or television, you forget about Me. But I love you so much…”

A huge crack formed on the body of Jesus near the huge wound of the heart, from which began to flow blood. Jesus’s body was shaking, head leaned to the side. The wound that just formed had frozen. Heart was barely beating. The thorn wreath looked like made of glass. It turned into a piece of ice which unmercifully wounded the head of Jesus. From the blue-cold, trembling lips, I heart the quiet words: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

I heard the voice of Mary: “You see what doubts, despair, little faith, irritation and indifference to everything lead to, especially to prayer, the icy cold of your souls. Sometimes it seems that there cannot be a warm and hot heart in your chests. It seems to Me that there is a chunk of ice which does not feel anything. Where is it seen, for a mother to give her son a stone instead of bread? Where is it seen, for a brother to give his sister a glass of sand instead of glass of water. But for Jesus, you do not wish to give anything, except death, hungry and cold.”

I felt that I was becoming further away from Jesus. When I looked at Him for the last time, I saw that there is not a single place left alive on Him. He did not look like a human, but a huge exhausted by torment suffering. Impressed the eyes that shone with love and inspiration to life. It seemed that among this bloody mess, only they were left alive.

Tuesday, March 24, 1998

I hear so few words of love from you


I hear so few words of love from you

March 24, 1998

I saw that I was on a deserted shore of a large lake. There were many religious items on the ground. Nearby lay a bowl that was covered with mud. In the middle of this lake was a giant Crucifixion. Wounds of Jesus were just like yesterday, maybe even worse. On feet and left arm skin hanged in pieces from the terrible thorns. “Do you love Me? How little do I hear from you the words of love.”

The wreath of thorns moved to the side and struck right into the temple, from which He groaned. When I looked closer, I saw that this wreath does not look like thorns anymore, because there were as many thorns as needles on a Christmas tree. Every moment grew more and more new needles of large proportions.

I want to talk about the mirror of your souls. Every day, whether mankind sins or not, I give My holy Body and Blood in the mystery of the Eucharist. Many people treat it as something ordinary or a ritual. But believe me, for a drop of blood I suffer many months. Yes, exactly months.”

Jesus’s face was very tired, emaciated with many bruises and bloody wounds.

I gladly sacrifice My sufferings because I love you so much that I wish to unite with you in the Holy mystery of Eucharist. But so many people dishonor it. How many priests inflict deep wounds on Me from which I still cannot recover. Sometimes they can be much worse than the Judas that sold Me. He sold Me only once in his life. He betrayed his love only once. And he gave in to the voice of demons also once. But there are so many pastors, My chosen apostles, who betray Me many times. Their price of betrayal is less than 30 silver coins. Their cost of betrayal – is violation of fasting, not fulfilling their pastoral duties.

But you wound Me even more, proceeding to the Holy Eucharist careless. Think child, after accepting a piece of My heart have you ever wondered about Its price? Have you thought about how much time I had to suffer and sacrifice, to come to you. Maybe for you in such a simple easy way.

Remember repentance. Remember your evil thoughts, which once condemned priests, indifferent execution of penance. Have you thought that in front of you I was sitting so close to you? That I listened to all your words with such thirst. That I prepared the cup of forgiveness and peace. But how often you were ashamed and pushed it away from you.

With these words I am not addressing you directly. I am addressing every person in the whole world. Because in these simple and familiar words they will find themselves. Perhaps these people will remember how they hid their sins because they were ashamed of them. And did not want to repent. How they did not want to accept Me because they found excuses. But I so waited for you.

How many tears I shed over your souls. How much love I prepared, which you stepped on with your feet. How often you remember slandering or quarrelling with someone and felt irritated. And so easily forgot about Me. I beg you, child, fight temptation, try not to let sin separate us.

You pour your love through prayer. As I give it in the Holy Mystery of Eucharist – do not reject It. Learn to see with spiritual eyes. Learn to see My love in the gloomy and ordinary. Under every sin and evil intention – are My sufferings. These religious items which you just saw on the shore – are your carelessness and contempt of the Family of God.”

Jesus groaned again. Tears rolled down His face. The wreath of thorns has stuck into His head so much that blood covered His whole face. I saw a spear which hit into the heart of Jesus. It was so wounded that I stopped hearing Its beating. Jesus was dying. I heard Mary’s aching voice: “Fall to your knees child and pray, stay awake with Me. Pray, this way you will be able to ease the sufferings of Jesus and receive forgiveness for the greatest and the most painful sin of humanity.”

I felt the beating of Jesus’s heart again. I saw a cup full of the Holy Eucharist. From it came such a bright light that it was impossible to look.

Sunday, March 22, 1998

Let us repent and give up everything for the Sun of our life is setting!


Let us repent and give up everything for the Sun of our life is setting!

March 22, 1998

A huge cliff. At its top was a big Crucifixion. In a moment I appeared near It. I saw wreaths of thorns that were scattered around the cross, sprouting, with giant thorn bushes growing out of them. They so entangled the place near the cross that it was impossible to get there without getting harmed. The needles reached 10 centimeters and were sharper than any needle.

I heard the voice of Jesus: “Thorns – are your everyday sins, over which you do not dwell and do nothing. Do you see, how much they envelop My cross. With each new sin they become closer to Me.” I saw how the branches of thorns move closer to the cross with their huge needles.

Sister, this is not the past, all this is happening right now. I cannot wish for death because I must suffer for you again. But believe Me, death would be the sweetest joy and peace. My mouth feels terrible thirst, and tongue and the whole essence terrible hunger, from which the whole body writhes and trembles.

Look at this Golgotha that you prepared for Me today. The top of the highest, driest, and hottest cliff. There is no such cliff in nature. Such a cliff can only be through sins and infidelities. From such terrible drought, the wounds dry up, and in their place form even deeper, even more painful ones. The heat and the unmerciful rays of this sun – are your sins of impurity, evil desires of the body. Tongue, from which dirt pours incessantly. Bad books, newspapers, lewd movies, in which all of mankind is immersed.

Yes, I am the sun for the world, but the sun of My and your lives will set for long. And instead will shine false sun, rays of which will be bright, but colder than the rays of the moon. The sun of souls will shine bright, but only from the first glance, because souls will be in deathly darkness. They will seek that sun but will not find it. They will feel terrible hunger and cold, but the source of eternal life will dry up for long, they will destroy It themselves. They will seek bread, but there will be no Bread of eternal life anymore, because all the ears of life and peace will die under the burning sun.”

Jesus groaned. When I looked at Him, I saw that the thorns struck Him into His pierced feet and from there crawled upwards to knees, tearing and piecing skin. Skin hanged in pieces torn all the way to bones, and the thorns moved up. Jesus groaned again. I saw that from the other side thorns moves up the cross to the left arm and began to tear it. All the thorns from feet and left arm were moving to the Heart, to kill it.

All these thorns – are your lies, slander, gossip, pride, laziness. The biggest needles – quarrelsomeness, disobedience, curses, drunkenness, drugs, debauchery, self-confidence, arrogance, excessive cheerfulness and meaninglessness of words, missed, cold and neglected prayer. Disrespect of Eucharist. Refusal of My cross, violation of fasting through dancing and other entertainments. Hate, malice, anger give rise to new sins, which turn into endless stalks of torment.

Pray to Me child, collect these thorns, break and tear them.”
When I said a prayer, I saw how a fiery tornado arose. It was a very scary sight. I fell crosswise and began to pray again. From this tornado formed a huge three-meter-long fiery sword which started to cut, burn and destroy the thorns. This sword was the right hand of the Holy Spirit, which I called in prayer.

Jesus called me. Into my hands fell a second nail, which turned into a wet cloth. For the first time in my life, I touched the face of the Lord, wiping the bloody sweat and terrible dryness of the cracked and tormented face. Jesus greedily pressed his cracked lips to this piece of cloth. He needed my kindness and care, but I could not give him even the least, because I had nothing.

Soon will come times when we will wish for the most elementary – water but will not find it. Our dry and cracked from wounds lips, will beg the Father for forgiveness, but will they find it? When we have so much food, water, when we can treat our wounds with fragrant ointments, then why can we not dedicate our lives to God? Why can we not turn into a drop of water and bread for the Lord through our prayers? Because we do not want to. Because there is no time, desire. Let us repent and give up everything for the Sun of our life is setting!

Wednesday, March 11, 1998

Repent, because only with peace and gentleness I will come to you


Repent, because only with peace and gentleness I will come to you

March 11, 1998

A huge Crucifixion. Jesus was so tormented that He did not have the strength to speak. The cross was black. With giant nails, almost as big as the hand of Jesus. I heard a voice. He talked very slowly: “Why do I hear from you so few words of love? I want to hear that all My brothers and sister love Me very much. Sometimes two words, but sincere, can save My life. Come to Me.”

When I came closer, Jesus took His right hand off the cross and I saw a terrible wound which does not exist in nature. When I looked inside the wound, I got scared: in the bloody mess I saw our sins first. After this, the sins of our families and the sins of others. The worse the sins were, the more blood poured out of the wound. Not even a minute passed, and near my feet was already a lot of blood. Jesus did not blame but looked gently. He whispered: “Help Me, heal My wounds.”

Only with fervent prayer, great love, and humility you can reach Heaven. If you will be a good child on Earth, you will receive eternal reward in Heaven. The wound of the right hand is related to love and good deeds… When you offend your neighbor, behave arrogantly and confidently, you wound My right hand. If you do a lot of mercy, forgive your enemies and offenders, pray a lot – you will deprive Me of one great wound.”

Jesus handed me a large nail, it was golden and covered in blood. The nail was so heavy that I barely held it.

Repent, because only with peace and gentleness I will come to you.”

Saturday, March 7, 1998

It pains Me very much, that so few souls turn to Me


It pains Me very much, that so few souls turn to Me

March 7, 1998

The Lord…

Through your prayers, I will enlighten many sinners. It pains Me very much, that so few souls turn to Me. Many of you relate Me to a piece of history that has already been. But it is not so. I cheer for your every step and breath. I want you to pray to Me for favors and requests. For you to turn to Me not only in troubles, but in happiness as well. This way, I will be able to help you and the whole world.

Only through your prayers and requests we will be able to destroy demons, heal souls from the leprosy of sin and do a lot of mercy. That is why when you dedicate a part of your life to Me, I will call you to charity, which should be manifested not in words of desires, but in actions.

And from you child I demand more silence, obedience, peace and harmony. Prepare.”

Do you see My sufferings?

March 5, 1998

I saw a huge Crucifixion. I heard I loud beating of heart, which sounded like the warning. On Jesus’s head was a golden wreath of thorns, needles of which had stuck deep into the head. His body was covered in large wounds and scars. The worst was the wound near the heart.

Jesus said: “Do you see My sufferings child? These wound which are on My body right now, inflict on Me your infidelities and sins. As well as corrupt humanity which forgot that many years ago, I redeemed their eternal life and salvation by My death.

Do you see this golden wreath of thorns? It is much heavier and more painful than thorns. It is brought to Me by people who are in love with this material world. People who are revered for their faith and love for God about the human eye. Souls of such people are rotten and empty. They go to church because it is customary. They do many charitable deeds that they brag about, fast a lot, behave confidently because they consider themselves zealous and true Christians. May each of you think and remember if there are any of your thorns in My wreath.

Stale prayers, pride, condemnation, malice are the worst sins. Read the Bible because times are coming when it will be taken away, torn, burned. And I want you to be worthy chosen disciples in those days.

Remember child, that the best incense, the best doctor, and helper in everything is prayer. May the image of the head of the Lord crowned with thorns always be in your heart and the hearts of your relatives.”