Monday, January 4, 1999

Take the rosary into your hands


Take the rosary into your hands

January 4, 1999

Jesus. In His hands I saw a rosary, very beautiful, never saw one like that one. Every bead was a small cluster of light in which life could be felt.

The rosary for you is something daily and too simple. For many it is an incomprehensible invention of the church. Only remember, how you pray with it. How often you flaunt wonderful and expensive rosaries. Not understanding, that its power is not in the beads and expensive stones. Not understanding, that its power is not in its beauty, but in prayer. Its power hides in the soul of that person. When the person is pure, they do not feel beads but heat.

For such a person time disappears, they no longer feel the heavy burden of the rosary. Because their soul merges into one whole with them. The soul cries out to the Lord, rushing to freedom. Do you know why you do not feel all its charms, because you treat it with carelessness. But will come time when you will feel the warmth in each bead, when you will be lost in time and will wake up when you say: “Amen.”

Times will come when everything most precious will be taken away from you. And later they will want to take the soul too. Your power hides in your soul. And your weakness and foolishness in the body.

Today, many feel that the world defeated them. Feel that they are moving away from God. Right now, you do not feel the power of the rosary. But My dear little warriors – wake up. Give freedom to that power which hides in your souls. Take the rosary in your hands, raise your hands to the Lord and say: “I have sinned my Lord, and I am not worthy to behold Your majesty and power, but Lord, look upon my tears and sincere repentance and forgive me. Because my life belongs only to You. My life – is You!”

When they take everything, they will only not be able to take the rosary, because it will live in your imagination eternally. It will be enough to close your eyes, gather all the power and love, and the rosary will be before your eyes like rays of the sun and will guide you forward, and time will disappear, and you will wake up to eternal life through the word: “Amen.”

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