Wednesday, October 20, 1999

Every person lives only for themselves


Every person lives only for themselves

October 20, 1999


       “Earth is drowning in sin. You also often deal with it. My vineyard which the Father planted in the past and which I so tenderly cherished, turned into a burning desert, where there is no greenery or fruits. You destroyed it with your actions. You kill everything on your path that breathes holiness. The Earth is so far from God that even I do not know how to knock to the hearts of sinners, because the spiritual heart in which there still is something warm and dear to the Father stopped beating long ago. Already what time I call to My boundless love, to My mercy to the whole world.

       I beg you to repent, because the crows are so close, and their shrill cries can already be heard over your heads. Despite all the warning, begging, you remain stale and cold. But this is not the worst. The worst is that between you there is no pastor, but many wolves in sheep skins which take over thrones of earth, talking about their great love to God and at the same time devouring souls.

       Where are My pastors? Where are My dear lambs? Where is that vineyard, what did that beautiful in the past Earth turn into? Every person lives for themselves. Why does church not call people to mercy and repentance? Why does it not warn about the woe that is coming? As that innocent blood that will be shed – will be on their hands. There is a pre-death silence in the world. New interpretations of the Gospel, new rites, modernization – turned church not into the house of God but the house of the devil.

       Pharisees, how can you beat your chests with eyes raised up! The highest will become the lowest, the richest – homeless, healthy – ill in the world of Heaven if you do not repent! I do not want to see your soul and souls of those I love in the paws of the beast. Never worship him. Never betray My love. I put so much into you, and I have hope that everyone to whom I come will never betray My love.

       Chaff is being sown. Time is running out. You stay in one place not understanding that in this world you only need to move forward, only up, only towards Heaven. Never doubt My love anymore. Never be careless about My love. Never stay in one place anymore. Because each of you needs to be ready for the trials and must come out of it victorious. Who has left, will not return. Who doubts, will be instantly cut off. That is why love each other, unite. Why are there so many disagreements and resentment between you? Why is there no understanding, why do you tell Me about your love so little?

       Remember, what you do to one of My smallest brothers – that you did to Me. I will tell you again about the Warning, I will call to repentance. And already what time I will ask: “Sister, do you love Me very much? Tell Me about it every day.”

       Be vigilant and do not fall into sin. Fight it, or else it will win over you. Pray for everyone who you do not love, for those who bring you pain and sadness. Because when you love them, you will love Me with all your heart, all your thought, and all your strength of soul. I love you all so much!”

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