Friday, January 18, 2002

Only by giving you can receive


Only by giving you can receive

January 18, 2002


Near an altar prayed Jesus.

   -   My dear sister, My heart is overfilled with love to all of you. I again and again will tell you and those you are near you that I love, I love you all so much. My heart burns with the flame of unceasing love for you, for every creature. I so desire to hug each of you, to ignite the flame of love, which so mercilessly burns My whole being. I am glad to greet your soul in the world of Heaven.

       My dear, I want to see you happy. I want all your essence to radiate love and tranquility. I want you to be happy. That is why do not be afraid. Until I am near, as long as you belong to Me, everything will be well. At the time, when darkness occupies the earthly throne, you, My dear little warriors must be rays of light and guides of those who so desire to hear God, but do not hear him. Those who so desire to see miracles, but do not see them. Those who call out to the Lord for salvation and so wait for a comforting answer.

       You need and must work on yourselves. If only you knew how many souls fall into the abyss of hell every day, every hour, every minute, every second, then you would not be so careless.

       As you are not deaf or blind. From every corner of the world you hear cries, warnings. You see the horror that is happening around. You say yourselves, that Gods punishment is irreversible. Then why do still so many of you stay inactive, callous, angry? Why instead of quiet words of love I constantly see and hear quarrels, gossip, envy, endless arguing, despair, disbelief?

       Why from those such favorite and since childhood cherished by souls it is blowing cold? Why does each of you cry about lack of love? How can you desire it when you yourselves do not give your love to others? When you do not want to do mercy, because you do not have time for it? When you do not want to fall to the ground and say: “Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned”. Why when you admit your shortcomings, you do not ask the Lord for help, to help you become better. 

       Remember sister, that only by giving you can receive. Only by falling you can rise and grow spiritually. And only when your heart fills a great pain, sadness, loneliness, I come. At the time of pain of soul, I turn that soul to My heart and share My love, peace, tranquility.

       Because you can come to Me only through pain, suffering, despair, and tears. When the person comes to the highest acknowledgement, when they understand that they found that which they searched for, for so long. That, which seemed so far and unachievable, that from which you want to laugh, rejoice, flourish. Yes, My dear, such people find God.

       They are not philosophers, teachers, or prophets. But they give answers to questions on which people ponder for ages.  They find their God in their heart. They feel His presence and care. They do not feel alone or abandoned anymore because every day, every hour they bathe in Gods love. They see, hear, and talk differently. They for sure will inherit Heaven. I know, that for each of you to get to such a state of soul will be hard, but for a soul that burns with the desire to connect with the Lord – it will be a moment.


       Now My dear, go into your world and bring them the cup of My love.

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