Thursday, May 27, 2004

Abortion is a terrible evil against an innocent creation!


Abortion is a terrible evil against an innocent creation!

May 27, 2004


       Jesus: “My dear friend, I want everyone who believes in God to believe in the existence of hell. Each of you heard that hell exists. Many chosen described it. There are various legends as well. But their essence is the same: there are demons, lost souls and eternal suffering. And what is worse is that those poor souls do not even suspect that somewhere far there is boundless love, there is the Creator of all visible and invisible.

       Did you ever wonder what is behind it? It is a place where your forefathers waited for the coming of Messiah. After the redemption from the original sin it received another purpose. There are innocent souls. Souls, who due to various circumstances, could not complete the mission that was entrusted to them. “

       With the speed of thought we passed hell and I found us in a garden that seemed to have long since ceased its existence. All the trees were naked, dry, the ground was cracked. Wherever you look there were children. Some walked, others sat, but on the faces of each was horror and invisible pain, which seemed to tear them apart from within.

       “There are souls of aborted children. Souls of children who were brought as a sacrifice to satan. Souls of children who under influence of sects took their own lives, not understanding that. Souls of children who were not baptized due to various circumstances. All the time they see short moments of their existence on earth and feel the pain, suffering that they managed to experience.

       They see God with all His angels, they see heaven, but each of them understands that their path there is only though Earth. Earth, that has once taken their last hope for existence, that doomed them to their daily torment and eternity without God’s grace and love. And even if someone gets lucky to get there, their life will be full of no less suffering. After which their wounded and tired from unending roads souls, will be taken to the bosom of third Heaven, where the Queen of Heaven will be the first to accept them to Her Motherly hugs. Hugs, about which they could only dream of, and never had.

       Remember, whatever happens in your life, whatever says the medicine, aborting – is forbitten, even if the mother’s life is at danger. Whatever say priests, remember that here on Heaven there is no law. Hear Me? There is not a single law that could save even one soul from wanderings and sufferings that will be waiting for them after the mistake of the mother. Tell everyone that abortion is a terrible evil against an innocent creation. That they are like voiceless lambs who are given to be sacrificed, unfortunately – not to the Father.


       There is not a single illness that I would not cure. And there is a cure for this. My dear, I love you so much. 

Peace be with you all.”




Monday, May 24, 2004

My dear sister and all the little souls, I love you all so much


My dear sister and all the little souls, I love you all so much

May 24, 2004


       Jesus prayed, - My dear, fall on your knees and keep awake with Me to not fall into temptations. Grains are sown again. Everyday I watch over your souls. Every day I ask the Heavenly Father for your infidelity and transgressions. Everyday I pour on you inexhaustible streams of grace and love. My heart is so eager to take over your hearts.

       Passed many centuries but it is still hungry and thirsty. It still tries to turn to itself those who crucify it every day. Comes the time for prayer. Comes time when your souls will cry out to the Lord and will be heard. Time of peace and tranquility.

       During this time each of you needs to nurture good fruits of your good acts and mercy. Each of you remind of a wild apple tree which I try to instill with love every year. An apple tree in the shade of which I love to rest so much. Apple tree, the fruits of which are still so far from perfection.

       My dear sister and all the little souls, I love you all so much. Everyday you beat Me on the earthly altar of passions, doubts and contempt. Every day when I knock, thirsty, to your heart to find a peaceful haven, tranquility, and peace, where I could heal My everyday wounds. You, who call yourselves “called” – drive Me away. As every day I wait by your bed when you will call Me, when you will remember about Me. But you never have time, you are always tired. You do not even want to talk with Me. I am a long-patient and much-merciful Lord. I will come to your souls every day and wait until they call Me. I will wait for their gentle voice and hugs.


       Love you enemies, watch over them every day, because came time when for every smallest mercy, the Lord will reward tenfold. Peace be with you.

Monday, May 17, 2004

I am the bread of life, and those who come to Me to drink the lifegiving water will have eternal life


I am the bread of life, and those who come to Me to drink the lifegiving water will have eternal life

May 17, 2004


       Jesus: “I always wait for you no matter what state you are in. No matter the twilight of souls, the ice of hearts. I am always so close, almost with you. I whisper: “My dear, My little soul, I love you so much.”

       I try to breathe in hope where there is little left. I heal that, which is in the terrible stinking scabs from the leprosy of sin. I drive away demons, who like vultures circle over the emaciated, weak soul, that lies in the quicksand of earthly passions, that does not have the strength to get up. And then angels give them to drink living water. Raise and guide to the abode of penance. But know, that I only care like this for chosen souls. Only them, I snatch from the mouths of demons so that the written may be fulfilled. So that such souls could drink the cup of their suffering, missions to the bottom.

       I am the bread of life and those who come to Me to drink the lifegiving water will have eternal life. I will always be nearby. I will always come to you. I will be the first to knock on the doors of your heart to find a haven, love of the little soul. I will not leave it until I am not driven away. I will always come to you as long as you live. I will turn to little souls through you. And when comes time to be born for the eternal life in great fear and suffering, I will be the first to raise your souls onto the bosom of Heaven, bosom of eternal joy and rest. And so will be with everyone who listens to My word and keeps all the commandments which gave the Father.


       Peace be with you. And now go into your world and announce victory. Victory of light over darkness. Because that which was lost – was found, what was dead – resurrected, so that the will of the Father may be fulfilled in him.”