Monday, May 17, 2004

I am the bread of life, and those who come to Me to drink the lifegiving water will have eternal life


I am the bread of life, and those who come to Me to drink the lifegiving water will have eternal life

May 17, 2004


       Jesus: “I always wait for you no matter what state you are in. No matter the twilight of souls, the ice of hearts. I am always so close, almost with you. I whisper: “My dear, My little soul, I love you so much.”

       I try to breathe in hope where there is little left. I heal that, which is in the terrible stinking scabs from the leprosy of sin. I drive away demons, who like vultures circle over the emaciated, weak soul, that lies in the quicksand of earthly passions, that does not have the strength to get up. And then angels give them to drink living water. Raise and guide to the abode of penance. But know, that I only care like this for chosen souls. Only them, I snatch from the mouths of demons so that the written may be fulfilled. So that such souls could drink the cup of their suffering, missions to the bottom.

       I am the bread of life and those who come to Me to drink the lifegiving water will have eternal life. I will always be nearby. I will always come to you. I will be the first to knock on the doors of your heart to find a haven, love of the little soul. I will not leave it until I am not driven away. I will always come to you as long as you live. I will turn to little souls through you. And when comes time to be born for the eternal life in great fear and suffering, I will be the first to raise your souls onto the bosom of Heaven, bosom of eternal joy and rest. And so will be with everyone who listens to My word and keeps all the commandments which gave the Father.


       Peace be with you. And now go into your world and announce victory. Victory of light over darkness. Because that which was lost – was found, what was dead – resurrected, so that the will of the Father may be fulfilled in him.”



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