Sunday, October 9, 2005

Where are My humble lambs?


Where are My humble lambs?

October 9, 2005


       Jesus prayed: “My dear, the time has come when I can turn to My little warriors. Time, when My heart will cry out – love, I love you all so much. Time, when I will beg about repentance.

       Sin has filled human souls and bodies so much. So unnoticeably it makes its way onto the throne of Spirit, for later, when the time comes to rule weak body for the glory of the devil. My faithful little warriors return to your herd. You are not alone, you have a Shepherd who will lay down his life for each of you.

       My favorite, why so few words of love come from your mouths? Why so many complaints, envy, arrogance? Where are My humble lambs?

       Today I hug everyone. Today I forgive everyone what has so long hardened in the soul. Today I light the oil lamp of love and invite to the wedding feast.

       Time unmercifully flies into the abyss, nearing the defenseless humanity closer to its setting. And We, looking at this – pray and cry for your such dear souls. Raise from the captivity of sin. Take up a sword of faith and patience to be a beacon for many travelers.

       Chosen, why are you forgetting your God? Why has fear and doubt set in your souls? Why do I read despair in your eyes? I am with you, I am close. Why do you not love? The Lord hardens everyone so that in the future your souls can withstand all the thunder and lightning.


       Love you, I love you all so much!”

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