The Fire of Eternal Love (the Holy Spirit)
February 3, 2019
My dear, today I want to tell you and those who call themselves christians of the Holy Spirit, that comes into this world to rebuild the not man made temples of your souls.
Where on the stones of virtues their true names will be engraved. And on the thrones will burn the fire of eternal love. The fire of self-denial, self-sacrifice, humbling and service to the Almighty Creator.
Service in humility and silence. Service in which I am no longer a cornerstone of “stumbling”, but a basement of faith and truth. On which the foundations of the temple of the Spirit of holiness will be laid. Where on the thrones your hearts beat full of love and goodness to Me, the Father. Where sin is the worst evil.
Where every seventh day a candle of peace is lit, that cleans your bodies, souls from the leprosy of sin.
Whitens them and prepares them for a meeting with the Groom. Who will visit everyone who wait and prepares for six days, to receive blessing of the Almighty Father on the seventh, sharing the feast with the Angle of the Lord. To receive the unquenchable fire of love. Fire of infinite sacrifice of your being to God.
Fire, that all visible and invisible demons from the abyss of hell fear. Because it is the fiery sword of Archangel Michael. Fire, that enlightens you and shows the path to the New Jerusalem. Celebration of Saturday opens the most secret doors of your hearts. It drives away, burns all the evil that seeks to fill your souls.
Satan did everything to steal the holy fire of truth from your souls, hearts, homes, religions. He ridiculed, canceled, desecrated the Saturday. Today, the celebration of the seventh day is ridiculed, silenced, hidden. As it is uncomfortable to talk about. Saturday (Sabbath) is considered a Jewish rite of contempt for christians.
Satan called the seventh day as the day of My Resurrection in christianity. My dear, on the tablets of your souls is written the Saturday as the greatest manifestation of God’s love to his children. Turning you from slaves into children of God. Children of the universe, creatures of light, in whose lives are no tears, sorrow, sin. In whose lives reigns infinite joy, peace and the inheritance of eternal life.
The day of Saturday preceded My Resurrection. My dear, it resurrects your souls to the eternal life. It opens the gates of Paradise for every soul that honored and kept the fourth commandment of God.
The trespassing of Saturday makes you a target for demons. Turns you into spiritually crippled, slaves of flesh. You close your bodies to the Spirit Comforter, whom I promised to everyone who will believe in Me.
The Holy Spirit is the continuation of Saturday. He is a symbol of My Resurrection.
My dear Esther, not the ritual that you call the Sunday mass, but the Saturday opens your hearts to the Holy Spirit.
Which transforms your flesh and blood. Turning you into a creature of spirit. Breath of which smells like holiness, and mouth opens for truth, that incinerates and exposes the bowels of everyone who serves the fall of the morning star, lucifer, covering behind the name of the living God.
Everyone who believes in Me, believes in the One Who sent me. Believes in the One, Who said to keep and honor the seventh day. Day on which children who inherited eternity rest with their Father, Who created Heaven and Earth. Praising Him with angels. Being called the names of children of God, opening their hearts for Spirit Comforter. That is continued in Me, and I am in the Almighty Father.
My dear, pray a lot, so that the fire of eternity may burn on the thrones of your souls.
So that the dove of the Holy Spirit overshadows you, revealing your being for the day of Saturday.
Peace be with you!
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