Tuesday, April 9, 2019

FIRE THAT DEVOURS GODS VINEYARD (Part 2) The Revelation of St. John the Divine. Coming of the Antichrist

FIRE THAT DEVOURS GODS VINEYARD (Part 2), The Revelation of St. John the Divine. Coming of the Antichrist.
April 9, 2019
        Esther, the deceived are thosewho want to be deceived. Who
wants to be saved, will be saved.The purpose of your life and the life
of those who believe in the LivingGod is to fight the Antichrist.
Fighting evil of any manifestation.Any rank. Even if the whole world
rebels against you, do not be afraid.My herd is small. My chosen ones
know their Lord by voice. As they keep his Commandments. Fasting
 and prayer – is their daily bread, and the Spirit of Truth is upon them.
Their fruits are sweet and good toeat, hands full of good, mercy.
Everyone who chooses holiness,instead of sin. Forgiveness, instead
of hatred. Fasting, instead ofintemperance of any manifestation
 – do not get lost in the desert of sin.