Revelation of St. John the Divine. Coming of the Antichrist.
April 9, 2019
Esther, the deceived are thosewho want to be deceived. Who
wants to be saved, will be saved.The purpose of your life and the life
of those who believe in the LivingGod is to fight the Antichrist.
Fighting evil of any manifestation.Any rank. Even if the whole world
rebels against you, do not be afraid.My herd is small. My chosen ones
know their Lord by voice. As they keep his Commandments. Fasting
prayer – is their daily bread, and the Spirit of Truth is upon them.
Their fruits are sweet and good toeat, hands full of good, mercy.
Everyone who chooses holiness,instead of sin. Forgiveness, instead
of hatred. Fasting, instead ofintemperance of any manifestation
– do not
get lost in the desert of sin.
Those who
endure the time, when satan
sits on the throne of Earth.
The time of the greatest persecutionof Christians. The time when the
true names of saints will be completed. When the Bible
disappears from the face of Earth.
When for the Crucifix on bodyyou will be quartered. When parents
betray their children andchildren will betray their parents.
When the price of an immortal soulwill be a measure of wheat. When
of darkness will torture for faith in
God live, on social networks.
At the
time of great martyrdom.
When freedom of choice, words, will become an unattainable relic of the past.
When everything, that inhabits the world will have its serial number,
mark, price. The beast began the last war against the spirit. Genetic
engineering erases the seal of the Lord from the face of Earth. Today,
servants of Antichrist tell you that GMO is a fight against starvation,
and that IVF is a gift of Heaven to childless families, vaccination
– victory against diseases, transplantations – continuation
of one’s miserable existence.
They created a gold exchange fund, bank of seed, an organ bank, blood
bank, stem cell bank, an anthropometric data register,
a retina and fingerprint bank…
Esther, you are being prepared for global changes, which will give
the beginning to Armageddon. Everything that you are told, taught,
is a great deception. Step by step humanity is being prepared until
the point from which it will be impossible to return. You are being
for a war of new millennium, which will take millions
of souls into the abyss of hell. Esther, the curtain of time is open
– that
means that the boundary between the visible and the invisible
world is erased. Earth is preparing for a
great battle with the servants
Antichrist. A war that will open the gates of hell, releasing locusts
from its abyss. The time has come when the trumpets of heaven will
gather My army under the banner of the
Almighty Father.
Army, that will be able to repel the demons, will not hesitate and
will withstand the times of great persecution and trial of true Christians.
The Revelation, by John, describes the last battle of good and evil at
the end of times. His method of description is closed for your
understanding. I will open the curtain of the future a little. Esther,
interpretation of the Apocalypse with dates is impossible. All those
who calculate the date of the coming of
Antichrist and the end of times
are deceiving themselves. The time is closed and none of you will be
ready for the events described by my favorite Apostol. Antichrist can
be called the son of Lucifer. Because his spirit will be embodied
in a virgin. He will come to repeat the story of My life, just the
opposite. First, you will observe his resurrection, after which he will
preach for 3 years and half of the time about his power, religion, law.
With his coming the image of your usual life will change so much,
that you will wish death yourself and your close ones, but it will leave
the Earth. Fantasies and the worst horror movies will become reality.
After the “resurrection and miraculous healing” of the Antichrist
from a deadly wound, a false prophet will appear, who will be
the archetype of John the Baptist. He will do many miracles, one of
which will be the ascension of the fiery tongues from heaven, but he
will baptize you not with the Holy Spirit, but with abomination from
the abyss of hell. In this way, the bodies of people will become
a refuge for the regiments of demons, the number of which will
be like the number of the name of the beast. These people will
be obsessed and will create a terrible woe, their atrocities
shocking. False prophet (beast from the earth) will preach the Kingdom
Antichrist, kingdom of the “Universal Spirit”.
that will unite that, which cannot be united – all religions.
Esther, the horns of the beast, that came from the sea – are the main
religions of earth. With his servants (new servants of the temple of the
universal spirit) he will seal you with the mark of hell.
The beginnings of Ecumenism will become the fundament of the
rebuilding of Solomon’s temple in which the son of sin will sit, son
of death for the whole humanity. There,
the crowning as a ruler will
take place, ruler of all, that inhabits the Earth. My dear, the mark of the
beast is not nanotechnologies, not a set of numbers and barcodes.
Chips and barcodes with the number 666 are a substitution
of truth. Number 666 – is the number of his name, it means
Abaddon (Apollyon). He has many names
independent of the epoch
of your residence, and all of them make up the number 666. How
many “prophets” shout, that the end of times has come, that the sealing
began, but you still have time for repentance, time to receive the seal
of the
Lord and a stone with a whitened name, without which
it will be impossible to save your soul at the end of times. Everything
happens today – is an attempt to take total control over all
of humanity. Servants of satan tirelessly work on this, who dictates
them the course of your history, your way of life (I saw four men
and one women all of elderly age, they were located deep under earth
near a stone altar. What was on it, was not visible, they covered
everything with their mantles, each of them had an emblem
embroidered on their backs. They spoke Aramaic with a figure
woven of black “smoke, fog”).
His goal
is to ridicule Johns Revelation, the Bible. To call
everything a fairytale for children. In this way, putting your mind
to sleep. How many “antichrists” have already come and will come,
until the true king of darkness ascends on the throne of Earth.
The true purpose of the mark of the beast is a lot worse than
nanotechnologies, by which they try to lead you into delusion.
It contains genetics of the beast and his names. The mark – is a
liquid. Liquid to be anointed on the forehead or the right hand,
depending on the race and religion, which was inherent for them.
You have long been accustomed to
putting your foreheads and
hands for the rites of your religions . Many rites exist in many different
religions using forehead and hands.
Today, it
does not bring you harm, but “tomorrow”, new servants
of temples will anoint you for an eternal wandering in the Fiery
Gehenna. Once on the skin, it will come into contact with your DNA,
changing it forever. On the skin will be left a visible mark, a pattern.
The marking is the destruction of human genetic material.
Destroying you as a species. The beast wants to destroy
everything that can remind him about Me, My life on Earth. About
the commandments of the Living God. Everyone will have their own
stamp – it is like water baptism, but the opposite. You will
be called a blasphemous name that will erase your christian name.
The mark of Antichrist will destroy the bodies of those who worship
him. Slowly, day by day they will rot in full wealth with a variety of foods
and beverages.
They will wish death, many of them will try to end their lives by suicide,
but it will not be there. Movies about living
dead will become a reality.
Esther, anyone who will not have the mark, who will not receive the
blasphemous name and the number of the
name of satan will be beyond
the law, beyond survival.
They will be persecuted, tortured, and killed, so that the
names of saints can be completed. Together with angels I will support
those, who will refuse to worship the Antichrist and receive his mark.
I will not talk about the atrocities, that await the last martyrs. I will
only say that satan will try to separate body from soul, conducting
various experiments. He will try to combine animal body with the
human body, creating subcreatures, subanimals, and a lot of what you
should not know about. (Events of the future, like excerpts from the
worst horror movie, opened before me, my mind refused to accept what
I saw…)
Only a small remainder of those born from the Holy Spirit
will be able to be saved and save their lives. My dear ones, practice
fasting, work on endurance of your body. In no circumstances do not
accept micro cards, that are injected under your skin, no matter how
convenient and beneficial they may seem. Try to submit as little of your
data as possible, especially anthropometric data of your
children to the world registers.
Defend your personal right not to disclose as long as possible.
Do not vaccinate, because if you knew what todays vaccines contain,
you would never agree to them. Study the letter of law to know
how to protect yourself if it threatens your life, health, and
beliefs. Be up to date with modern technology – all this will be useful
at the end of times. Grow your children in wisdom and endurance.
Do not transfer it to schools, that take away the mind and medicine,
that steals the remains of health. Be responsible for your own lives
and lives of your close ones. Learn to
do without food, water.
Learn to
survive in the wilderness, navigate
by a map, sun, stars, not
navigators, that will lead you straight into the paws of satan’s
servants. Prepare a hiking backpack with everything needed for survival.
refugee in mountains. Cracks in rocks and caves can
become and ideal refuge and shelter for your
families. Think about ways
of travel and reserves of food, fuel. Be careful that this day does not
catch you like a thief at a quiet clear time. Pass on your knowledge to
the next generation. Angels will show you the way. Learn to live
holy, do good, preach the Gospels. Tell your
children what is good
and evil. Pray a lot, so that rivers of living water flow from within
you (it is the ability to understand and preach the Gospels). You still
have time for salvation. Rebuild the abandoned temples of your souls,
so that the fire of eternity may ignite in them.
Esther, a great earthquake will be a harbinger of the end of times for
all of you, when the earth’s crust breaks and the gates of hell open.
Peace be with you!
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