September 26, 2019
I see a
field where grapes are ripening. Field that does not have a beginning or end.
As far as I could see, I saw ripe bunches of grapes. Bunches of which were ripe
for the harvest.
I saw four stars, that were falling from the sky
turning into giant fiery angels, who stood at the four sides of the field. In
their right hand each of them held a sickle, and in their left a scale. I heard
the voice of the Lord:
Reapers are ready to reap what they have not sown. The harvest of your
souls is ripe.
I saw storm clouds, approaching from the east,
swirling in a whirlwind of fiery tornadoes rushing towards the field to destroy
everything… In a moment, I see a field in the center of which stood seven giant
baskets with selected bunches of grapes. The rest of the fruit lies beaten on
the ground and crows peck them, tearing them with their paws, turning the field
into a bloody arable land. I heard a voice, as a voice of many: