Thursday, September 26, 2019



September 26, 2019

 I see a field where grapes are ripening. Field that does not have a beginning or end. As far as I could see, I saw ripe bunches of grapes. Bunches of which were ripe for the harvest.
I saw four stars, that were falling from the sky turning into giant fiery angels, who stood at the four sides of the field. In their right hand each of them held a sickle, and in their left a scale. I heard the voice of the Lord:

-        Reapers are ready to reap what they have not sown. The harvest of your souls is ripe.

I saw storm clouds, approaching from the east, swirling in a whirlwind of fiery tornadoes rushing towards the field to destroy everything… In a moment, I see a field in the center of which stood seven giant baskets with selected bunches of grapes. The rest of the fruit lies beaten on the ground and crows peck them, tearing them with their paws, turning the field into a bloody arable land. I heard a voice, as a voice of many:

MNE…! MNE…! TKEL…! UPHARSIN…! (Me-ne…Me-ne…Te-kel…U-phar-sin)




       I heard horrible howling and barking. I see a well from the abyss of which dogs jump out, darker than night, with terrible mouths from which drips saliva. As a hurricane they rush into human settlements destroying everything in its path. I see the ruler of the abyss of hell – Lucifer, tied up with one chain that is about to fall apart. With his army he is preparing to begin the Armageddon of Earth.

       My dear, prepare an armor of light for the fight with the powers of evil. There is no time left to think. My faithful little warriors prepare your bodies, souls, through many days of true fasting, to save many blind, deaf, lame, infirm, to enlighten the darkness of their souls and to heal their infirmities with My love. Prepare two-edged swords of truth for all hypocrites, liars, fornicators.

       For all those who do not know the name of the living God, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For all the cowards, who are ashamed of their faith in God, calling themselves atheists, and the Creator of Heaven and Earth a ”Higher Power”, “Universe”. All those who will not bring a fruit worthy of the Heavenly Father will be thrown into a bloody grape press of God’s wrath.
Today, I will tell you about the fruitless branches of your souls. About a thief who bypasses all locks and veils wanting to occupy and seize the altar of your souls. Thief, that wishes your condemnation and imminent death. Thief, that substituted the truth of today’s Christianity. Falsely appropriating to himself all your feelings, actions, dooming your souls to wander in the abyss of hell.
Your holiness is rebuilding the non-man-made temples of your souls, but sin, hatred, serves as a donor for the rebirth of the kingdom of darkness led by its king. A king that hates you with all his demonic nature. A king, the purpose of whom is to subordinate every soul to his name.
Wake up my faithful little warriors for the apostolic work! Free your souls from the yoke of sin. Wash your wonderful bodies with the waters of fasting, so that the truth may be born in your hearts. Begin the exit from the desert of sin through the introduction of spiritual fasting in your lives. Which will fill it with meaning. And you will see so clearly, and will hear so clearly the Voice of love, Voice of your salvation.

       If you are not gathering virtues of goodness, mercy, love, in My name – you are spilling God’s grains, which with such love were sown in your souls from the start of the creation of the world, even before your birth on earth. Remember, if you are not with Me, you are with Lucifer the Son of the Morning…! Your weaknesses inflame the hearth of lust in your bodies. Lusts, that dictate you your daily routine.
Lusts, that are like the mire of mud, diseases, that drag you into the mire of sin day after day. Turning into humble slaves of Lucifer, who endows you with new prophets, addictions. You live exclusively for the carnal pleasure that food and clothing bring you, “Gadgets”, entertainment, money, gambling, recreation. Food that poisons your flesh and blood because it bears the mark of the beast. Mark of the beast is on everything that surrounds you.

       I saw a giant spirit with a frog’s head and numerous hands, seven from each side (Similar to a combination of the Chinese idol Hotei and Shiva). I saw our worldly and religious celebrations with a variety of foods, our daily meals, rest, entertainment, and spirit, that sits with a wide open mouth, as we are worshipping and feeding Him. Anyone, who comes to him receives a spirit of insatiability, each of whom with every day demands larger servings, all new entertainment, more modern gadgets, sharper sensations, bloodier games, more money, as the sense of proportion has been long lost. It is still not enough for us… Feeling of spiritual hunger, physical, carnal, emotional grows with the frog-like spirit, which settled in our souls.

       Your bodies demand more longer care time to mask the traces of decay, spiritual decay. Because demonic worms are already grinding your souls today. You do not imagine your lives without “gadgets” with which you go to bed and wake up. You do not notice what is happening around you. You are living in a virtual world which imposes on you the rules of your existence, rules of your behavior, look of clothes, food, rest. You give yourself to the idol of today, forgetting about God. You think, about how to surprise and impress your surroundings, how to further mask the shortcomings of the body, time, with the means of the “future”.

       You do not think about how to please your Heavenly Father. You do not know Him. You have nothing to tell Him. You are not ready to dedicate to Him a single minute of your time, because you have no time, you have jobs, children, husbands, wives, holidays, funerals, not feeling well, depressions… thousands of reasons, why you do not live for your God. Why choose sin instead of holiness? Why do you not smile? Esther, a sincere smile can melt the strongest armor and ice of indifference of your hearts.
You forgot how to rejoice in the achievements of others, because in your hearts lies a millstone of envy, lust, pride. You are ready to prove your uniqueness to the whole world, forgetting about the One, who always knew that you are unique, and for Him you are always beautiful. You do not need to prove to Him anything. He does not need empty words. He sees your core, the depth of heart and knows how to read its sadness, joy, hatred, and false love.

       The world of sin, world of flesh, world of infirmities, wake up! Everyone who will not be born from the Spirit of Truth – will not inherit the Kingdom of eternal flowering. You, who so look forward to my next epistles stay deaf and blind branches. Branches, that still do not bring fruit. You did not begin your exit from the captivity of sin. You are not spreading My epistles of love and the warning to humanity.
You are waiting for a personal invitation, waiting for signs.
But I, cry out to your souls, inviting you to action, work, but you continue your inactivity.

       You are deceiving yourselves with false fantasies, thus, justifying your indifference, while those who are at the forefront of the battle of good and evil lie exhausted without the right of hope, without outside help… Because those, who I called My faithful warriors are still sleeping. If you still do not understand what to do and what direction to go in, maybe there is no more time for the enlightenment of your lazy souls. You are embarrassed of Me. The real Me, without the affiliation and “patent” of today’s churches, beliefs. Me, Real Christ, who came and continues to come into your world to enlighten your darkness, to gather you under the banner of the Living God into one spiritual body. My Body, that came into this world for the fight with the powers of evil. Anyone who hesitates, anyone who is ashamed, anyone who is afraid and does not know how to repel all the hypocrites who called themselves by My name will be mercilessly cut off.
You, who still did not find a spiritual platform for holiness, fasting, are not better than those who serve Beelzebub, falsely calling yourselves to be of Christ.

       Not everyone who says, Lord, Lord, will be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Because when I was sick you did not visit Me, when I was traveling you did not take Me in, when I was naked you did not clothe Me, when I was hungry you did not feed me, when I was a prisoner you did not visit Me. How many physically or spiritually sick did you heal, or help get money for medicine? How many strangers, orphans did you accept under your family’s wing, how many widows did you protect or take under your care? How many hungry did you feed, sharing with them your meal, instead of giving leftovers from your table?

       How many imprisoned did you visit, how many did you save from an unjust trial? How much good have you done to your enemies? How many offenders were you able to forgive with sincerity, depth, and love of your whole soul?

To be continued…

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