Sin is a great evil that flooded the whole Earth
December 14, 2000
Jesus: “Many pastors are going an evil path. They are trying to pull some of you with them. Beware of them. Ask God for salvation. Do not look for faithful friends in the clergy, because everyone is your companion. Everyone, who you meet on the street. And especially those who you do not love.
Your country is preparing for a plague, that will bring many tears and crying. That is why stay awake, so that your souls are always on guard, so that your mouths beg the Father for forgiveness, so that this bitter cup may pass you by.
My dear ones, prepare for the Warning, so little time and your hands are empty. Keep your souls in purity and bodies in armor of prayer, which no evil spirit can undermine. I hope that you will be worthy during the times of trials to be called My sisters and brothers. I want to believe that tomorrow when I knock to you, you will let Me in.
I love you all so much. Now go and bring your peace and love to your world. Pour unto them the infinite streams of My mercy, and tell them that they are the best to Me.
January 16, 2001
A cliff. At the top of it was a wonderful temple. When I entered I saw Jesus who taught children. When He saw me, He said: “You know sister, the time has come.”. His eyes were in pain and sad. Like he did not see me, His gaze was directed towards the events that were coming.
“My dear, always remember that I love you, I love your family. And there will be no peace in My heart until I hug each of your souls in the world of Heaven.
Poor, dumb souls, how little is the price of your salvation. How easily you sell God. How little you take in exchange for the eternal? You, who falsely shout about your love to God, how vile you will betray Him. You, who go to church so often, who speak so eloquently of your mercy – will exchange everything for a piece of bread, for wealth, for glory and honor.
Sister, sin is a great evil. It flooded the whole Earth. Each soul is undermined with its decay and stench. It is almost impossible to fight this plague. All inhabitants of heaven call upon the Father for justice. And that means inevitable collapse of humanity. Inevitable collapse of their present existence, their rites, customs, religion. Because that which so gently glorified Gods Name in the past, now turned into unending words of blasphemy of His Name. The punishment is inevitable. Everything will start with the Warning.
Sister, do you love Me very much, if you do then tell Me about it every day. Now go and spend all this time before our meeting in humility and humbleness.”
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