Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Important Information 5 (Final Part)

Important Information 5 (Final Part)


January 19, 2021



       Events are not standing still, and time has come to give last advices to those who do not want to become slaves of the system and lose their souls in the unequal and merciless war of evil and humanity.

       Today, fast paced destruction of economies of countries is taking place, after this will be a rise of prices for medical services, reduction, and cancelation of medical insurance.

       Lockdowns, closing of restaurants, markets, grocery stores, gyms and cancelation of sport competitions will lead to obesity and loss of ability to protest.

       In all countries where governments will oppose new changes, the governors will be exchanged for loyal servants.

       Those who oppose will be declared dangerous, insane and be excluded from society.

       Bankruptcy of wealthy people is the first goal of lockdowns, after the bankruptcy of countries with the subsequent introduction of external control and crediting countries on their own terms.

       Culture, museums, proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, everything will go under the knife. Instead of this, preservatives, illiteracy, society of basic instincts, epidemics, wars. Total electronic concentration camp...

 Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin… “Humanity has been weighted and found wanting and given into the hands of evil.”


 Four Angels will reap people’s lives and each Angel will take the lives of people of certain age, one Angel for each generation.

The first Angel started reaping – those are people 65 years and older, soon he will complete the number, and no one is in power to stop him, no one is in power to hide from his sickle.

The second Angel that will follow will take the lives of young people.

The third Angel will take lives of mature people.

 The fourth Angel will complete the harvest of the vineyard with the lives of infants and children

        But the Lord is merciful and sends salvation for His sheep. Those who hear His voice and can distinguish among a thousand voices of false pastors, for those who did not accept the laws of evil and are prepared for action.

       The development of the events that are happening today follow one goal, to decrease the population of the planet, to separate soul from body. To achieve the ability to remove souls, leaving the body “alive”.


       “Those days men shall seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, but death shall flee from them.”, the Revelation 9:6.


       Zechariah 14:12… “Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.”


       There is nothing permanent and unchangeable on Earth, every plan of satan can be altered, or postponed, or spoiled.

       Everything changes every day, every hour, every minute. You yourselves affect the world around you.

       For every virus there is antivirus, against every weapon there is protection.

       For every action there is a counteraction.


       Today, the weapons against humanity are viruses, gases of neuro-paralytic action, chimeras, people completely under control who are affected by the neurovirus and radiation.




       We will write about defense against each influence on your health.

1. Belonging to God. Faith, in that nothing can happen to you without His will for it, not a single hair will fall from your head without His holy will.

       Every day prayer chases evil away. Staying awake and asking for protection can save. Power of your word can defeat evil.

/For all who do not believe in God and immortal soul it does not make sense to read any further/

       Person who is with God can be warned about danger in sleep.

2. The Nativity of God opens us a path to life. The gifts of the three kings, Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, they can protect our lives like they protected little Jesus.

Gold – is finances for escape (vehicle, tent, backpack, provisions, etc.).

Frankincense – protection against the invisible world and spirits of the abyss of hell.

Myrrh – Physical health of the body.


3. The Last Supper: the breaking of unleavened bread and consumption of juice from the fruit of grape, as a way of connecting with God the Father through the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we may always be in Him and He in us.

       Today, the sacrament of the Eucharist is dishonored, ridiculed, made public, although it should happen in the silence of evening with tightly closed doors of your homes in a tight family circle, with fear and completely open, naked heart for the Life-giver of Eternity, so that you and your spiritual body may become one whole with the Lord, so that everyone whom you pass the piece of the unleavened bread became part of you, so that your family may be one whole body in Christ.


       The Last Supper or the “Eucharist” is not possible without washing the feet of all members of the family. It is not possible for a large crowd as only one unleavened piece of bread can be broken, and one wineglass of grape juice shared. Today, the Eucharist – is a conveyer belt for blasphemy of the Lord and the sacrament of the Eucharist.


       The Lord divided His unleavened bread into twelve pieces, this number symbolizes The twelve tribes of Israel. Only Judas Iscariot could not inherit his share of eternal flowering through the Holy Spirit as he left right after the breaking of unleavened bread, offended by the words of Jesus Christ, without have consumed the juice of the New Testament. Everyone who connected with the Lord during the Last Supper received the fiery Spirits of Truth, which He sends on Earth after His Resurrection.


       Today, false pastors purposefully take away the chance for salvation and eternal life for future generations. Bread on leaven, yeast, alcohol, and sugar are not allowed for Communion. Also, the Eucharist with bread alone makes the sacrifice of the New Testament incomplete and fruitless. You cannot claim the Spirit Comforter, the stone with the whitened name without clear and correct observance and fulfillment of the sacrifice of the New Testament. And lastly, the Last Supper can be done a few times a year and before it must be multiday fasting.


Against viruses and gases, we use incense and offer it to the Lord.

       Essential oils, by inhaling them we deactivate the virus, making it less aggressive, and we block the effect on the amygdala.


Recipes for therapeutic mixtures:

 Recipe #1:

Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) – 1 drop.

Atlas Cedar (Cédrus atlantica) – 2 drops.

Lemon-Scented Ironbark (Eucalyptus staigeriana) – 1 drop.


 Recipe #2:

Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) – 1 drop.

Tasmanian (Southern) Blue Gum (Eucalýptus globulus) – 1 drop.

Narrow-Leaved Peppermint (Eucalyptus radiata) – 2 drops.


Recipe #3:

Bitter orange /bigarade/ (Citrus aurantium) – 2 drops.

Himalayan Cedar (Cedrus deodara) – 1 drop.

Lemon-Scented Gum (Corymbia citriodora) – 1 drop.


Recipe #4:

Key Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) – 1 drop.

Cistus Ladanifer (Cistus ladanifer) – 2 drops.

Himalayan Cedar (Cedrus deodara) – 1 drop.


Recipe #5:

Narrow-Leaved Peppermint (Eucalyptus radiata) – 2 drops.

Himalayan Cedar (Cedrus deodara) – 1 drop.

Bitter orange (bigarade) (Citrus aurantium) – 1 drop.



Recipe #6:

Tasmanian (Southern) Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) – 1 drop.

Atlas Cedar (Cédrus atlantica) – 2 drops.

Cistus ladanifer (Cistus ladanifer) – 1 drop.



       If the fever does not go down for a few days, increase drops to 2 drops for every component of the recipe, meaning 2drops+2drops+2drops= 6 drops for a tablespoon of water and not more than 15 minutes.

You need an aroma lamp to use these mixtures.


 Mixture #6, for night, blocks the influence of the waves on the brain, 15 minutes before sleep, (maximum 30 minutes).

Mixture #4, for morning, strengthens immune system, stimulates production of Immunoglobulin A.

Mixture #1, for problems with the digestive system, when the virus has abdominal form, enteritis, etc. Three to four times a day. Until symptoms stop.


Mixtures #2, 3, 4, prevention of viral diseases, protection against mRNA.


To conclude: 

Mixture #6 is for using at the first signs of insomnia, aggression, unexplained fatigue, daily before sleep.

Mixture #4, for the first signs of viral infection.

Mixture #1, for when the virus takes abdominal form, this might be more for children, because very often the viral infection for them is shown through enteritis.


Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carterii) – has a healing and warming effect. With the appearance of a new form of children’s cold, draw a cross on the child’s chest.

A drop behind the ear for protection on the street.




 True frankincense must have a barely noticeable aroma, must be clear as the dried resin of the trees from which it is obtained.


       Frankincense (olibanum) – is a natural, expensive product, the amount of which is limited, and for the production of a large quantity of frankincense, incense sellers resort to counterfeiting and produce it from cheap raw materials.


       The kings brought as gifts to the King of Kings incense, at the level of gold, accordingly, it was also expensive and valuable in those days.


       Scented frankincense, which is sold in large packages, in packets, with aromas of roses and spices is nothing but cheap, completely useless, and powerless to fight evil.


       Real frankincense is sold in small packages of 30-50 grams, in airtight and not clear jars. Incense is stored in a dark place.


       Real frankincense should soften and melt. Aroma of which should be not pleasant and sweet but tart. Frankincense should not give off a lot of smoke.


       Frankincense obtained from the resin of trees in Yemen, cannot be made in China. Incense which you stored for more than five years loses its properties.


        Benzoin Siam (Resina Benzoe), some kinds of incense, gives a softer structure than Frankincense and a more intense pleasant aroma.


       To fight chimeras, demons, possessed people or people who are under the influence of the neurovirus – a bag of Benzoin Siam will help. (A small cloth non-transparent bag with one piece of this incense. Small means 1cm by 1cm can be made as a bracelet on the arm, hemmed to clothing, or like a Paraman on the neck.)

       It as if melts with access to air and warmth of your body, thus giving off a light aroma, which will make you invisible to the powers of evil.


        Myrrh – resin from the bark of trees which grow on the Arabian Peninsula. It protects the territory from radiation, cleans food products. It needs to be burned in fire. Also clears water.


       Any deviation from the schemes of essential oils, incense varieties will not give the above effect. Careless and incorrect conduct of the Last Supper will leave your souls fruitless and empty.




Do not search for frankincense in church stores, there it is just as false as those who sell it.


St. Luke 11:10 “…Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh recieveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.”

      Peace be with you!

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