Friday, November 12, 2021

Dawn (continued)

Dawn (continued)

November 12, 2021


       “APOLLO” – the experiment to create the perfect weapon – a superhuman. Completely controlled, not prone to diseases, with superb immune system. They can be distinguished by their speed of reaction, lack of emotional background, incredible strength, autonomous damage recovery system. They can be called immortal since life expectancy is not defined.



   The experiment began in 1996 – the most expensive experiment past law in the last century. Its subjects were embryos, beginning from 21 weeks of embryogenesis, the experiment was done on pregnant, 16 to 18 years of age, boys 12 to 24 years of age and 3% were people age 35 and older, the oldest subject was 76 years old. All the subjects were administered with semi-synthetic animal RNA. The result was 100% death of subjects 25 years and older, 100% death of all pregnant and their embryos. A positive result in 0.8% of subjects. Development of atypical immune system, super activation of shadow mirror neurons with the formation of new neuronal synapses, the amygdala abnormally enlarged with successful establishment of nano trackers.

       The project was successfully completed in 2016 with the code name “APPOLO”, it was released on world level. The purpose, administration of the drug to all inhabitants of the planet from the age of 3 years of age and older for the purpose of changing the human DNA forever. The medicine was presented as an experimental tool for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, restoration of hearing, vision, deceleration of the aging process, reduction and then elimination of the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. The medicine was rejected by the council of scientists due to the fact that it made changes to the carrier of genetic information of the human body, which is inhuman and unacceptable in the legislation of all countries.


       All the purposes of this medicine such as for longevity, health, restoration of vision and hearing, treating Alzheimer’s, are all lies, just as is everything they tell you about.

       In 2019, with the emergence of the new virus, the drug was approved for use on humans under the disguise of va-c-nes.  

       Every new dose carries a different dose of non-human RNA. The basis was the animal RNA, which was modified in a laboratory, it is semi-synthetic and differentiates with a faster phase of separation than in the animal RNA.

       Meaning that if in animals genetic changes can occur only in the third generation, then with this RNA changes will already occur in the structures of the organism that received a dose. In simple words it is the crossing of an animal and human at genetic level.

       Beginning with the second dose, in the va-c-ne appears a substance which affects the aging process of the cell, more specifically on the continuation of the telomeric parts of chromosomes, thus allowing unlimited cell division, which leads to theoretical immortality of the body. The synthesis of this substance is directly related to the polymerase chain reaction P C R.

       The body of such person will “think” that it is young and will not start the mechanisms of destruction of old cells, even with diseased kidneys and heart, atrophied muscles, the body will live.


       In addition to the semi-synthetic RNA, there are nano transmitters, that begin to be accumulated in the amygdala. Amygdala then begins to look like a sphere with needles, like an Echinus. It increases in size and on it begin to collect nano trackers, like “antennas” that begin to transmit commands-signals. As a result, they create seven autonomous centers of body control: one in the brain, one at the end of the spinal cord, in the sternum, in the scaphoid bone on each side and in the tibias. There need to be at least three of these centers for the functionality of the organism.

       These centers are made of new types of neurons (shadow mirror neuron) capable of infinite energy synthesis and transmission of neural impulses at a distance.

       Neural connection will be able to control the body autonomously. The skeleton will be entwined with a network of new neural connections with a still unknown mechanism of nerve impulse transmission. Such people will move very fast. They will see very clear and have superhuman abilities.

       To achieve the desired result at least five doses are required.


       Also va-c-na-ted people will be infertile, not because they will lose the ability to reproduce, but because depending on the manufacturer, batch and time of dose of the va-c-ne, depending on the person’s blood type there will be different changes of the DNA. Finding identical pair to produce offspring will be very difficult.

       The changes will first happen on cellular level, and then will become visible.

       The main goal – are children, since their stem cells have not completed their division cycle, children 3 to 12 years of age. They are not interested in babies since they do not survive the experiment.

       It is possible that limitations will be introduced for children from 3 to 12 years of age to visit public places without the va-c-ne, restrictions on school attendance will be tightened and their goal will be to force children to va-c-na-te.


       Approximately after 6 to 7 months all va-c-na-ted people will have clearly identifiable pigment markers on the retina, codes and electronic passes that can be forged is the past, the most important pass is the human body. Scanners will be installed on entrances and those who do not pass the identification will not go through.

       The va-c-ne does not work on everyone, there are people who will not be receptive to the components of the existing va-c-nes or the ones that will be created in the future. These are people with a certain blood subtype. At some point, such people will be tracked down and destroyed.

       The most problems emerge with the implementation of nanoparticles. Next doses exist specifically to make people controlled.

       People live under the influence of a continuous background – noise which is always transmitted with the help of the internet. It consists of multiwave signals perceived by the human subconscious. Constant and simultaneous receipt by the brain of different commands, leads to the loss of a clear analysis of what is happening, memory failures, unreasonable aggression, apathy and fears.

       The main commands of such temper: you are weak; you cannot do anything; you need to follow the instructions, to be safe; you can get sick; you need to save yourself; ignorant people do not acknowledge the  mortal danger of infections; you cannot lose everything you worked so hard for; there is one who knows the solution, you will soon hear “Him” (a voice, that will be impossible to resist). People who heard the “voice” will fall into euphoria and begin saying that they found the purpose of life and will do all the terrible things with a smile of bliss on their face.

       Everyone, even the non-va-c-na-ted, but with an activated amygdala will be receptive to the signals. There are two main types of influence on the amygdala, the first is by introduction into the blood, and the second is through a nasopharyngeal test, after a fifth such test, the amygdala becomes aggravated. Soon there will appear tablets from viruses, additives in products containing micro doses of components of the va-c-ne.

       Each person feels aggression, anxiety, we are all ready to receive the signal. The signal is transmitted with the help of towers. There is a way to help stabilize the amygdala body. About this will be written later.

       The person in which begins the modification of the genetic information can feel hunger for blood, they will be drawn to meat, sections with raw meat in stores. Soon will appear fake meat with human taste, to arouse their hunger for human blood. Some will develop sickle cell anemia, the symptoms of which will decrease after eating this meat. Some will want to run, some will have sharpened hearing and vision. Soon they will want to attack other people to satisfy their hunger.

        Those who began this experiment are ready to destroy everything alive on this planet if their plans do not go as planned. A nuclear war can be completely possible if the experiment goes out of control.

       It is not worth to fall into despair from the received information, you do not need to run and hide in the mountains already now, but you need to be ready for this. Look for potential shelter in your area. Do not limit yourself to the borders of your countries, when it all starts – it will not matter anymore.

       This must be a place of mountainous terrain, impassable forests, it is not necessary to buy it, it is enough to just know how to get there, you can create supplies of food and necessities for living.

       All those who are afraid for their unpaid loans or houses, cars, work, study, understand, that in the new world they prepared, these things do not have any value, only your lives and priceless souls.

       Peace and courage to all of us, with love, Esther!

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