Sunday, November 13, 2022

Protection measures in the event of nuclear or chemical attack

 November 12, 2022

Protection measures in the event of nuclear attack:

In the event of a nuclear attack the warning systems should be activated 15 minutes before the explosion. During this time you must either move as far away as possible from the future focus of damage or hide in a building. You should always run opposite to the direction of the wind, since after the explosion the radioactive cloud will be moving in the direction of the wind. You need to take cover as high as possible.

In case at the moment of nuclear explosion you end up outside of a building or shelter, you must quickly lay face down on the ground, with your head on the opposite side from the explosion. Cover your head with a cloth or hood, if you do not have either then cover with your hands. Do not hide near walls of buildings and structures – they could collapse.

At the time of the flash you should close your eyes – this can protect them from being damaged by light radiation. Put on a gas mask or respirator, if you do not have either, close your mouth and nose with anything (handkerchief, scarf, etc.) and shake the dust off your clothes.

If you are in a car you need to watch the time 15 minutes from the first warning, and 2 minutes before the explosion stop, pull over to the side of the road, turn off all equipment, lay down on the ground or bend down so that your head is between your knees, cover your head with a cloth, close your eyes.

Protection of housing against the penetration of radioactive dust and aerosols:

To improve the airtightness of the room, seal all the cracks in doors and door frames, close vents, chimneys, and other openings. Gaps between your doors and door frames can be filled with gaskets made of rubber, foam, or other similar material, you can use a mattress.

If there is a basement in the building it is better to hide there and prepare it as a temporary shelter.

Water supplies must be hermetically sealed. Do not consume water from open sources, as well as milk of animals that were outside the premises. Food products must be hermetically sealed. Supply of food and water should be for 15 days. Mostly non-perishable, ready to eat products. You need to have a flashlight in the building, and radio powered by batteries. A prepared backpack in an accessible place. Do not forget to agree on a meeting place with your relatives in advance, in case the explosion finds you separated.



The effect of large doses of radiation on a person can cause acute radiation sickness and radiation burns.

Symptoms of radiation sickness: severe weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

The longer a person is in the radioactive zone, the larger the dose they will receive.

Depending on the degree of the received dose, 4 degrees of severity of radiation sickness are distinguished.

At a dose of 100μzv/h it is necessary to hide indoors and not go outside.

Do not consume anything that has not been hermetically sealed before the explosion.

Do not stay outside, do not sit on the ground or touch anything.


First aid in case of acute radiation sickness:

Move the victim to a safe place, basement, cellar, special shelter.

Take off and destroy the victims clothing (with the purpose of preventing further exposure of radioactive substances to the skin and mucous membranes), and if this is not possible, carry out partial sanitation and decontamination of clothing and shoes.

Deactivation of radioactive substances on skin:

In case of skin contact with radioactive substances, it is necessary to wash them off as soon as possible. The optimal water temperature for washing off is 30-32C°, not warmer!

If there is significant damage to the skin, the most contaminated areas are first decontaminated, and then all others.

When it comes to damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth or eyes, they are washed with a large amount of water with a 2% solution of baking soda.

Wash the eyes, visible mucous membranes, oral cavity, stomach with clear water, then give the victim to drink intestinal sorbents (activated charcoal in the amount of 5-6 tablets).

Let the victim drink green tea and ginger, which are powerful natural antioxidants and will reduce the negative impact of free radicals formed in cells under the influence of radiation.

Give a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage. In their absence, you can use a towel moistened with clear water, a napkin.


In the presence of mechanical injury, thermal burn, you should additionally:

Wash off the wound with a stream of water with a disinfectant.

Treat the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide to remove radionuclides.

It is necessary to thoroughly clean small wounds of radioactive particles, even if such treatment can be very painful.

Apply an aseptic bandage to the wound surface.

Inject (or give) a analgesic.


First aid for radiation burns:

It is necessary to:

Remove radioactive substances from the surface of the skin by washing with a stream of water or special solvents.

Put an aseptic bandage on the affected surface.

Deliver the victim to a medical facility as soon as possible.


Attention: Potassium iodine in tablets is used in disasters at nuclear power plants, since radioactive iodine is used in nuclear fuel, its benefits in the use of nuclear weapons are very doubtful.


Chemical weapons (CW):

CW are divided into several types depending on the type of poisonous substance (PS).

PS of suffocating action.

PS of nerve-paralytic effect.

PS of excitatory action.

PS of psychochemical action.

PS of skin-abscess action.

Use of PS can happen without any warning or sounds.

Signs you have been affected: sweet, unpleasant taste, taste of iron, cough, dizziness, general weakness. Death of birds and small animals.

Action in case of attack – leave the focus of spread, cover your face with a scarf or put on a mask, if the substances got on the skin or mucous membrane, wash with soap.

If you are indoors, tape all the windows and hide in a room without windows, in the bathroom.

Turn to the nearest place of aid as they will have antidotes that can save you.

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