Digital Concentration Camp
April 22, 2023
Today I want to write about the events happening in the world, about the new laws which will enter into force in the near future.
New laws which will allow control of the population of the entire planet and track it. Everything falls under control – transportation, finances, the right to private property, state of your health, your lifestyle.
Constitutions of countries, which in the past protected rights of citizens, turned into artifacts of history.
Under the pretext of perceived security and protection of the health of the people, all articles of constitutions are bypassed with one stroke of the pen of corrupt rulers, servants of Antichrist.
Behind the screen of news about military conflicts which arose all over the planet, anti-human laws are being pushed through, without the public’s attention.
1. The first law is about the creation of a digital form of national currencies.
Approximately in autumn of 2023, laws will come into force about putting digital currency into circulation (CBDC central bank digital currency), which will replace cash and will be regulated by a central bank.
Almost all countries, no matter their political views, positions and sanctions will introduce a system of national digital currency.
This system should replace all your bank accounts in banks with digital wallets.
Access to the digital wallet will be through your smartphone. Of course to receive the digital wallets you will be required to provide your personal data, and all this will repeat a few times a year.
All merchants will be required to accept this digital currency, and employers to pay salary with the digital currency. Payments for goods and services will happen only through a smartphone.
Your purchases will be controlled and limited, you will no longer decide how much to eat, what to wear, how much and where to travel to, etc.
And the most important, is that at the end of a certain time period, unspent funds may burn.
This will lead to the impoverishment of all sections of society, to absence of the ability to save money, invest it or to do business. The loss of rights to private property.
The system is already in place in some countries, for example Nigeria and China. They accounted for all imperfections and now the system is ready to use for the entire world.
2. Another law – use of tracking systems for everyone with the help of digital cameras recognizing everyone by gait, physique, and face.
Such system exists in China. By 2024 it will be implemented in all developed countries.
3. Laws on the “protection of the rights of believers”, that lead to protection of all religions except christianity, symbols of which for some reason offend the feelings of believers of other religions. The persecution of christians described after the opening of the Fifth Seal has begun. True christians who truly love the Lord will know persecution around the whole world.
Today in the world to admit that you are a christian is considered a feat, although representatives of other religions proudly state their religious affiliation. Christian shrines and everything that reminds about the history of christianity is being destroyed. The arson and burning of the main Cathedral in Paris marked the beginning of satan’s bloody campaign against christianity. The church of satanists is officially registered in USA and opened its temple.
At every step idols are sold, which were worshiped by ancient pagans, paganism has become the fashion of modern times.
In historically christian countries we see a huge number of followers of other religions, who disrespectfully treat the local christian population.
True christians are being called fanatics, sectarians, laughed at, beaten. The concept of fasting is not practiced even by those who call themselves christians. Giving up food is considered insanity, when overeating is encouraged everywhere.
There is almost no christian population left in non-christian countries, they were just physically destroyed. Ancient monasteries, that remind about the early christianity in the East, destroyed. In the countries of Africa christians are killed or forced to give up their religion.
4. Medicine and food products.
All v-ci-nes are transferred to mRNA technology. Components that are contained in vc-ines for Covid, are introduced into food products. Today there is a new norm, which allows for addition of bugs and their larvae in all types of cereals, meat, etc.
People are inoculated with nanoparticles from birth. In a persons body these particles assemble into larger compounds, which transmit location, body temperature, and much more.
Human cells are not able to properly transmit this data, for this chitin, which is in the body of insects, is perfect.
Chitin does not digest and does not leave the human body. Together with nanoparticles it creates compounds which settle in the nervous system, especially in the amygdala body, and also in the persons muscles.
5. High frequency 5g towers and every body with nano-transmitters creates a worldwide signal transmission network, a system with constant power, which is impossible to turn off.
This way a person turns into a will-less creature, which acts by commands that come from the outside. 5g towers despite numerous public protests and evidence of their harm to health are installed in residential sectors disguised as trees or ventilation systems.
Artificial intelligence already today is openly entering the lives of people.
For example, the neural network can generate ideas, photo reports. Chat GPT has become an assistant for students and schoolchildren all over the world.
Artificial Intelligence – is the evil spirit, which has acquired a body and materialized in our world.
Hatred and anger, hopelessness, bloodshed cover the Earth, the patience of God is not endless. It was us, with our carelessness, our cruelty, sin that turned such a wonderful Earth into the abyss of hell.
It was us who have made idols for ourselves, rulers among those who openly serve Beelzebub. We forgot the Name of the living God, and He turned His face away from us. Today the time has come to remember the heirs of Who our souls are.
The time has come when we, the true heirs of Christ, must gather into one spiritual body and repel all hypocrites, liars and demons in human guises.
Today, the Lord calls all his children, to breathe the Spirit of Truth into them, which will open the path of freedom to us.
The choice is after each one of you!
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