My dear clergy, I weep for your souls so much
June 29, 2002
Jesus prayed, - “Sister, why have you been doing the instructions for so long, look its already night. Soon, the same night will cover all the Earth. Gods wrath is not reversible.
Fornication, satanists, drug addiction, alcohol – flooded the whole Earth. Sins of the clergy, the coldness of souls and the hardness of hearts, hurt My heart the most. But the time when I was on Earth and lived between you, died for you, seems like was yesterday. Now you crucify not the body, but the soul, hot and loving heart.
Earth forgot God. It lives its own life, so far from Gods commandments.
Modernization, technological revolution, turned many people into soulless machines for which the smell of money, feeling of glory and earthly bodily pleasure are bigger than life. My dear clergy, I cry so much for your souls. Why did you, those who are supposed to be My example for modern people, leave your poor, exhausted by the dirty and miserable existence herd. Why are you, those who were the last hope of Heaven, leaving Us? You become jackals, children of darkness, wolfs in sheep skins. Your lips are as if smeared with honey, your words are sweet and flattering, your hands are washed and full of My blood. Children, where are you when you hold the cup? Where are you when you pray and confess? Why are your hearts so cold and empty? The thirst for power, fame, luxurious existence, imaginary holiness, has filled your heads and souls. You are like pharisees who give the tenth not of the last, but of abundance. Lush clothes, cars, food, rest. Pastors, I ask you - stop!”
Jesus cried. “Why are they so blind, deaf to My words? To the grains which I tried to sow in their hearts. Modern church, what are you preaching? Clergy, what example are you giving your herd. Remember, whoever is exalted, I will bring down in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I came to bring peace and love where reigns hatred. Light, where resides darkness, forgiveness, where rules sin. Remember, who comes to his brother with a sword, will fall from it.
You, those who I should be proud of, tear the church into pieces. But know this, not the church you tear but My humble clothing. I preached poverty, who among you, my dear priests, bishops, abbots, archimandrites, wants to become poor? Whom of you wants to leave your throne and become a servant for all? To live with the poor, care for the seriously ill, the insane, to share a piece of bread with the orphans from your sumptuous table. Who among you wants to take off your lush clothes and wear a simple linen robe? Tie your thighs with a belt of humility and holiness? Who? And you are still surprised that Earth is coming to its setting. That the bright star, pure, which the Lord so often admired, turned into a fading ray of sunshine that is shed with the blood and tears of destitute, rejected, broken lambs.
Pastors, why do you reject ancient laws so easily? Why do you change the laws? Why in monasteries and secular family priests flourishes the sin of debauchery and drunkenness like a fungus. Come to your senses, because a great punishment will fall on you all. Why are your sheep lost? Why do they not turn to you for help? Why do you not listen to their voice anymore? Do you consider them dumb and stupid? Know, that you are the dumb ones because of your pride and arrogance.
Why do I see so few of My humble, poor, and sincere pastors in churches? Instead, I see lush, overeaten bellies, and round, puffy, bloodshot faces. Woe to those who daily add onto the sin of overeating. In numerous villages, shelters, basements, children cry from hunger.
Woe to those who flaunt their cars, to those who dress their wives in lush furs, in things that expose their lush and modern figures. Everyone, who did not let in a poor for the night, who did not feed a hungry, who did not visit the sick, who has not comforted the poor, who has not clothed the naked, who has not embraced the weeping – WILL BE UNMERCIFULLY CUT OFF!
I want to ask those who are called My servants for repentance. I ask you, through My faithful little warriors about the return to the true christian community. Because only this way, you will be able to save millions of souls from the fire of hell and eternal gnashing of teeth. To settle their souls where there is no pain, no sighs, no sorrow, but only eternal life.
Knock and you will be answered, ask and you will be given, search and you will find, because in humiliation, pain, tears and patience the truth is born.”
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