Saturday, January 25, 2003

The star of soul


The star of soul

January 20-25, 2003


       Jesus: “My dear little friend, I love you so much, I have been waiting so long for this meeting. I have so waited for this moment when I can hug your faithful soul. Today this day has come, we are together again. I thought a lot about you and your family and know for sure that the choice that I made to choose you – was correct.

       You are so different but so dear and precious to My heart. I am so eagerly waiting to meet you in Heaven. Every human soul is like a heavenly star. When on silent and clear night you look at the sky, you can see millions of stars, they are so different and unique. One bigger, one smaller, one brighter, one dimmer. The same are humans, they are so different: some bigger, others smaller, some wealthier, others poorer, some more beautiful, some not as much – there are millions of them.

       And if you look at Earth from Heaven you can see the same picture – millions of stars. These stars are your souls. You do not even imagine how much I would want the Earth to look like Sky that you see. How much I cry for that Sky. Earth turned into a desert that is day and night covered in darkness. And if it is possible to see at least one small flame somewhere, it is a very big feat in My eyes.

       People have distanced themselves from their God. They do not believe, pray to Him anymore. They forgot about the star of their life – soul. They do not need it anymore and are indifferent. They agree to give it to the king of darkness for nothing. Now he is their “god”. People do not love their God anymore, they beloved sin and so easily fall into the webs of devil.

       Those values which from childhood where transcended from generation into generation are long forgotten and neglected. You forgot how to love, you forgot how to forgive, you forgot how to be human.

       With incredible speed humanity flies into the abyss from which it will not be able to ever get out of. The one hope that heaven had for the future generation diminishes with every day. Sister, children forgot how to be children, parents – to be parents. Priests forgot how to be priests. I do not even know the follower of whom I can call them. The grains of satan long ago have sprouted and given millions of fruits which you with such enjoyment consume.

       Modernization, television, computers, radio – are children of darkness. So unnoticeably they enter your mind and settle there, multiplying to give sprouts of poison ivy. Which mercilessly grows into the tissues, affects your heart, then your soul. A person does not have time to come to their senses when they are already addicted to inanimate objects. From those “idols” of the future, which they worship and serve from birth to death.

       And now, what can you demand from God, when you yourselves do not know or acknowledge which God you serve, who you worship. The future generation never even heard the word God. From diapers they hear the words “money” and “power”. How many children, these little adults do not even know how to make the sign of the cross, never heard the words of love.

       I am not against development on Earth, but maybe you can explain to Me, why does a child need a fairy tale that is not read by mom or dad, but by a recording? When the child does not hear the voice of the mother but hears the voice of a computer. When they do not resolve problems at home with family but goes to a psychologist – a stranger. When they confess not to God but a simple passerby.

       Maybe, if everyone did the work that they are supposed to do, without transferring it to inanimate objects, maybe everything would be different. That is why it is not surprising that children grow into machines that are programmed to do one thing – destroy spiritual values, be violent, ruthless, always achieve their set goal neglecting the lives of others, walking “on their heads”.

       Murders, rapes, tortures, bullying, natural disasters – have become daily. That what once brough tears and sympathy to people, now brings a smile. Movies, stories, fairy tales about monsters – turned humanity into a herd of wild animals which destroy everything alive on their path, wanting blood, living not by feeling but by instincts. And the worst is that We, looking at this horror, seeing how every second satan devours more and more souls, can do nothing, because came time of darkness led by its king.

       Now, I want to turn to those who have not lost the star of their life – soul. My dear ones, do not be afraid to challenge the one who births sin. Fight, stay awake, to not fall into temptations, because your enemies are waiting for your souls every second.

       Sister, did you ever see how a star falls, what a beautiful and fascinating spectacle. It burns up as it falls. Leaving behind itself a fiery plume of light. It is only a moment, but so fascinating. The same is your life – a moment. To be raised in Heaven, you need to fall not just one time on Earth. And the more painful is the fall-temptation, the brighter burns the star of love of soul.

       Falling in the Earthly sky in slow motion. Leaving a plume of good deeds, humbleness, faith, love to God. This last fall is death – birth to the eternal life in the heavenly ocean of Gods Kingdom, where star-souls never fall again, where is eternal peace, tranquility, love. But unfortunately, the life of not every person can be compared to the fall of a star. There are very few of them, because many can live beautifully, but only a few can die beautifully. As many are called, but so few are chosen.

       I want the star of your soul to burn eternally, enlightening the path for many. I want so much for you not only to live beautifully, but also be born beautifully and with dignity to the eternal life in the ocean of Heaven. Never be afraid to tell sin – no! Enough! As for repentance, forgiveness, there is no time, it cannot be too late or too soon. To repent and forgive your enemies is always in time.

       Be an example, try, fight, fall and get up after every fall more grown up, more prudent. And know, that I love, I love you so much, I love you all so much. Be brave and patient, as you are not alone, not anymore, you carry a piece of Me – a soul. It is priceless and so dear to My heart. That is why when it seems to you that you are completely alone and abandoned, listen to your heart. With its each beat I will shout to you that I am close, that I love. And as long as your hear the beats, know, that We are one whole: “beat-beat-beat, love you-love you-love you”.”

       Yes, I heard my heart beating and I really do not know how, every beat shouted words of love to me. I did not feel alone anymore. I wanted to cross my arms over my chest to protect my heart from everything unknown, insidious, evil…

       Jesus smiled, spread his arms to the sides as if He wanted to hug all the Earth. – “My dear ones, you all, independently of what life you life, you are right now and will be in My heart always wanted, needed and loved. Peace be with you.”

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