Jesus prayed…
My dear, I love you, I love you all so much.
Came time, when I can calmly watch those, who are left to do work on
Gods Field. Because only those are left, whose hearts have no fear, no sorrow,
but burns with a fire of eternity. Everyone burning with such a fire – is led
by the Holy Spirit. My dear, what does it mean to be led by the Holy Spirit:
it’s when all your essence burns with Love, peace, and goodness to Father God,
to the whole world.
When you are ready to serve the weak, neglected, lost, sick. When in
everyone who carries the life-giving spirit you see God, His glory and
greatness. My dears, never stop, speed up, together with the time in which you
live. Prepare your bodies for endurance, overcome your bodies with fasting,
prayer. Grow in holiness. It is so necessary for your further work. Forget the
words I cannot!
Ester, my dear brothers and sisters, you are neglecting a priceless
gift, which the Lord gifted you. It is called a Blessing. There is nothing
greater or more powerful than Blessings. The highest is Blessing of God the
Father, then parental, marital, and the last one is Blessing of a child.
Yes, my dear, learning to Bless needs to start from childhood. A young
tree, which is grafted with a good rootstock, may give the best harvest in the
future. Why is it so important to Bless? With blessings you mark your close
ones with the name of God the Father.
This means, that they completely belong to Him. Or you could say they
carry His “last name”. And then you are not a ******daughter of ********, but
Ester, daughter of Adonai with inheritance and all the titles which the Lords
name carries in itself.
Today, when all the world cries out about its belonging to the god of
darkness, carrying his symbolism, his last name. Consuming demonic food, speaking their
language, cultivating in their hearts anger, hatred, greed for power and a
great desire for sin, transgressing and destroying the laws of Moses. Closing
their hearts from love, forgiveness, mercy. Heading the route of darkness into
the mouth of Beelzebub himself. Such people have never heard the words of
blessing, love, goodness.
Satan began the last war against God the Father
by seducing, deviating off the right path that, which He loves the most – His
children. Those, who are supposed to radiate light, greatness, and glory of the
Almighty. So little left of those, who truly carry the Name of the Creator of
Heaven and Earth in their hearts.
little left of true Christians that follow Me. So little left of those, who are
ready to carry light where eternal darkness reigns. Illuminating, curing,
healing, directing their brothers and sisters, putting their life on the altar.
Earth is burning with the fire of malice, wickedness, betrayal, blasphemy,
hatred – sentencing children of light to death. Calling to release them the one
who calls himself the “Beast”, the one who bears 9 names, the one who with all
its essence hates God. He who drinks blood of the innocent – the ruler of
darkness himself. To worship, glorify, crown him as the king of heaven and
earth. Accepting the slavish stigma, which immediately steals the biggest gift
of Gods children – right for free will. Dooming them to wander in the fiery
dear, Earth is filling up with subhumans, subcreatures, subplants. Genetic
Engineering kills the seal of the Lord from the face of Earth. Satan teaches
people to create their own kind, choosing genetics as if they were behind a
store counter. Choosing amount, gender, appearance, and IQ. Forgetting, that a
person lives from the Spirit of God, that lives in them. Without Him – it is
GMOs children, people, nations. A piece of dust, slaves, whose lives are worth
absolutely nothing. Enemy of mankind is deliberately uprooting from the planet
of the Father everything, which can breathe with the Spirit of God. A human is
created to glorify and bless the Lords name with its life.
refer to those who consider themselves children of the Almighty Father: do not sleep, watch, the enemy is
waiting for your souls. Put on the armor of light, cultivate holiness, put on
the armor of the Holy Spirit, and with Archangels, repel Lucifer, snatching
from his paws those, who are created for love and goodness. Humanity forgot the
path to heaven, humanity forgot the word mercy.
You forgot about orphans, you hate foreigner, widows, crippled, and those who
live below the poverty line. Shouting about rights and laws.
Hypocrites, you do not care about the rights and laws of truth. You
defend thieves, murderers, you give rights to those whom the Lord incinerated
with fire in Sodom and Gomorrah. By doing debauchery and iniquity, the father
has closed your wombs for motherhood, giving you a chance for salvation,
leading you to mercy to accept, to love, to endow with care and affection
orphans, the crippled.
Jesus sighed; you are creating soulless machines, which bear the seal of
the Beast from the womb of their mother. Stop, repent. I so desire your
salvation. Everyone who accepts an orphan receives blessing for seven
generations. Everyone who visits a
prisoner, clothes the abandoned, quenches the thirsty, heals the weak. They
will never be left without God’s grace and Blessing. The names of such people
with golden letters are engraved on the stones of the temple of the Holy
faithful do well on all paths of life, gift love where such word is not known.
Bless, to glorify the Lords name in your souls. Peace be with you!
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