Friday, May 13, 2016

The Time of The Great Eclipse


The Time of The Great Eclipse

May 13, 2016


Jesus… My dear, time is constantly approaching you to the events that have long been described by God’s prophets. Time, when the Earth will call out to the Heavenly Father for justice.

       The time of the great eclipse, when on the throne of Earth sits the son of death, ruler of darkness and life giver of sin.

       He will come to undermine every soul that lives on Earth. But first, he will look for chosen souls, that were born for the fight against powers of evil. Souls that come into this world to light a light in the hearts of sick, weak, downtrodden. To bravely look in the eyes of satan calling out with Archangels: “Who is as God”!


       The years of good harvest are coming to Earth, after which will start the climate change, the war of the new millennium and a great famine. But Earth will be hit with spiritual hunger the most.

       People forgot about the One Who gifted them life. They do not know the Father, they do not call out or pray to Him.

       Came time when everyone needs to choose which God they are serving. Enjoy the Bible, because soon it will be publicly burned by servants of churches themselves. To instill the whole world a new “book of life”, the name of which is “death”, spiritual death.

       My dear ones, remember about Me, remember about My death on the Cross, My Resurrection. Remember about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. About the Law of Moses (the ten commandments), because all of this will be gone from the face of Earth, leaving your souls empty, soulless machines of lawlessness, that worship and honor the king of darkness himself. Everyone who saves in their heart the fire of the Holy Spirit, everyone who will break bread and consume juice from the fruit of grapes in My memory will never be lost in the darkness of Earth and will find the way home, the path to Heaven.

       The time of choice has come, everyone needs to choose on which side they stand. In My army or the army of demons.

       The beast will not instantly show his true face. He will try to repeat the history of My life. Doing, or not restricting to do good, to get to know my little army personally. Which is why you need to carry light, enlightenment, love where darkness reigns. Saving the Earth from the innocent blood of the saints, death of my lambs.


       Even satan himself cannot interfere you, because everyone who did not forget the name of their God, everyone who knows His voice and keeps His commandments will receive the seal of the children of the Almighty on the forehead.


       Do not sleep, keep away My faithful, the enemy is close. Light the fire of the Holy Spirit in your hearts, multiply the holiness and acts of mercy, as all of this will make you invisible to the powers of evil. 

Peace be with you!


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