Saturday, April 1, 2017

Seven Circles of Hell of your soul


April 1, 2017
       “My dear, love you, I love you so much, I love so much all who call out my name. So little left of those, whose souls burn with the light of My love. So little left of those, who say “No” to sin. Everyone, who wants to serve the Lord, will not be lost in the Earthly desert of religions, beliefs, rituals, and customs. It does not matter to God your origin, your religion, your profession, or your wealth or their complete absence. What matters to Him is your nature. Your essence. Your soul. 

       So little left of those, who work in tandem with their spirit. Those who remember and do not break the law of God. So little left of those, who know the Name of God. So little of those who know how to pray and serve Him, and those who search for the truth and are fighting for it.

       You call yourselves Christians, but from your body not even bit belong to Me. You are entirely committed to the spirit of “Ecumenism”, who freely, without rush, slowly creeps on to the throne of Universal spirit of people. He knows that all of humanity, which inhabits the world of God, belongs to him.

       Every day I mourn My obedient sheep, souls, that came into this world for glory and greatness of God, not for eternal death. You live at the time of battle between good and evil. Time, when every soul must make a choice, every living creature, which inhabits Earth. 


You come into this world to gather My herd in the name of the Lord. To do good and not sin – is possible. So is to enlighten darkness of souls. To wake them up from sinful sleep, to illuminate their way, to raise them from the knees of sin, to free them from slavery of Beelzebub, and gift them the name of children of God.
Those of you who trade their place under the sun, know nothing about the One, Who’s Name you name yourselves. You are not familiar with Me personally. I do not know you. When you broke bread in My name, your heart and body belonged to another god – king of sin. Those of you who impose, that there is no human who can live without sin – preach the norm of fall into sin. You do not see the root of the tree of sin, but there is only one. One fall of the Fallen Angel. 

Everything starts with one little root. Which can only be destroyed with an unquestionable faith in the Only God, King of Heaven and Earth, the life-giving Father and the Creator of the Universe.
Not sinning is easy and normal. Living by the laws of eternity is possible and not hard. Anything is possible in My Name. Everything is possible when your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, when fire of love is burning in your heart, when you know how to forgive. When anyone who is deserves to call your enemy, is your closest friend.

        My dear, you follow Me from teachings of law teachers and writings of My life from the Apostles. But Me, and everything that you would like to follow Me in, is in the “Lord’s Prayer”. It is My essence and all of Me is in it. Every time you say it you should see me, My life, My death on Cross, My Resurrection, and the Spirit Comforter. Which I gifted to everyone who says it with faith and truth.
Living holy is easy and natural. Holiness is in every one of you.
You are the fruit of My love. Everyone who inhabits Earth is a fruit of My love. Do not listen to the voice of satan, who talks about imperfections of human body, futility of mind and absence of spirit. You are the most perfect, 100% spiritual and wise creation. For whom nothing is impossible. You are not just flesh and blood – you are a life-giving spirit, collection of light, which radiates life in all its appearance and fullness of love. 

       Wake up My dears. Time unmercifully carries intoxicated humanity into the abyss of hell. You are building not highly developed society with nano and hypermodern technologies of the future, but you are building seven circles of hell of your souls:

1st Circle is: Addiction to inanimate objects. You give them the largest part of your love. 

2nd Circle is: That, which was called food in the past, Gods bread, manna of Heaven. Today, it is a machine of death. Multiplier of viruses, fungi and foreign compounds called “wormwood”. Their purpose is to destroy every living cell. 

3rd Circle is: Water, in the past, it was life-giving. Now, it is chemical, technical compound, filled with radio magnetic waves and nanocarriers, the purpose of which is to subdue human consciousness for the Universal Spirit. 

4th Circle is: Medical assistance. That which was medicine for the body in the past, became an underground census, for those who are sent for slaughter. You are equated to cattle. Because what you call hospitals is nothing but slaughterhouses. Advances in medicine do not give you recovery from illnesses, which you caused in underground laboratories yourselves, but rewrites your heads for further experiments. As their goal is to separate flesh from life-giving spirit. Their goal is to raise an army for Beelzebub, vaccinating from the womb of the mother with carryings of hell. 

5th Circle is: Religions, like Tsunamis with incredible speed fill up and devour the Earth. Their purpose is to destroy the true Christians, using spirit of ecumenism. You are not servants of God, but jackals of a fiery hyena. Baptize, circumcise, and anoint in the name of king of darkness. Sealing each soul with stench of dishonor and fall of sin of Lucifer. Entangling every soul that comes to you with web of lies and malice. You are the creators of bloody wars. You are sponsors and responsible for all military conflicts in the world. You are “locust” from the abyss of hell. 

6th Circle is: “Gold”. It gives a price to everything that fills Gods world. In other words – money. When all this “gold” disappears, king of the darkness will rise on the throne of spirit. That which he will call the crown of glory, containing all riches of Earth. All humanity will be priced by one crown. One, precious crown studded with the most precious stones, that creates Earth in its cores. For worship and spiritual death. 

7th Circle is: Collision of earth with foreign body. Which will be directed towards the planet. Those that feel like “gods”, hope to save their insignificant bodies in hypermodern bunkers under earth and in the orbit. But nothing will be saved. Nothing will save life… only creations of Spirit, superhumans  will be able to resist the waves of radiation. 

The choice is after each one of you. Love you, I love you all so much.”

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