Saturday, July 29, 2017

You, Who Call Yourselves Christians – Never Knew Me


You, Who Call Yourselves Christians – Never Knew Me

July 29, 2017


Jesus prayed.

A bright light enveloped Him and everything around. Light that transformed Him. As if He was light, its source.


       Humanity, all of humanity with incredible speed is heading to its end. Why are there so few of those who are ready to give their last contribution to their God? He needs everything to the last bit. If you do not completely belong to Him, then you belong to the king of darkness.


       The world values have changed their poles. Christianity does not follow Me. The book of “life”, the Bible turns into a book of “death” with every new edition. Servants of God do not serve Him. They turned into slaves of darkness, children of light into multipliers of sin.


       Women do not want to be women, men to be men, mother to be mother, children to be children. Everything that fills planet Earth is priced with decay. You are assured that everything has its price. Although you sell your souls for nothing. Turning your bodies into “caves of robbers”, a refuge for demons. The world is drowning in hatred, blood, violence, lies. You lie to yourself, your parents to you, society, government, religions, everyone is testifying lies against their neighbor. Shouting, blasphemy, violence, lies, dependence on IP technologies are the norm, which you call “daily bread”. They are what makes up your families.


       You choose a partner not for the whole life, but for one season, like clothing. You teach your offspring the words: gender, “freedom of choice of partner” (for sodomy), equal rights of women and men, contraception, IVF, OGM. And what you get is sub-humans, sub-families, sub-children, sub-food.


       Esther, a man is always above a woman not for possession, but for protection. The Lord created man so that he loves and serves his wife. He will be asked a lot at the judgment on Heaven. A wife is gifted to man for continuation of him in herself through birth of children. And children – are the most valuable gifts of Heaven, that tell you the way home. Children are the greatest treasuries of love, wisdom, forgiveness. Only a child loves their parents with all heart, regardless of their actions. Only they forgive the biggest crimes against their defenseless little bodies. Their eyes do not know fear. Their wisdom amazes and their vision of the world makes you smile.

       And what do we get in a century that shouts about rights and protection of children. In a century that whispers about running out of resources, although there is enough for another planet Earth.

       Hungry death, vaccination of new diseases, child labor, sexual slavery, murder before birth. Boarding schools, orphanages, foster families that maim such defenseless and courageous children’s souls. Children turned into slaves of the twenty first century. Voiceless lambs that are sentenced to death, spiritual death by their mothers.


       There is no sin worse than against babies. I came into this world to enlighten hearts of many. I came as a guide, but the world did not accept Me. It does not accept Me today either. I preached love, forgiveness. You preach indifference, callousness. Your hearts burn with anger, hatred to everything light, unoccupied, pure. You raise weapons in the name of the Lord, although on the tablets of law is written: “DO NOT KILL”. With such ease you trespass the boundary of life and death. Murders became daily, justified, and legal, with blessings of “pastors” too.

       Abortion - is the plague of your time. A plague that everyday mows thousands of unborn souls. Souls, that cry out to the Almighty Father about justice. Souls, that are in the captivity of your ambitions, judgments, beliefs, like voiceless lambs doomed to death on the altars of the idols that you serve from birth to death.


       Esther, idolatry is the largest sin from the time of creation of Earth. Sin that penetrated deep into souls that are created for holiness and love. Souls, that with faith and truth should serve the One who breathed life into them. The One, who still waits today for His children with infinite love, which only the loving father, the creator is capable of, The God of all visible and invisible.


       My dear, it is easier to raise the dry, to raise the dead, that to turn back the one who serves the idols of today.

       You, who call yourselves christians – never knew Me. I turned into an idol of today’s christians. Who in My name forcibly baptized, killed, raped, tortured, converted, forgave sins, appropriated a place in Paradise.

       You who call yourselves orthodox trade My body and blood as your property. You called yourselves the names of God the Father (lords, fathers, archbishops, archimandrites, popes). You take upon yourselves the power of forgiving sins. I never gave you any power. I came into this world not into kings’ palaces. I came not for building of temples. I never called Myself a bishop, the father. I did not release sins. I did not leave servants. I was a servant, a cane moved by the wind. Fasting and prayer were My daily bread. I taught the true service to the Almighty Father. Service in holiness, humbleness of heart with endless love to Him and all of you.


       STOP, because there is no more time for repentance. Everyone will answer by the laws of the Living God. Every shed tear, broken life, defilement of the name of the Lord will be paid in full.


       Do not sleep My faithful. Stay awake with Me, do not fall into temptation. Spirit is strong but body is weak.

       Peace be with you!

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