Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Seal of the Lord


The Seal of the Lord

May 8, 2019


       Found myself in a desert. The ground was cracked no matter where you look. Dry growths could be seen here and there. The air was hot as if from a furnace. I saw Jesus in white linen cloths. He stood with closed eyes and face raised to heaven, which was immersed in a blinding white light. Seemed as his whole being was woven from a myriad of stars. I saw wounds on His hands and feet from which rays of light came out, like heavenly wings…

       Esther, My dear Esther, so came the time of Pentecost. Time of a great Spiritual Fast. As this is the time, when the fiery tongues of the Holy Spirit were sent upon the apostles.


       Time, when the truth was born in their hearts and the hearts of their followers. You know that the time of Pentecost in Christianity – is the time of Spirit Comforter. Time, that completes the Divine Trinity in your souls. You wake up from a spiritual sleep, reborn into a life-giving Adam, clothed in the imperishable true service of God the Father. The time of the greatest humbling of your being. The time to work on sin, the time of solitude. Desert – is a symbol of victory. Victory over sin, body, death. Time to think about my death on the cross. Time of fiery prayer to the Almighty Father. Every christian should prepare their body for the whole year to try to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit through many days of true fasting. Which will prepare you to receive the Seal of the Lord. As only being of the Spirit will receive the Seal of the Lord in the end times.

       My dear ones, the Bible opens the path to salvation. Despite the variety of translations, attempts to substitute the truth. Its authentic content remains unchanged. Its lines woven with heavenly rays of truth, light, love to all of you, so that anyone who reads and understands does not get lost in the desert of sin.


       How sad it is to watch those who live by the truths taken out of context, turning their lives into a cracked desert of eternal darkness.

       The Bible is as triune as the God who gifted it.

       It can be divided into three parts:

1) The Old Testament, book of Psalms.

2) The Books of Prophets and the Revelation of John the Theologian.

3) The New Testament, the Acts of Apostles


       The Old Testament reveals to you the pleasures to God, His laws, truths, songs of praise, prayers, holidays, without which the New Testament cannot exist.


       The Books of the Prophets and Revelation – open the curtain of the future, past, and the present, giving you a chance for salvation. They are the antidote from the poison of demons, which you are given to drink through false truths, food, religions, laws.


       The New Testament and the Acts of Apostles – is victory over hell, combining God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit into one whole, one body. Through the keeping of the ancient laws and statutes described in the first part of the Bible. Passing traps and nets of the evil about which the second part of the book of “Life” tells you about. And the birth from the Holy Spirit, who knows how to pray with heart. Who is ready to give own life for those who hate you, denigrate you, persecute you out of love for the Almighty Father.


       The Bible – is the true guide to the Kingdom of peace and love that I have told about and promised to your souls.

       Esther, wake up, keep awake with me…

       Lines from the Bible live with you century after century, day by day. Everyone who inhabits the Earth, is born in the Egyptian captivity.

       Do you know why? Egypt – is the prototype of idolatry and abominations from the abyss of hell. Center of open worshipping of demons.  Center of sorcery, sacrifice. Cult of worshipping the dead. Carrying out rites on blood and communication with the son of the morning, Lucifer. All of this is abomination for the Heavenly Father and is punished by death.


       You are born at the time of the greatest idolatry. Because every religion that inhabits the Earth – is nothing more than a modernized renamed paganism, with the preservation of ancient rites, customs, religious icons, idols, which you worship. Spiritual mentors which you serve as to the Living God.

       Everyone who takes and opens a Bible with the desire to see the truth, starts their exodus from the captivity of sin. Exodus from slavery of false laws, false rulers, false truths, false religions.


       For the exodus you need to overcome a sea, that is a symbol of human masses, as they will try to catch up with you. They will persuade you to turn away from the path of purity of thoughts, moderation of desires, actions to the road of fornication, lust, lies. The road, which more than 80% of humanity is heading. Transforming Gods “Eden” in a kingdom of night. Overcoming the bottom of the sea, you will be persecuted by your relatives, “priests”, the earthly law, who will be proving the infallibility of the truths of today. And if they do not deceive you with their arguments – you will overcome the ocean of ambitions, statutes, sin of others. You will enter the wilderness from which you can emerge by defeating the flesh, the world and the one who begets sin. Being born of the Holy Spirit. Following My life and the lives of the Apostles, receiving heavenly gifts for the fight with the forces of evil. Recording your true names in the “book of the living”. Whitening your souls in the crucible of trials, sufferance turning your hearts into the field of the Lord. Filling your hands with acts of mercy. Giving the life-giving waters of the Gospel to drink to thirsty, blind, the lame, the infirm. Giving them hope for Salvation for the eternal life, everyone who believes and worships the living God, honoring His commandments, the truth: to not consume restricted food, to correctly cover your body during prayer, to leave behind the rites of the dead, to not attend other people’s funerals, to not touch dead flesh and especially bow to it, to keep the true holidays of the Lord.


       Spend “the Lords suppers” in your family circle, teaching your children to break matzah (unleavened bread) and consume juice from grapes in My memory, wash each other’s feet, as a symbol of true service. As true love is born where fades pride, ego. Washing and kissing feet of your relatives you sow seeds of peace, goodness in the hearts of your children. Who in the future will give fruits worthy of your God, worthy of you.

       (When we follow the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are born of the Holy Spirit through fiery tongues which are a symbol of gifts. How many fiery tongues will enter our essence, is how many gifts we will receive for the Apostolic work).

       The Holy Spirit completes in you the combination of trinity of God and seals your forehead with the seal of the Lord. Which opens the gates of the Kingdom of eternal flowing in the heavenly ocean. 


Peace be with you!

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