Monday, March 18, 2019

The fire that devours Gods vineyard (Part 1)

The fire that devours Gods vineyard (Part 1)
March 19, 2019
Jesus prayed… “Esther, my dear friend, keep awake with Me, so that you do not fall into temptation. Time of the Lords Warning is near, but you are asleep. Your bodies became a haven for demons. Homes full of abomination of desolation, which devours all light, holy, and quiet.
You forgot the name of your God. Not praying anymore, not calling upon him. Your lips are silent, your eyes are closed, your hands are down. 
Wake up My faithful little warriors, take off the yoke of sin. Open your eyes and look, the world in which you live is on fire. Fire, which starts the one, who serves sin. Fire, that devours your bodies, souls. Fire, that came into this world not from the throne of Heaven, but from the abyss of hell. It was brought by the one who desires to sit on the throne of Earth, subduing to his name every soul that inhabits the Gods world. Taking a soul’s hope for resurrection, hope for salvation. Dishonoring the soul with the mark of hell, which you will willingly accept on your hand or forehead depending on race and religion. Yes, my dear, the mark of Beelzebub will be put on by the clergy of temples and various religions. You are already being rewritten like a commodity, your names recorded in books for the servants of darkness. Because time, that was described by prophets came long ago. How many beliefs, religions, and teachings shout that the truth is in them, they come under My name deceiving many. They open the doors of their temples promising salvation, creating false miracles, teaching false truths, serving demons from the abyss of hell.
Teaching the opposite of what I taught.
Promising the opposite of what I promised.
And you so easily fall into their web of lies. You have forgotten how to see, hear, think, analyze. You do not know how to forgive, you do not know how to accept help.
Pride and ego reign in your hearts. But that is not surprising, because a herd is always like their shepherds.
Your pastors are conceited, proud, arrogant like the god which they serve, covering behind the commandments of Moses, doing the opposite of what is written there, justifying sin. Their truths are infallible, and their services are valued by decay, as is everything that fills this world. You forgot about the truth, that is hiding at the bottom of your hearts. The truth that comes into this world from the blessing of the Creator of Heaven. It cannot be bought behind a counter of “temple shops”, it cannot be stolen. Its price is known well by the son of doom – Lucifer. As it is his goal of existence to subdue your souls. Souls that remember where they came from. Souls that are just as perfect as their Father. Souls that every second come into this world, with the hope to lead the lost humanity out of the desert of sin. To return from the road of darkness to the path of light, goodness. Living in unison with God, people, surrounding world. Reviving the neglected Eden. Joining the spiritual body with the earthly body into one whole.
But falling into the world of sin you become servants of darkness. Neglecting the vineyard, that the Father of Heaven planted out of great love.
Esther, the vineyard is your souls, hearts, and bodies. You are the fertile field of the Lord. Each of you should bring fruit worthy of your Creator. My dear ones, you are perfect creatures of love. You can do so much. Sin begets your infirmities, diseases, deaths. I came into this world to show you the path of truth, path of salvation. Path which does not have place for sin.
My dears, you live at the time of total control. Control, which imposes on you faith, morals, values, law. You destroy everything, that cannot be marked the mark of the beast. You hate holiness, purity, moderation. You oppose truth of any manifestation. Listening to whispers of demons who long since work with you foot in foot. You pay servants of hell for services, which they cannot provide for you. You arrange your children to schools, institutes, where they completely learn sin. Receiving knowledge in the field of lies, hatred, anger, debauchery, overeating, abuse of intoxicated drinks, that contain the seal of the beast. They come there not for knowledge, but for entertainment.
You visit temples, where you are promised salvation by nonsense gossiping liars, who do not know and cannot teach you fasting, prayer, healing, harmony of soul and body, giving you examples of holiness, forgiveness, or mercy by their life. They do not know Me, but know the price of services, without which, they think the abyss of hell awaits you. Your lives do not improve. As you were in the captivity of sin, so you are. You stay in one place, attending liturgies, which do not bring relief, healing, salvation, but the opposite.

You get sick, your children are unfortunate, families destroyed, hearts full of hatred, anger. Until death you continue attending temples supporting arrogant and lazy pastors who teach that it is impossible to live “holy”, justifying their environment.

All your life from birth to death you visit earthly doctors, being cured of diseases, remaining weak and feeble. The development of medicine makes you body crippled, who do not imagine their life without medicine. Woe doctors do not tell you that your health is at the tip of your tongue. And that your life expectancy depends on spiritual fasting. The more of it you will have in your life, the more fulfilled and longer it will be.

You have forgotten about the Heavenly doctor, teacher, pastor, who with one thought can change your life. Esther, the deceived are those who want to be deceived.
To be continued…

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