Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Important Information (continuation)

Important Information (continuation)
April 1, 2020

Brothers and sisters!
       The time has come for the events described by Apostle John. No one knows how fast the events will unfold, but it can be said for sure that they have launched.
       During these hard times for all humanity the merciful Lord wants to help His herd.
       I will try to open the curtain over the information that is heard from everywhere and give tips to help you save your lives and stay healthy. 

       The virus came from the East, as it was foreseen in the message from the Lord: “Mne Tkel Upharsin”. The humanity has been weighted and found wanting. We are given to the hands of powers of evil and only pure of spirit will be able to be saved and save their life.

       The virus will spread across the whole planet and will take many lives, once in the human organism, it constantly mutates and binds to animal proteins in our blood. The higher the concentration of proteins, the higher the possibility of transmission of the virus. That is why it is so important to give up meat today. 
Country statistics, which are largely understated, clearly show high mortality rates in countries with high meat consumption, fast food, and a large percentage of wealthy seniors. The virus first of all infects animals and birds, including those which meat is used as food.

       A test for detection of the virus – does not exist, and deaths from it can be determined only by the cause of death, which is pulmonary edema, which develops in a matter of hours and the only method to save a person is ECMO (extra corporal membrane oxygenation), which only delays death, recontamination will kill the person faster than the ambulance arrives. There is no treatment! You can protect yourself only by prevention (hygiene, nutrition), exclusion of meat, protein (milk, eggs), yeast products from your diet. Try to keep your body in hunger.
       The more chronic illnesses, and there are more of them in elderly people, the brighter the picture of the disease. Asthma, obesity, heart and lung diseases, sugar diabetes increase the likelihood of death.
       Age does not matter, and the more people will adhere to quarantine, the higher the concentration of the virus will be in the surrounding environment. In countries where quarantine will be strictly adhered to, mortality will be rejuvenated.
       The carriers of the virus today are without exclusion all inhabitants of the planet, but not in all it causes the development of acute inflammation. People that consume alcohol “for health” expose themselves to a double danger because alcoholic compounds involve a mechanism that activates the latent phase of the virus (it is like asleep) and under any favorable sound conditions, flashes of light, noises…will cause a clinical picture that is not typical for it, killing its victim in a matter of minutes.

       It is impossible to protect yourself from the virus, no mask, no gloves, are be able to protect from it, its sizes allow it to easily penetrate the intercellular space of tissues. That is why hand hygiene is required, and consumption of food outside your home is dangerous. We all became its carriers, it is possible to reduce its amount and obstruct its multiplication in our body. Try to be out on fresh air more, running, jumping will help clear lungs from the virus, because direct exposure to large amounts of oxygen kills it. Play with children a game, who will breathe deeper and who can breathe faster. With an open window or outside, the main thing is that with access to fresh air. Hunger, thirst, respiratory gymnastics will increase your chances of survival.
       Clothes bought in stores should be disinfected by steam ironing with the addition of a tablespoon of lemon juice to the iron reservoir. Toys should be wiped with alcohol.

       Watch for your children’s full sleep of at least 8-10 hours, control! Because most of them are on the internet around the clock. Do not exhaust your body with work, alcohol, clarification of relationships. Enjoy the time spent with your close ones, with God. We only have today. Good mood, smile, hugs make us stronger, waking up our spiritual body from sleep.

       Do not forget to consume at least four cloves of garlic daily without skipping a single day, so that the concentration of it in your blood is maximum and can destroy the virus. (I work with people at risk in department where there are fatal cases, many times returned home with sore throat and feeling unwell, consuming garlic, fasting keeps my body in shape, do not listen to those who talk about its ineffectiveness – it is the strongest natural antiseptic, that was gifted by nature, and it is never wrong. Its compounds penetrate all cells of our body and have an accumulating effect). Do not forget about the greens with lemon, they contain a large amount of manganese, trace elements, vitamins that defend the cells of our body from damage, virus included.
       Learn to be without food because soon food products will start disappearing from the store counters.

       Only people that can stay hungry and navigate by stars will be able to survive. Those who will be able to find food in the forest and survive in the wilderness. People like this will be beyond the system. Learn yourselves and teach your children. When birds start falling dead to earth, only dry and water fasting will be able to save you.

       Following the virus, there will be other more terrible psychotropic,  that will force people to kill themselves, others. (Movie “Bird Box” remotely echoes what I saw). Viruses, that will affect the subcortical system of the brain causing aggression, fear, panic, suicidal states, hallucinations. Viruses, like nanobots, will launch processes of self-destruction of organism under the influence of certain sound signals, waves. It can be any speech from a loudspeaker, voice announcements in transport, sound in computer games, elevators. Defending yourself is possible by disconnecting sound, especially in children’s games, wearing headphones with pleasant music of past generations, prayer, communication with God.

       Restrictions on human freedoms are being introduced in many countries around the world, do not protest openly against it, because their goal is to detect and destroy all thinking people. Learn to circumvent prohibitions, come up with ways not to comply with them. Under no circumstances do not accept digital passes using mobile phones. In many countries they are already used for help with detection and control of those who violate quarantine and can be contaminated. In this way, under the guise of a pandemic, electronic control will spread across the planet. People who are dangerous will simply disappear in “quarantine zones”, that is what Antichrist prisons will now be called, from which no one will ever return. All phones released after October 2020 will be dangerous because their goal are concentration camps for all mankind. Buy five, six phones (expensive models) of past generations and batteries for them, for every member of your family, to use them in the future.

       System of control by AI is being implemented today, which will control all population of the planet, law enforcement agencies that will respond to “offenders” of the order excluding the human factor in management. Because until a person is on guard of the law and order, the beast has no chance. Totalitarian control is only possible when over us stands a soulless machine with futuristic intelligence, which will surpass human by (few)times. Machine, that does not know, what compassion is, mercy, love. Machine for which all of us are just numbers, statistics, which can be controlled by an order of the one who came for our souls…Vaссіnation with special vaссіnes will activate the process of self-destruction of a person.

       Time of closed temples and destruction of the Bible is coming. Heads of churches and other religious communities will close their temples from fear of disease and lack of faith, as well as complete obedience to the Beast, so that all people worship the new god – the Antichrist.
       In many countries, social unrest and riots will begin, humanity is accustomed to being full and cannot stay hungry. Revolts and hunger riots will devour the earth. The population of the planet will decrease. The approach of events will be evidenced by laws that lift the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land and make the land market possible. Oligarchs will not be needed in the new system, they will go bankrupt in every country. All the capital will flow into one hand, for the concentration of absolute power. Already today learn to free yourself from everything to which you feel addiction. Be free from everything that can control your mind.
       Do not sleep, the time of true Christians has come, do not fear. The Lord is merciful and will not leave His herd. Ask questions in the comments and I will try to answer everyone.
       May the Lord bless you all!

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