The Epidemic
May 3, 2020
In the recent weeks, and even days, we are watching a picture of
complete degradation and decline of all freedoms and human rights in all
countries of the world without exception.
to a “medical specialist”, without any court rulings and decisions, a
person can be isolated and taken out in an unknown direction directly
from the place of residence, work, school…
And if an adult still can try to defend themselves, then children who
are taught to a hundred percent obey the orders and instructions of
teachers and adults (not parents) remain voiceless lambs in the meat
grinder of today’s system of world government. Such pictures, such as a
closed school with an announcement that your children are contaminated
and were sent to zones of quarantine – is the close future. It is clear
that from such “hospitals” no one will return, and after some time you
may be sent an urn with the name.
Quarantine measures will sooner or later end with vaссіnation with the
issuance of a certificate, in the form of a bracelet, or a card which
testifies to the “safety” of a person, and can be a pass to restaurants,
stores, train stations, etc.. Small businesses are destroyed with this
goal, receiving services, or buying something will only be possible
through establishments certified by the government, having previously
done all their terms and rules. That is why already today it is so
important to learn to limit yourselves in everything without which we do
not imagine our lives. To not be addicted to food, drinks, gadgets,
smoking, medicine, barber services, doctors, and teach your children
too. In the near future, an innocent person will be arrested in front of
the eyes of close ones with the cheers of neighbors and passers-by.
Because the picture of fear of death and infection with a previously
unknown virus, stimulated by the leaders of your countries; turns you
into a herd of wild beasts driven so far from God, holiness, morality.
With the absence of compassion, conscience, mercy, with one goal –
Wearing masks and helmets will become part of everyday life.
purpose of this is to make you used to wearing inscriptions (name or
number) first on helmets and masks, and then on the forehead.
no circumstances do not agree to vaссіnation, that which will be
introduced under the guise of salvation has nothing in common with it.
The war of the third millennium has begun. Its weapons are
microorganisms, viruses. It will kill quickly and numerously without
destroying cities or countries. It will only take the lives of humans,
and no one will be able to save themselves from it, only creations of
spirit, only people who will be able to control their animal bodies
(those who learn to stay without food and water, who will know how to
navigate by stars, survive in the wilderness…).
Whatever happens do not give up to panic, fear, despair, madness – this is the main goal of this experiment on humanity.
dogs are prepared that in a crowd will be able to find a person
“infected with the virus” to take away in an unknown direction,
violating all possible human right for freedom, travel, and life.
When schools reopen, do not rush to send your children there, wait at
least a week, watch the developments of the events.
immune system of children who sat in four walls has weakened. Children,
that go to schools will start exchanging different strains of viruses,
which will lead to an outbreak of childhood morbidity and the second
wave of the epidemic.
especially children, were deliberately taken out of the streets,
because viruses entering children’s bodies would very quickly take on
less aggressive forms and would lose their power. But wearing masks and
isolation did not allow the disappearance of the artificial virus from
nature, but the opposite, it gained strength and now when entering the
human body, it will multiply very fast. Virus that is located on fresh
air will constantly mutate and take on a more aggressive form, which
will cause multiple hemorrhages in the brain and lungs. Death will come
All of this is just the beginning, experiment and work on mistakes will
continue until the moment of the creation of undeniable system of a
hundred percent total control and punishing(humbling) of the population,
so that the Antichrist can ascend his throne. And even if for this it
will be necessary to destroy most of humanity and create a chimera by
driving people into quarantine zone camps under the slogans of your
health and the health of future generations, it will all be done by the
hands of leaders of your countries.
to abstract yourself from external sounds by saying the “Lords prayer”
in Hebrew or Aramaic language, just as the Lord said it and taught his
disciples to pray. The virus will circulate in blood and await its
command, the command will be translated from loudspeakers on the streets
in supermarkets, transport, TV, radio.
Crosses with crucifix should be on you and your children from birth to
death. Unfortunately, there is no protection from the psychotropic
viruses that already today await their turn. Only dry fasting, which
many today are not able to endure will be able to protect your body and
strengthen the spirit.
Birds will be precursors of the use of psychotropic viruses, especially
behavior not typical for them (screaming, puffy feathers, beating on
the cage). In days like this it is best to stay home, tightly shut
windows and curtains. Because terrible things could be happening outside
(murders, fires, etc.).
is why feathered friends that live in your house can become true
protectors of your families, feeling invisible danger.
fish can also be precursors of the use of weapons of mass destruction,
they will lay on the bottom and will stay still for a long amount of
time refusing to eat.
Do not sleep, follow the simple advices which will be able to save your lives and the lives of your children.
Protection from the virus – is the prevention measures for the immunity
of your relatives, especially children (advises mostly for them).
Advises, that are directed for strengthening of the immune system,
protection of the nervous and digestive systems through the use of
natural immunostimulants, neurostimulants, antiseptics, antibiotics:
Redness of hands is a symptom that you are infected with the virus, but
your immunity does not allow it to develop. In this case a freshly
squeezed carrot juice can save you, consuming half glass in the morning
and evening until the redness is gone. (Advise for those, who directly
contact with sick people. Proven, one hundred percent remedy.)
A week until the lifting of the quarantine:
Honey in honeycombs, bee pollen, chamomile tea.
Exclude or decrease from your diet meat, eggs, rice, potatoes, fruit juices from stores, sweet carbonated drinks.
Juices brought from stores are dangerous to children.
Pineapple (or blackberries) depending on the region of your residence.
Any greens.
Decoction of rosehip.
Aroma lamps for the night with 2 drops of cedar oil or tea tree oil with the addition of olive oil.
pine needles collected in a relatively ecological zone, pour them with
boiling water and chew them slowly for a few minutes and spit them out.
Before going outside, drip three drops of carrot juice with one drop of linseed oil in your nose.
The battle has started – do not sleep!
Peace be with you!
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