November 22, 2020
Brothers and sisters!
The stage of restructuring the
way of life of society and humanity altogether has come to a final stage and is
going to the last phase of human existence on Earth. The architect of these
changes is satan, and the executors are his faithful servants, rulers of
absolute power on Earth.
According to a clear plan everything that carries in itself the sign of God will be destroyed, replacing everything with artificially created matter, and spirits from the abyss of hell.
An ocean of violence, blood, artificially created humans, epidemics, total control, prohibition of any dissent, prohibition of free travel. Division of the planet into new, closed between themselves territories under the control of artificial intelligence. This is only a small part of what is prepared by satan for the future.
The speed of implementation depends directly on the people, and their ability to oppose this. Our goal is to open the curtain of secrecy for those who are not yet indifferent to the voice of truth, searches for it, and wants to save their lives and survive, staying with God, even in such chaos that prepared for us all the son of death.
From all screens you are scared, lied to and forbidden. Everyday wearing of masks, closed mouth gives you a signal for silence and obedience – it is a sign language that is perceived by our brain on a subconscious level. That, which earlier could provoke revolutions and mass protests, today provokes only obedience and silence.
Everyone is silent, everyone is afraid, no one does anything, everyone waits.
THE TIME FOR ACTION HAS LONG AGO BEGUN! If you do not save yourselves, no one will.
Do not wait for help from medicine, police, firefighters and army. They will all be against you, just because they will be affected first, to thus eliminate the protection of the population.
Time is coming when the only goal of man will be to survive.
We cannot prevent future events, but we can be ready for them, we can complicate their purpose and even postpone events.
The three components of impact on humanity is first the virus, second the vaссіne, third a biologically active substance.
1. Virus SARS-CoV-2, from the appearance of which everything began. The virus was artificially created, the same as all other seasonal viruses, with the goal to make profit, according to the scheme of the virus, epidemic, vaссіnation.
It is a virus with “intelligent” RNA, which adapts to the human body and attacks the blood proteins.
C-reactive proteins are mainly attacked by the virus, getting on its surface the virus leads to its destruction, thus destroying the immunity of the body.
The first form of the virus that got into nature was intermediate and had respiratory effect on the body of the person, that means it affected the proteins of the lung tissue and death occurred from accumulation of fluid in the lungs, destruction of lung tissue, alveolar hemorrhage.
Today, the virus mutated to a different form and has a neurotropic effect, changing the proteins of blood of a person and promotes the accumulation of biologically active substance in the amygdala, about which will be written below. Death in such cases will occur from the accumulation of large amounts of nitrogen, products of protein breakdown, acute renal failure, hypertensive crisis, cerebral hemorrhage.
The action of the virus directly depends on the state of the organism, its slagging, and the level of fear of it.
Right now, in the world circulate at least seven mutated variations of this virus. Wearing masks helps to recycle the virus in the body. Masks from China which will be sold in stores from November of 2020 are treated with a special gas, additionally weakening the immune system of the person which will lead to a new, third wave of the pandemic and will prepare the foundation for total vaссіnation. Homemade masks will be able to protect you from this.
2. Many decades in row humanity consumes in food, through food and water, a biologically active substance that has the ability to accumulate in the amygdala tissue of the brain.
The period of decomposition and excretion of this substance from the body is more than 400 years, which means that it will remain there forever, and even after the death of the person it will circulate again in nature.
It affects all behavioral reactions of a person, emotions, fear, aggression, hatred, animal lust. Activation of such substance in products happens by going through the scanners at stores, fresh vegetables and fruits contain it in the least amounts, but cooked food, semi-finished food in the most amounts. Meat, yeast products, sugar, toothpaste, and tooth fillings carry the maximum amount of this substance. Closing of restaurants across the world stimulates purchases of prepared food in stores.
Every night, a signal is broadcasted that affects the human brain, not letting it rest, you wake up broken and tired as if after hard mental work. The signal also intensifies the manifestation of sleepwalking. Colossal mental load leads to death of people of elderly age, people with chronic diseases (of lungs, cardiovascular systems, kidneys) and people with a weakened immune system.
3. The vaссіne is a neurovirus activator, which under the presence of the two other components activates the process of starting the external control through the amygdala. Under the effect of Covid the body will lose the ability to oppose infections and will be defenseless before the neurovirus from one side. And from the other the amygdala of the vaссіnated person will activate and start to receive outside voice commands to suicide, murder, inaction. Religious people will be prone to inaction.
The vaссіnated person in a needed moment will be used like a bio-robot and will be endowed with incredible masculine strength and knowledge of a killer. For example, a paralyzed elderly woman will be able to stand up and cut throats of all her householders.
Protection from this exists: first of all in no case and under no circumstances do not agree to the vaссіnation, which is talked about all around. Vaссіnation will be mandatory with harsh sanctions and control. Second, it is possible to neutralize the virus in the body, we will write how later. Third, consuming vegetables and fruits, “fresh food” without heat treatment, will decrease the speed of fill up of the amygdala tissue with the biologically active substance.
The sound command for “destruction” which we heard about in the media in different parts of the world, about horrible murders by one person, groups of people. These were tests, now the tests are over.
They brought their weapons of mass destruction to perfection. No need for expensive armaments, barracks, training of soldiers, today every person will be able to take up weapons (that are available in their country) and start killing.
After total vaссіnation, a command will be given, and rivers of blood will flow into a sea across the planet. All forms of religions, all temples, all books about God will be destroyed.
Total horror and chaos will engulf the planet. “Mountains fall on us” is said in the Bible, this time has come!
The second attack is chimeras, they are already around us and go out to hunt, their goal is human flesh. It is impossible to run away from them or destroy them. They will attack at dusk, when you learn in the news that in your town increased attacks of street dogs on people, with fatal consequences – it is them.
The only defense is to not let them near you, we will write about this in the next appeal.
The third woe is nuclear war, a “star” that will fall from the sky to Earth will start its way from the west. Exactly from there will be launched rockets that will destroy everything living on our planet. This is the worst-case scenario because the radiation wave will poison all the water and food.
Today, all those who call themselves democrats around the world, eagerly and actively implement all three components into today’s life of the people. Confessing the opposite of such concepts as freedom, equality, peace. And conservatives, republicans, monarchists cling to the remnants of the safe world.
The third world war has begun, and it is against humanity with the use of biological weapons with possible use of nuclear.
The goal of this war is to decrease the population of the planet to 2 billion people, to redraw the borders of countries with the creation of new forms of government. And at the head of all this the son of perdition himself will rise, he will come to power and in one day will stop all the woes, restore the peace on Earth, and thus the remainder of humanity that will be left on Earth will bow to him and will recognize as god.
The people that serve him and are given unlimited power, do not understand that satan hates all and he does not need helpers, when he comes to power, he will destroy all those who helped him as well. Governors will not even be able to be sure in their guards who can turn their weapons against them.
The symptoms of being affected by the neurovirus: redness of corners of eyes, up until the change of eye incisions, with swelling of the corner of the eye. Desire to eat raw meat.
Sore throat and burning as if from fire, sore taste in mouth, pain across skin of head and body. Vision improvement, refusal from glasses. Most effectively the neurovirus will affect people ages 17 years and 8 months to 25 years old.
If you see a person with such symptoms - run. If the facility is closed shout, make noise, break a window with a chair. This will be able to drown out the signal and stop the killer for a moment, thus giving a chance to save yourselves.
In case of chaos you need to run to mountains, forest, the main thing is that there are as few people as possible. Each member of the family needs a backpack, with waterproof clothing, sleeping bag, water, sealed dried fruits, flint and steel. You will have no more than two hours to save yourselves. Do not lose time trying to talk your relatives and close ones into running with you, save yourselves.
Next, we will write what to do for protection from viruses and chimeras. Do not sleep, the time has come! The Lord is calling his herd into one last battle. Peace be with you!
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