Today we completed the video cycle about fasting, which consists of 8 parts.
All videos were recorded between 2019 and 2023.
Hear, I talk about myself and my family, share the experience of passing spiritual and real fasting.
How to properly enter and exit the fast. Why it is necessary to fast.
The spiritual aspect of fasting, as a way of victory over sin and the possibility
of receiving the Spirit of the Comforter.
Part 1
Spiritual Fast Part 1
May 2019
Greetings dear brothers and sisters!
Today, we begin the cycle of videos about spiritual fast. Esther will share with us her experience and answer our questions.
Question 1 – Is it hard to fast in our time?
Dear brothers and sisters, the question is two sided. If there is an intention, if you are with God, then it is easy. If there are internal doubts, reluctance that you are trying to hide in the depth of your soul, then fasting will come very difficult and in my experience there can sometimes be 10 days on water that go by like one day, and one day on water be so difficult that you count every hour just for it to be over, so it can be either way.
Today it is the fourth day of spiritual fasting for me, it is a fast without water or food. This fourth day is the first one in my life, because I practiced fasting on water, the longest one being a little over 40 days on water. Throughout the year I do dry fasting once a week and water fasting once a week.
Question 2 – Does fasting require preparation?
Gradually, everything must be done gradually. The first, so to say earthly fasts, which I do not know how much are practiced in today’s church, but they are fasts with consumption of food, which began with refusal of certain foods. Maybe over 10 years ago, at first, we would give up certain types of meat which were forbidden for consumption by the Bible, which is pork. We would give up bad habits like alcohol and smoking, because when smoking, dry fasting without water would not be successful. So your body needs to be purified as much as possible from all the harmful substances which over the years accumulate in our body.
And the hardest is to overcome your mind, which is used to living by the limits of rules of science and medicine about how a person can survive without water for 3 days. Today, it is the fourth day for me, and as you can see, I am still alive, taking care of responsibilities. I have a family, children, I am not locked away in a cave, my life keeps going as usual. Days of fasting are the same as usual ones, with responsibilities, small frustrations and joys. Just regular days.
I would also like to say about spiritual fasting, any intent of fasting you must acknowledge in your mind. I began pondering about spiritual fasting just over a years ago. That is, I would often ponder how the Lord and many prophets described in the Bible were able to go without food, without water in an environment where it is very hot, and how they succeeded in it. They had mortal bodies. And they lived like humans. Later I began searching on the internet if there are people who maybe also practiced life without water and everything I found was about buddhists or Tibetan monks, people far from Christianity and from following the Bible, their intent is a little different from ours. And they were successful being with no water for 10 days and more, and they moved, did physical activities. And all of them limited contact with food and water. They looked for places of silence where there was no one, seclusion, that is the only way they succeeded. And before I matured for fasting, for example right now it is the time of Pentecost, maybe my thoughts also did not come from God, I thought, how will I be able to dry fast if I must cook, I have little children who must be fed, and chores at home which I cannot hide away or lock myself from to fast. And then I thought that maybe it is not possible to hide because it is a sign of weakness and you must meet your temptations head on.
For example, I do not eat meat or drink alcohol and that does not limit my socialization with other people. As a family we go to festivities, birthdays, where are a lot of foods and beverages, but my family can always find something that we do eat. And people who smoke or consume alcohol absolutely do not influence me. I simply do not care, I live a little differently. That is why I thought that it was possible.
Question 3 – Is it hard to cook meals?
In reality cooking is not hard, or maybe I eat with my eyes. But what is hard are the smells, reactions to aromas even out on the street when you pass by a coffee shop or where there is the smell of food, it is hard. The appearance of food does not affect me. I can calmly pass by the front of a confectioners store like by a clothing stores front.
Hearing the sound of water is hard. Running water, bottled water, water that I can see. It seems like lifegiving water to me.
Question 4 - How do you manage to avoid contact with water?
I do not have any sort of fanatical relation regarding refusal of water. And I say fanatical because there are people who practice what they call dry hunger and they do not wash and do not touch water. Unfortunately, in my case it is not entirely possible because again, I have responsibilities which I do not hide away from. But of course, I do not bathe. Today is the fourth day and in the morning and evening I will wash my face, also I wash my face with cold water when it becomes very difficult, when I stay home alone with my children. I get a strong heartbeat and dizziness and that is how I bring myself back.
Question 5 – Modern medicine states that three days without water will lead to death. What is your opinion on this?
Today’s medical science says that life without dairy products and meat is also not possible. Science is science and life is life. Every person is an individual organism, for someone refusal from meat is death and for another refusal from water is life, reality, and healing. In reality, with any fast, meaning the fast that the Lord talks about, fast with water or spiritual fast without water, it is directed for healing, healing of the body first, then healing of the soul. Every fast begins with what I call breaking the locks. Everyone I think has a different number of these locks, and for example, I will start at the beginning before dry fast, I had six days of preparation to this dry fast. Every 24 hours I had 10 hours without water, 7 hours with water, and for the other 7 hours I chose a fruit, an apple, I divided it into small pieces and every hour I ate a piece of the apple. This way I prepared for six days and on the seventh I began a fast without water. During these six days I had pain in my bones, like body ache, similar to the state you are in before flu but much worse. Felt like arms and legs were twisted and driven nails into, I would like to say right away that during fasts something I do not recommend and do not do myself, is to take medicine. Meaning tolerate everything, and if you cannot tolerate it then read the Bible or ask the Lord in prayers, watch a movie that can improve your mood or lift your spirits. Physical exercise also reduces pain and it is crucial to walk outside in the fresh air for up to 3 or 4 kilometers in a day, it is necessary. Without outside walks a fast is impossible. I do not know why, but perhaps because of the body’s access to oxygen because it spends all its energy, it is a stress for it, any refusal of food is stress. It is breaking the normal way of life, and maybe mentally it is the most difficult. You must mature. During the whole six days when I was preparing, every time I took food in my hands, I would repeat to myself that it is just food, and that it is just temporary. That the Lord gave His life for us, a death on the cross. He told us that we must follow Him and that it is possible, He is our road guide. Following the ten commandments without fasting is half observance of all the statutes written in the Bible. And you cannot choose what is comfortable or not comfortable for you, you must always follow the voice of truth, by the degree of your maturity on the spiritual field and by the measure of your willingness. And also, maybe the most important, regardless of your knowledge, your willingness, your fast must begin with a question to yourself, “Why?”. And if you do not find an answer to this question, if you do not know why you must fast, then I think it will be all doomed to fail, because you must have a clear purpose, and understanding of why you are doing this. You. Not because the Lord did it, but why do you want to do this.
Now I want to come back to what I was saying, body ache, your heartrate increases, you get tachycardia, I always find where my heart is during fasting because it is trying to jump out of your chest. Arterial blood pressure decreases, which means that when you stand up from laying down you get dizziness, weakness, weak arms and legs, but my children give me strength because no matter how hard it is for me, I must get up, come, and keep doing my responsibilities.
Now, more about how you feel. Headaches, such bad headaches that I just wrapped my head in scarves, tightening them to make it possible to at least move. But gradually it goes away. It goes away, and you must remember that it is not permanent. You must do mini meditations during prayer, when I was laying and couldn’t move because the pain was terrible, I would tell myself that my pain is flowers. And when I closed my eyes I saw a field of flowers. And you slowly become distracted, not right away, a miracle doesn’t happen. I know that there are people who say it is easy for them on the third day. For me, personally, it is always hard. But you must not plummet into your feelings of pain and move forward. And any kind of purification of the body requires you to endure all the feelings that you get. And the more illnesses you had in your life, the harder it will be for you.
I have some days when I get up I hold onto a wall and move. After a walk I feel much better and I return to my normal life, in quotation marks of course, because as I am talking right now, I have a shortness of breath, tachycardia, but I think for the first fourth day in my life it is normal.
Also I want to say something for people who also want to practice fasting, as a medic, that you must never rush it. There is a saying, “Hurry slowly”. It is a very wise saying. If you are around people who live a fulfilled life, eating various food, then you must first refuse meat products as much as possible, meaning, consume meat two or three times a year, for example. Later you must reduce your portions. We began by refusing meat and then reducing portions. For example, get something to measure with, a cup, half a cup is your norm, three times a day. Half a cup of porridge or vegetables, or half a cup of soup. And you measure everything. Gradually your stomach will reduce in size, desire of food also decreases. Later we transitioned to fasts which, well, mainly the fasts were the Easter fast, the Pentecost, and the Christmas fast, that were in our lives, three of these serious fasts, we transitioned to eating one time in the evening. Meaning on all days of the fast we consumed food only in the evening, only roasted vegetables with no butter or oil. Vegetables and fruits. We roasted whatever seasonal food we had and ate it. And that’s it. So we had these various preparational fasts which prepared us for water and dry fast. Every Friday is always on water for us. I would like to say that it is possible. I have little children who also practice water fasting on Fridays. I have a son, from evening to six in the evening the next day, he drinks water, tea with honey, if he wants we make him hot cocoa. I do not limit the child in dairy products like milk, but water, water without bread, without regular food. It is not always success but we try to practice every Friday. Our older children can be 24 hours on water and 24 hours on dry fast. So it is possible, the children are cheerful, you cannot tell that they are not eating, running and jumping around. If they ask for food I might say let’s wait one more hour, but if they don’t want to, I do not make them. We prepare food and the children eat.
I would like to say that before true fasts or spiritual fasts you must prepare. And I think this preparation will take a significant amount of time. Meaning first you must refuse consumption of alcohol, tobacco, meat, fatty types of meat. You must refuse spices, flavor enhances such as mayonnaise, salt, sugar, I don’t want to tell you to completely stop consuming them, but for example mayonnaise in my family has been replaced by sour cream long ago. Limit consumption of salt, vinegar, because all these substances increase your appetite, and today, it is very hard to eat correctly because all products contain an assortment of chemical compounds which not only poison our body, but also steal our feeling of fullness. I think everyone will agree with me, the more you eat the hungrier you are. There is no feeling of being full. Also, if you would like to fast during Pentecost, you must prepare throughout the year. Meaning you must have a day on just water. If you have never had a day on water, begin with two hours on water, three hours on water, 6 hours on water, 12 hours, until 6 in the evening. And gradually you can increase. Someone who eats everything should not, just from reading about or seeing someone who can fast, immediately jump into it headfirst. Because I think it is dangerous for the body as well as the soul.
And any fast is directed at mortifying the body, when you enter fasts the first thing you get is constant tiredness. You do not have any strength. But what does it lead to? You are less irritable, you have less emotions, and the body cannot protest, it can only give you thoughts like why, look at how hard it is, everything hurts today, that it is needless. But you must not pay attention to such flattering, I think, thoughts, chase them away from you, necessarily turn your attention to no matter what else, anything that can distract you, and continue going towards your goal.
Part 2
Spiritual Fast Part 2
May 2019
Question 1 – It is possible to satisfy hunger with prayer?
It is written in the Bible that man shall not live by bread alone, and these words are not used there in the text in the figurative sense, they are used literally, and it is so. We carry in ourselves a spirit of possibilities which we do not know, and our body the Lord created from dust, also perfect, as He said this many times. From a medical point of view our mind is a closed book, an unlearned book and our possibilities are unknown. We can only remind ourselves how a person acts in dangerous or extraordinary situations. For example, a person can jump high, run fast, survive in cave crevices into which they fall without water or food. People who also survive after a catastrophe in the open sea. That is why it is all possible. I for example, I am not sure how this will sound, but I try to get enjoyment out of the feeling of hunger. I try listen into it, I read the Bible.
In reality hunger is the easiest thing to overcome because it leaves easily. It is hard to fight when the body is being purified from toxins and you get pain. No matter what the pain is, I only want to say that if you had traumas, broken bones, if you have internal illnesses, then it will increase your pain. Because that is how the body will heal, and that is why you must tolerate it, burden yourself physically if you can, groan, I don’t know what else, sing, walk, just simply live through it, live through it knowing that it all ends. It is like birth, spiritual birth, I think women will understand, like labor pain, and comes the moment when it all ends. Nobody dies from it but the opposite, appears a new life for which we live, exist, and the same with your body. Fast rebirths you and in pain your spirit strengthens, and the body becomes frail as it is written that the body is frail, but the spirit is strong. So is the purpose of fast, to make the body frail, weak, so that it does not rebel, so that it does not suggest you evil thoughts. So that there is no sin and the spirit becomes the ruler in our essence, so that we could do work in God’s field and receive the purpose of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit.
Question 2 – How do you lose weight during fast?
Greetings to you. Foremost I want to say that today is the sixth day of spiritual fast without water. At first you lose a lot of mass. The body loses liquid first, which we have a lot of. In the span of three days you lose water. And later subcutaneous fat begins to degrade because the body needs energy, your body is in stress and it seeks ways it can get energy from and our subcutaneous tissue is a source of energy for the body. After the third day, you lose wight even faster and you can see it with every day. I do not know how many kilograms I lost because I do not weigh myself, but it is significantly noticeable with clothing. After losing subcutaneous tissue, your muscles are next. It is very important to not lose your muscle mass very fast because that will lead to weakness and continuous tiredness. And for this you not only need constant walks, but you also need to maintain muscle tone. In this situation static exercises are suitable because cardio exercises are impossible since your heart starts to jump out of your chest with the smallest effort. This is why I chose static exercises for my body. What statics are, is fixation of a certain pose for one or two minutes. The first exercise is a plank, you can find more detailed information about it on the internet, there is a description of how to correctly do these exercises. I do a plank for a minute. For those who never tried it, 10 seconds is enough, gradually you can increase the time, and necessarily you should not do active movements or active exercises, because that can lead to either significant fall of your blood pressure or the opposite, you will get extremely strong tachycardia and heart pain, so you must do exercises carefully, by how you feel. Also, you must not forget about walks in the fresh air. Today I attempted to ride a bicycle for a little bit, slowly and not a lot, and my wellbeing improved, with breaks and rest of course. So I think everyone can find their path which will help them continue their fast, one which will help saturate your body with oxygen and improve your mood.
Question 3: How do you feel on the sixth day?
With every day, honestly, it becomes harder and harder, especially going from horizontal position to vertical, if I walk a little faster I get shortness of breath and the hearts starts jumping out of the chest. I got stomach pain, it feels like it stuck to the spine, I rest more, there are moments when I simply go and lay down because I have no strength for anything, but later I get up, begin to move, do my work, and that is how this hard state passes. Also I did not say that with refusal of water you feel cold, you are always cold, meaning I dress like it is winter, I am always cold. I use various heaters to warm up and that is how I come out of the situation.
I think for the first time this is a pretty long time and further on I will see how I feel, and if with every day it will get worse I will possibly transfer to a mix of consuming a little bit of water and dry, without water. For example I will drink a glass of water and then later the entire 24 hours I will be without water again. And for now it is too early to say. I believe that the Lord will help and I am set on continuing, without fanatism of course, I will monitor my heartrate, arterial pressure and we will see the first 24 hours.
Question 4 – Does dryness of mouth bother you?
On the first day I thought that there is so much saliva that it could replace water but on the third day I understood that there is not that much of it, and especially when it is hot, thirst makes you suffer. It makes you suffer very much, and again, today, when cooking food, when hearing water I react sharply. Because it is May outside, it is hot, you want to drink more than when it is overcast. But I think it is the least of the problems you can have with spiritual fasting. A lot harder for me is the weakness, heartbeat, heart pain, it brings discomfort.
Do not be afraid to share your experience. Do not be afraid to begin short fasts for your children because it is for healing. Engage them in prayer, talk with them a lot, tell them about God and your fasts will be short, easy, and directed towards spiritual growth and a healthy body.
Greetings to you. Today, it is the ninth day of spiritual fasting. Today I want to tell you a little about myself. You know that my name is Esther, I am 38 years old, I am a regular person, a mother. We have three children. We have a teenager, a boy and a very little girl. I want to say that if you have a strong intent to fast, then family, work, children, husband, they cannot be an obstacle. Of course, it is harder for a family person because there is daily work that needs to be done and despite the tiredness which bothers me especially a lot right now, I try to do the work, little by little. I would like to say that sometimes I get doubts, that I incomplete my duties and this causes a little discomfort, but I remember the words from the Bible when the Lord said to Martha, that you worry a lot, but only one is necessary, and that is why I think that work will always be there, but a fast which you spend with the Lord, it only happens once a year, and this time must be dedicated to him as much as possible.
I also want to tell a little about my children. I already said that they all fast, my eldest daughter began her fasts from 8 years old. Of course they were not fasts on water. First, it was the refusal of meals with meat, white bread, sweets, everything that a child loves. Mainly it was vegetables, fruits, porridges, and certain days fish. And with our daughter getting older we made fasts a little harder. Also I would like to say that you should never, in any case, force children. Children must see your example, because in this world, parents and guardians are guides for them. Now, I already said that our daughter is grown up. She can spend not just one day on water and one 24-hour period without water during fasts. She does not always have the desire. I always know when she breaks a fast, I do not punish her right away, but simply tell her that I know she broke the fast. Maybe it is just some parent’s intuition, but I always know when children do something wrong, and very often the child makes the correct conclusions and tries to continue the fast.
About my middle son, he is still little, I am not a mother fanatic, I did not induce him to fast, and moreover, maybe I did not talk about it that much, we talk more with them about God, about sin, about the commandments, whatever interests them. And seeing how we refuse food every Friday he asked to also. At first, I did not even take this seriously because children might get very excited and then also quickly become uninterested. At first, I even tried talking him out of it a little bit, I told him that if you only drink water and do not eat, that you cannot break the fast and to our surprise Friday went by very easy. I already said that he is not on just water, he drinks water with honey, juice, not juice from the store, but natural homemade. You can make it yourself without adding sugar. Or give milk or cocoa. Right now during Pentecost he continues to be on water every Friday until 6pm, without eating food. There are days when he doesn’t eat for a few hours and then does not want to continue, and I do not make him and then feed him. And there are days that I see that he can take fruits from the table and eat them and also when I don’t see, I also allow, and later I will tell him that for example, that an apricot is also food and it is preferred not to eat.
And the youngest daughter is very little. Of course, there is no talk of fasts but we did as the Lord said in His messages, we made one day only on milk for her, without adding supplementary food, fruit puree. She gains weight well, so everything is good. The most important is to not be afraid and feel your children. Also I want to say that all my children have absolutely different characters, very active, right now during fast they also need their mom. And their mom is weak, but I give each of them attention as much as I can. Also, I need to cook a lot because there are now supplements, we try not to buy supplements but cook ourselves and I have no strength. If I do one thing I must go rest, of course my family helps me, they support me.
Also about fasts for mothers who have infants, when my daughter became two months old I went into a fast on water for 7 days. I would like to say that it went by like one day. Such easy fasts rarely happen in my life, usually it is hard. For example before and after that I also wanted to fast, to prepare for Pentecost, but I could do one, two, three days at most, and that’s it. Also I never forcibly enter fast, if a fast does not work out then there is too little intent. Meaning, I already said that if you cannot give the answer to the question why you need this fast then it will not be successful. Maybe when I entered it I did not have enough spiritual reinforcement, thoughts, pondering on the topic of fasting. Even why I wanted to do it, simply because I want to fast during Pentecost is not an argument.
Also, it is important for our children to see an example. Example of parents, it is very important because if we say that it is time of fast but for example you eat everything, or that it is very important for God but you will eat first, second, third, or eat large portions, then of course your children will not perceive you and these seeds which you sow will be empty, why empty, because a word without action is empty, and the inner core is important for the word of this seed, so that it is lifegiving and could sprout in children’s hearts, so that it could grow. Of course, not right away, but sometime in the future. I think everything that parents try to do for their children will never stay traceless, and your and our mission is to be sowers, sowers of the word, it is very important. Guarantee how much our words give fruits in the future, there is no guarantee. When we buy in a store a pack of seeds nobody guarantees you will have a 100% harvest.
May 2019
When we buy in a store a pack of seeds nobody guarantees you will have a 100% harvest, because there can be frost, drought, birds can come and eat these seeds. The same is with children’s hearts, we do not know what will sprout from these seeds, but our goal is to sow. Our goal is to care for our children. They must know that they are needed. Of course, we want very much from them, we have great hopes and expectations, but very rarely we get all of what we want. Because our mission is not about I give you this and you give me that, the mission of parents is supposed to be not lucrative. We must give them love, care, teach them wisdom just because, just because the Lord sent us these souls, just because He came into this world and did it for us. He taught us. He loved us.
Also I want to go a little into the topic of adoption, we are already talking about children. Very often I meet families who do not have children, and right now there is a popular use of eco, which is not only expensive but also does not always yield results. And when you ask why they do not adopt, it causes a lot of aggression, and the answer is for some reason always the same. Why should I raise children of drug addicts and alcoholics. I want to say that, who can guarantee parents who have their own children that they will not grow up to be drug addicts and alcoholics. Experience shows that usually in good families happen, I would say tragedies, in religious families this also happens to children. Of course I will not say that parents are at fault because our children have freedom of choice and I always remember about this, I stop myself when I get angry. I think it is better for children to learn from their own mistakes, to get experience on their own than for me to take what the Lord has gifted them.
And when I say that we plan and have a great desire to adopt, there is also the answer, where will you have them, because we have three of our own. But I think that there cannot be too many children or too little. An extra plate of food, warm hugs, love, I think they will be there, if in your heart there is a flame of love to God. Also it is important for us parents to fill the hearts of our children with love. When we accept an orphan we should not do it for any benefit, because no one can guarantee you that from your or adopted children will grow up something good or bad. I think it is all in our hands partly, and the biggest destiny is the choice of this child. Every one of us has a right to make a mistake, we all make mistakes. We did not become perfect from birth, we head forward on this path. I am also far from perfect, and despite the many years I have communicated with the Lord. He comes to me in sleep. I record many of His messages for humanity. I also did not change right away, but step by step. The stairs to heaven are never easy, God has nothing easy, but He also did not promise us anything easy in this life. I, for example, do not receive absolutely anything from what I would want to receive from my children, but I love them just the way they are, and not because they are mine. I think there can be no children strangers, they are all family. And I do not know if you understand me, but I do not see the difference between my own children which I carried and a child who would be an absolute stranger.
Also, I wanted to tell you a little from my past life, I had experience raising a girl from an orphanage, I always tell this as an argument to people who say that children from orphanages are bad, cruel and they say many more things which I do not even want to remind myself of. Now, as a mother of my own children I can tell you that this child felt me much better than my own children, the reason being, I think, she had a lack of love, and I had a lot of it. She could very sensitively feel my mood, she could just walk up to me and hug at the most necessary for me moment. When I asked her why she is doing it, she told me that she knows that I don’t feel well. My children never feel when I am sad or when I am hurt. They are used to always having a mom, she is always available, always does their wishes, quickly forgives, and I think this is required from parents. So do not be afraid to take the steps which society, which satan imposes on us, scaring us, the same as they scare you that life without food is death, even more so without water. That unvaccinated children are dangerous, because all of these are myths, and the Lord said that if you accept one of the least, meaning children, you accept Me. If each of us accepted an orphan, and loved them, not with the words from the Bible which are mainly empty words, but with actions prove to the Lord that we follow Him, then this world would become kinder. I always think, I have been thinking for a long time, how to change this world for the better, if orphans disappeared from the face of the earth, if no one stood aside, if all of us tried, as a whole to make this world better, then I think the amount of violence, malice would decrease.
Now I will return to my fast, about my wellbeing, about my condition, well, my condition is worse with each day, especially because the heat has come. And going for a walk during the day is nearly impossible, and my strength is also leaving me with each day, but by the medical data, my pulse is 60, 70, which is the norm, arterial pressure is lowered but it is always lowered for me, and it is not critically low, always shortness of breath, it is hard to get up, heart beats very fast, tachycardia is present, also I got a rash, and as I am a doctor, it is proof that internal organs are being purified and this is wonderful. Also, maybe I never said that from the first days of my spiritual fast, the tongue gets covered a lot and of course I clean it off, but for now there is no progress, meaning the body is still not purified enough from our “healthy” food which is in the stores, but slowly I think everything will improve. Also I get stomach pain, not always, but it bothers me. For example, yesterday it a crisis for me, because it was over 30C°, I did small walks and I thought that I would leave the fast, I had extremely strong twisting pain, such a state that it felt like skin was pulled off of you alive, and I would come up to my husband and say that I cannot tolerate it anymore, but later I just began talking with the Lord and ask Him for strength and the next morning everything let go. I got up, I could even say cheerful, everything passed. I think that the lord helped me, maybe another one of my locks inside was broken, that is good.
Now, also regarding myths about fasting. Today is my ninth day. My nails did not start layering, they do not break and are strong, my hair is not falling out. I think during pregnancy I had more problems. Of course, the weight disappears. Our fast is not directed for weight loss. I think that there are many methods like eating less, moving more, and the weight will disappear as well. I was also a little worried about my skin, but I would not call it dehydrated. I also thought that it would hang a little because I have not yet returned to normal after giving birth, but to my surprise my skin is all pulled up. I just get skinnier as if I was always like this, and you should not be afraid of being so skinny, because this is beneficial, later when I leave the fast, if you are interested, I will tell you about exiting the fast.
I will say right away that if you do long fasts then you cannot eat everything in a week. You would need about a month to exit, first on water, juices, fruits, it must only be natural food. Natural is not even porridges, it is just vegetables and fruits. It is important that this purification, so that the body, which begins to work in tandem with the spirit, does not take over again.
Also I would like to say that you should not count the days, because for example, I entered Pentecost with a two week fast on water, but then it did not work out for me, and I began eating plant foods, vegetables and fruits, and then I matured for Pentecost. Now you see, it is my 9th day and I had six days of preparation. And I count 50 days ahead, meaning that if my families Pentecost is ending in a week on Sunday, and for everyone, then for me it will end in July, and when I begin to think that there is still a month and 10 days ahead, I start feeling like I will not be able to, because I have no strength. But it is important to not count. I have today, and today I do not eat, for example, or I do not drink. And what will be tomorrow, well, the Lord will take care of it. If we talk to Him, if we ponder, then I think accordingly, we will receive His help. Also I want to say that my spiritual fast is coming to an end because it is very hard for me in hot weather. I think with my previous experience, 36 hours, this many days is already a lot. I plan tomorrow to be the last day of spiritual fasting, and on Wednesday I will introduce a little water.
Also, I would like to say that you with your families must be one whole and also it is very important to never tell anyone that you fast. For example, if right now my acquaintances see me, they ask what happened, you can always say that it’s your children, teething, that you had a sleepless night, anything, but do not tell them that you do not eat or drink. First of all because the Lord said that you must not make it look like you are fasting, right, no one must know. And second of all, why would you need to tell anyone about this, it is a kind of an intimate meeting with the Lord which you must continue. The amount of days you fast is the amount of days you have a meeting with the Lord, it is important. And also I would like to say that when you begin to refuse a food or fast, usually people do not understand this, and also, an advice from my many years of experience, they treat you exactly at the level that you allow it, if you are strong as a rock, maybe some ridicule or advice will be thrown in your direction, but do you care about someone else’s advice if it can lead you astray from God’s path, right? We must think more about how to get to heaven, and not how to please our mother, father, relative, acquaintance, friend, or someone at work. I think that all of this is not important so never pay attention to such things. I, for example, always find something to eat as a guest. I think it is always possible to find a meal that you can eat, and if you are fasting, meaning you only drink water, then at such moments I do not attend any events at all, I try to be more alone. Also during fasting I really lack silence, with my children it is hard, because I can only dream of silence, and it is not there. And if people who are aggressive continue to try to convince you and do not stop, then in such cases, for example, I simply stand up, as the Lord said, shake off your feet and never visit these places again. Because it is better to cut off that which pulls you back, and without hands or legs, meaning without relatives, close ones, to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, or be whole and burn in hell. You must remember such things.
It is evening here and I would say I am comfortable, I can breathe a little. About the spiritual side of fast, during fast, when you read the Bible, you see lines, or understand that which was closed to you. And also your border between the invisible world is erased, meaning it becomes thin. For example, only recently, sick children saying names started coming to me in dreams, I cannot yet understand completely if these are real children or souls but I pray because these children are in my mind.
I want to wish you bravery, everything starts with a small step. We are born also strengthless infants but slowly, with the care of parents, step by step we stand on our feet and begin to make our first steps into adult life. The same is on Gods field, the Lord does not require huge progress from you right away, but He says that we must be perfect as our Father is perfect, we must live holily, we must do mercy. Mercy – is not a pharisee donation, but those two widows’ lepts, when we give the last thing we have, we share, so start your steps on God’s Field, because without fasting it is impossible to overcome the root of sin, it is impossible.
I really want to overcome sin, but of course, for now I am only taking my first steps of perfection, a lot of regular progress. And it is very important to remember that sin – is a transgression, it is that line which one day the Lord drew in front of Mary Magdalene, and He said who of you has no sin, let him throw the first stone at her. The Lord taught me that this line which you see is transgression, and you can only transgress the law once, then, nothing matters, meaning if you committed even one sin out of 10, you are a transgressor. And in the beginning when I was still visiting church, very often priests would say, yes, it is an light sin, you do not even have to name it, it does not count. But where did they get this measure of lightness or heaviness? The Lord told me that there is absolutely no difference between murder, lying, adultery, there is absolutely no difference. For example, my daughter is incredibly afraid of spiders, and when she sees one she says take it away, give me something so I can kill it, and I tell her that the Lord said do no kill, and she says that the Lord did not say that you cannot kill spiders, and I tell her that the Lord did not say do not kill people or animals, he simply said do not kill. You want to kill it only because you are afraid of it or you do not like it, but it does not do any harm to you and does not pose any danger to your life. I do not know how firmly such words become imprinted in children’s hearts, but I do not allow my children to stomp insects outside or hurt animals because everything begins with a small sprout, and we think too high of ourselves if we consider that our life is bigger than the life of a plant or animal or whatever is around us. The Lord created everything with love, and if it is created with love we must respect it. So do not live by false illusions that I am sinless because I did not steal, or kill, or commit adultery, so that you know, for example, the gradation of sins goes from the top and the first sin is much greater than do not kill, not celebrating the Sabbath, calling the name of the Lord God in vain is a much greater transgression than everything that goes below.
As the Lord said to his apostles when they approached him, why can’t we drive out this kind? He said that only by fasting and prayer can this kind be driven out. He did not say stop sinning or just pray, meaning fast – is the foundation of your holiness, and prayer – is your relationship with the Lord, it is a conversation with Him, without talking with the Lord, because we heal, for example, we bless, if someone has this power, we cast out demons, only through His name.
Therefore I wish you courage, increase the love in your heart, tell the Lord that you love Him and I think that the flame of love in your heart will start burning more and more, and the path to heaven will be short and easy.
Until we meet again.
Spiritual Fast Part 4
July 2023
Greetings to you! Today we decided to record a series of videos about fast. The first time we recorded was 4 years ago. Today I will tell you about the changes, positive changes in those 4 years, how fasts go today. Today, it is July 5, 2023, usually we enter fasts during the time of Pentecost, but this time I was not successful. Meaning, during Pentecost we had short refusals from food once a week, on water, and once a week without water, and the food – was vegetables and fruits. This is how the entire Pentecost passed, but for me it is fast when there are many days, either on water or without water like the Lord said, true fast of spiritual fast. In the first videos I talked about how spiritual fast is a fast without consumption of water, and true fast is a fast with consumption of water. This time I tried to enter a fast on June 25. I was still working in May, so I did not have the opportunity to enter longer fasts. Meaning a day on water or without water do not present a problem for me, but a week and more is hard. I never enter fasts during work, or when there are things that need to be taken care of.I already talked about the preparation you need before each fast. I will quickly repeat myself, at least two weeks before your planned fast, you must begin preparation. What is the preparation? You must refuse protein meals, flour dishes, yeast, salt as much as possible. You transfer to a more of a vegetarian diet and it is preferred to have only a small amount of prepared food. So that it is mostly fresh vegetables or fruits, also during this period it is prohibited to consume dried fruits and nuts since they have a lot of glucose and calories so it will be difficult for you to enter a fast on water or without it. And right before entering the fast you must cleanse your gastrointestinal tract. There are very many ways to do this and I think everyone can choose what they prefer. The most common being when you consume boiled salt, you dilute a certain amount of salt, that is, a few tablespoons on a liter of water and you drink it. And that is how your gastrointestinal tract will be cleansed. For example, for someone like me who almost does not consume salt, such a method of cleansing will not work, since in the morning I will only have a lot of swelling. I use magnesium sulfate or a simple folk enema, meaning do what you want, whatever works for you and do it at least three days before starting your fast. And lets come back to my fast, I planned to begin June 25. It was Sunday, on Saturday I was on water, before that I cleansed with magnesium sulfate, I drank it two days, 60 grams each day. On Sunday I enter the spiritual fast without water and I immediately get a headache like migraines, that is what everything started with, and then closer to the evening I had body ache. It is necessary that when you begin a fast with or without water you must do physical activity, this does not mean sport but you must spend a lot of time on the fresh air, it is one of the conditions of your long fast. Of course, fast is not only cleansing of the body, two weeks on vegetables and the desire to do it. You need to approach the fast in advance, you should get a feeling like you are waiting on some desired trip or a much-loved guest to come home, that is how you must expect the fast, like when will it finally begin. When you get such a desire, trembling of the soul, then I think it is the most successful time.
Since the first day of the fast I walked a lot. Meaning these were walking in nature or on the riverbank in my case. I walked 8 km in a day. I hoped that if I walked for many kilometers, I would get tired and my pain would pass. I said that closer to the evening I got pain in my bones, it was not just when your body is being twisted, like before flu, these were pains like rheumatism or labor pains, the whole spine, neck, legs, pelvis hurt. It was impossible to sit or stand, there was only a little relief when walking. Also on this day on Sunday it was very hot, I think it was 36 or more Celsius, and after my walk I felt very bad. So the first day went by in pain, I almost did not sleep at night, I used a yoga mat for relief. Maybe someone knows, it is a mat with many spikes, it is used to help with osteochondrosis, when you lie down and the pain caused by such small spikes drowns out the pain a little, especially the body ache. It brought relief for a short period of time but that is where it all ended. The next day, second day, my husband goes away on business for a few days and I am left alone with children. I go for a walk at least 8-10 kilometers and in the evening I understand that I cannot tolerate this much pain in my bones any longer, because a person can tolerate 6 hours when something hurts, 12 hours, but 48 hours is really a lot. I did not sleep for 2 days, and I was alone with the children, it was hard. Close to 4am, I decide to take a pain reliever, drinking it with water, later I drank a little water again, because I understood that the body was two days without water and it is somewhat dehydrated and taking medicine on a dry and hungry stomach, which are chemicals, is not good. Some time later I was able to fall asleep for the first time in these two days, I laid until about 12 at noon. I listened in to the fact that I am not in pain, the pain was there but it was and it was possible to tolerate it.
This time as I failed in entering a long fast during Pentecost, I really wanted to succeed, that is, I was not going to give up. I always asked the Lord for help. The next day it was already Tuesday, and I thought that I will begin from Tuesday again, because I broke the fast, I took medicine and drank it with water, it is understandably like a water fast. But I wanted to be without water.
At 3pm the effectiveness of the pain reliever wore out and everything that I had came back plus a headache, after I drank water. I also went for a walk, my son was now accompanying me as he did not want to let me go alone. We walked about 8 kilometers. I come home and use the spike mat again. There is no relief. I cannot sit, cannot lay. Until 4pm I walked around and sat half reclined and I took a pain reliever again and I became very frustrated. I did not understand why I am not successful. I began analyzing what the matter is, what is wrong, because usually when you enter a spiritual fast any changes in your body, when you get body ache or fever, they show up only on the third day or even the fourth or fifth. But for it to happen on the first day, it just does not happen. I began to remember what the reason could be. I remembered myself the pandemic 2020. When I worked, the regulators of our institution required employees to do PCR tests every 7 days, and there were periods, every 7 days, these tests were done. Later I was fired for refusing to va-ccinate and at the end I probably only earned sinusitis and frontalis. Before, I only knew by ear because my father had it, but I did not know from my own experience. So sinusitis and frontalis, they always went together like two hands, and during the year there could be relapses of exacerbations very many times and the flue was also very difficult. Later I thought that maybe the reason was that the past nearly 8 months I had tooth problems and I could not get to a dentist and I took very many pain relievers. I thought that maybe my body is saturated with medications and that is why from the first day everything showed up like it did. So it is Tuesday, no, it is already Wednesday, because this is the night. I get strong pains and I take a pain reliever again, I drink it with a small amount of water just so that I can drink down the pill, and before morning I fall asleep. I wake up the next day and everything is fine, no pain, but I am afraid of 3 o’clock because I expect my pain to come back again, I ask the Lord for help, and so comes 3pm and everything is fine, comes 4pm and until the evening everything is fine. Maybe my spiritual, true fast begins on Wednesday, so I consider these three days to be a sort of additional preparation for fast.
I always get a lot of dreams during spiritual fasts, when I see spiritual things, I will not describe it today because that is not what the video is about.
Then, the second day, third day, everything is wonderful, I did not say, that today it is my eighth day of spiritual fast. We really wanted to record like the first series of video, where we recorded by days, day three, day six, but since at the beginning of the fast my husband was not here, I was forced to stay with the children. Their school is not over yet, we have school in July here, therefore it was impossible to leave somewhere. Later on the sixth day, we drove here, not even like that, on the fifth day we went to the river but the problem was that it was very hot again, and it is 4km to the river, when we got there I already could not talk, I was very tired and plus when we turned on the camera, we began recording, but because of strong wind the sound was very bad. On the sixth day we came here where we are right now, we recorded 40 minutes of video and when we got home there was only sound, the video did not open. Then, our children got sick, we were busy with the children and today I tell my husband that we must record something today because it is already day 8.
And in general, I do not recommend fasting in June or July, it is best to do fasts on water or spiritual fasts without water when it is winter, spring. When it is cool, when the body does not lose water so much and it is correct, it is very incorrect to fast in 30-degree heat because first of all it is dangerous. In my case what happened has happened, that is why we are recording today, and today it is the eight day. As you can see I am cheerful, a little tired, my mouth is very dry, a dessert.
You could say it is hard now because on the sixth day I said that I am cheerful, that I walk 8-10 kilometers. Beginning with 7th day my kilometers have reduced to about 4. I cannot go more, it is very hard to get up, especially if on stairs or an incline. But if you divide by days, from the first day until today, after the seventh day I am more frail, I have less strength, but, you know, it is nevertheless periodical. In the morning I was lively, I did things at home, I could do something, but later, that is it, I get completely exhausted. And it is not the kind of exhaustion that you can go lay down, you do not want to lay down. Because during fasts your sleep time decreases, I get enough sleep much sooner. Also, after I took the medicine on the first day on my true fast, I had a surprise in the guise of insomnia. I could not fall asleep at all, nothing bothered me, it was simply insomnia.
Now, about desires. Many people are interested if you have a desire to eat. Well, yes, when I had the first three unsuccessful days, the first three days I wanted to eat. Of course I greedily looked at food but since the first day, meaning Wednesday, of the spiritual fast I did not have a desire to eat, meaning I calmly react to vegetables, fruits, berries, sweets, if my children eat I absolutely do not have a desire to eat.
Also in the first series of videos I talked about how sharply I react to smells. Today it is already the fourth year, and I do not have absolutely any reaction to smells, food, the only thing that is left is water, if there is a sound of water, or when washing the dishes, or when someone is playing with water, I really want to drink. So if you ask me what I would like, I would simply like to drink cold water.
This time I did not do any measurements, no pulse, no blood pressure, no temperature, because I really do feel well. The body is dehydrated, it is visible from the turgor of the skin, it became more flabby, the mouth is dry, from time to time I clean off the plaque off the tongue, people call this different things, some call it mouth hygiene because you tongue is an indicator of how much your body has purified. I think the amount of days I can go right now without water is not enough for complete purification. Also I will not be fanatical about fasting, I will not plan some huge amount of days, of course my goal is 40 days on spiritual fast, but it is a dream, which I think I will achieve someday. I did forty day fasts on water before.
Right now, it is a little harder for me to do water fasts, it is easier when I do a cascade fast. What is a cascade fast, it is when you for example, are a few days without water, and later a day on water, then again, a few days without water. It is harder to do it the other way. If I am for example, a few days on water and then one day without water it is psychologically hard for my body. Any fast you enter you will have to deal without your emotions, you will have to deal with your spiritual source, if your spiritual source, meaning your spirit, is close to God, then it will not be difficult. I do not mean for the body, it will be hard for the body because not eating or drinking is hard. Everything simply depends on how you feel about it, for one person a small cut is a tragedy but for another a broken hand is nothing to worry about, the same is with fast, if you listen in to what hurts, how bad you feel, of course everything will be harder. The Lord said to hug your crosses and they will be easy, and it is 100% so with fast, if you hug this fast, if you like not eating, if you get enjoyment from it, no matter how it sounds. Yes, I enjoy not eating because I feel my spiritual source more than the body. If during a period when a person eats everything your body dictates you how to live, what you want, what to do…
Part 5
Spiritual Fast Part 5
July 2023
Although my physical capabilities have decreased, of course I cannot fully perform household chores, but I am cheerful, cheerful spiritually. I am in a good mood. Of course, there are some household worries, but without them I think life would be very sad. For four years, I always dreamed that I would be able to go away on a fast to some place of peace. Where I will be able to be just with myself and God, alone, but for now this stays a dream for me. I cannot leave, it wouldn’t work, so my fasts go by in this “military” environment, a house, schools, cooking food. I don’t think it is right, so if you are able, if you do not have little children, if you do not have other reasons why you cannot go somewhere or be alone, make use of the opportunity. It is very nice to spend fasts in a circle of like-minded people, when a few people gather, completely empty the fridge, produce, and spend days contemplating, in prayer, reading the Bible for a short period, and spend the longest amount of time outside in nature, alone. It is great when it is a village or a house in the mountains. I hope that someday my dream will become a reality, that I will be able to try such a fast.
Because the kind of fast I have I do not recommend to anyone, but I do not want to refuse it because the Lord was the first one to show us an example, the Lord turned to us in His messages. He told us what a fast really must be like and we must listen to Him. We must not think that I still have tomorrow, that I still have the next year, that I am not ready today. We must try, attempt right away to put His words into practice because fasting is a priceless gift of God who gave us a scroll on which in golden letters it is written how to turn from a carnal person into a spiritual person.
Because every person is in the shell of sin, primarily in the shell of worldly vanity, bound by their addictions which I think everyone will agree with me, that the biggest addiction is not alcohol, drugs, not some perversions but food. Because a person cannot imagine their life without food, a person cannot imagine their life without meat, a person cannot imagine their life without some drinks which they are used to and likes. And of course in such a case, it is very difficult to break through or reach the soul, which is walled up in the body of the flesh, which consists only of desires, and to give the spirit the opportunity to control the body, and not the body over the spirit is very hard.
And when you enter fasts you do not need to set yourself any huge deadlines, it is not a relay race and the fast is for you, you should not enter a fast when you do not want to. For example, either Christmas fast or the long Easter fast, the Pentecost, you should not enter a fast because everyone does so, because you are taught so in the church. You should enter a fast only when you desire it, when your soul is asking for it, when your heart just from the sole thought of fast jumps out of your chest. Because the Lord does not need your fast, it is for you, so that you could overcome the root of sin, without fast it is hard, I will not say such words as that it is not possible, nothing is impossible for God, but I do not know, maybe you have met people who will say that they live a regular earthly life and that they are holy. I think not, and maybe you have never met such people. Fast brings pacification of soul and body, combination. When your soul and body connect with each other, when you do not live for yourself. Because look, I will talk only about myself and in no case about other people. You wake up and think about what to cook, what to buy, where you need to go, what you will eat, and in most cases all of this rotates around food or some problems. And our society gives us a lot of problems, you open the news feed and what do you read. You read only negative moments, horrible moments which are happening around the globe, a multitude of military conflicts which take the lives of innocent people every day, where hatred and malice reign. I think that all the sins which you can only think of are in places of military conflict. You open the news, again appear people who take the lives of others at will, or might it be a small flash of neurovirus, which can also be observed today in small quantities.
All of this is to cause you panic, so that you do not feel safe. When I am fasting, I noticed I absolutely do not open the internet, that is, news. I am not very interested in news at all, I do not read it. Because if I cannot help in any way, then why read and look at the negativity, this is the first reason, and the second is that there is no truth anyways, because all the news which we are fed like the semi-processed food in stores, on which it says it is a bioproduct, but it is not true.
Fasting is like a water baptism, you are washed with water and cleansed from this negativity, from vanity, from resentment, from the sin of unforgiveness, when we do not want to forgive, but the Lord commanded us to love our enemies. He did not tell us to love the ones that are close to you, good people. You must love your enemies, and during fasting if you see outside any conflicts or fights you want to come up to those people, hug them, and tell them that the Lord loves them, the judgment that may appear disappears. You don’t think, look at what a drug addict does or how can he do this to his child or his wife, no, there is no such thing, there is only a desire to give him a small piece of light and love. This is what fasting gives in the spiritual meaning, and of course, the sin that is uprooted. Maybe it is the main reason. Some people think that spiritual fasts bring the possibility of the coming of the Holy Spirit. I think that from one side it is so, but the topic of the Holy Spirit is described very greedily in the Bible, and very covered in mystery. I think that the Lord reveals to each person. Each person is individual, there is no person who appeals to the Lord in the same way or loves the same way, we are all different and the voice which they can hear, and I think that everyone who has the desire and everyone who does at least something for it has the ability to hear voice of truth. For such people the Lord will reveal how to achieve the gift in the form of the Holy Spirit.
I know for sure that fast turns animal body into spiritual body, and spiritual body is ready to receive the Spirit of Truth, so I think it is a sort of preparatory stage. Also, the Lord said that without the Spirit of Truth not one person will be able to cross the gates of heaven. Therefore, it is our goal, our goal is to receive the Holy Spirit, our goal – is to overcome sin, become holy. Do not believe people who say that it is impossible. Maybe in large cities it is hard, more difficult. Maybe if in your families there are seriously ill members, or conflicts, if you are not one whole with your close ones, if you have discord in your family, alcohol, of course it will be hard. But if you want to, you can leave everything and move from a large city into a small village somewhere in the mountains, you can change your job if it causes you troubles, but a person who pursues earthly goods will get them, understand, the Lord said give God what is Gods and give Ceasar what is Ceasars. If you want to serve Ceasar, if you want to only live for your body, you will live for your body, it will be possible. But if you want to live for God, then He will accordingly stretch His hand your way, because nobody stretched out a hand of help for my family other than the Lord, and for many years we are already used to appeal only to Him, and believe me, He makes impossible things possible. Therefore, do not think that the Lord is just a word written in the Bible, or something someone tells you about, the Lord is always nearby, he loves you no matter what, and He always awaits your words. He awaits your requests, He awaits your simple “forgive me”, and I think that it is great that every person on earth has such a wonderful Father and Mother, so we have a great gift. No matter if your parents are alive or if maybe they are gone but the Heavenly Father is always here. He is always ready to stretch out His hands and hug you. This is briefly the spiritual bases of fasting.
Today it is already hard for me, I want to say that when I began the fast, I said that it was over 30° degrees here. In general, maybe during such temperature, if possible, there are people who live in places where it is always hot, so maybe it is best to do fasts on water, true fasts or do as I said, a cascade fast. For example, for 3-4 days you drink water and for one day you refuse it. You must also remember that fast is not what I am telling you about right now, it is not what you read somewhere, fast is a great preparation to it, because not drinking or eating is in reality not hard, but you must know how to begin it, how to correctly approach it, so that you do not have negative consequences, because an unexperienced person, if they are not interested in anything, can do harm to their body. Because such fasts or refusals of food or water can be not only fatal but can end in a hospital. And that is causing harm to your body and it is a sin. Maybe it is not suicide, but I think it is wrong.
I want to tell you about how when I entered fasts, when I only began my path, with water I understood everything because I already had experience of forty day fasts many years ago, but when the Lord said in his message that fast can also be without water, I was a little surprised because I thought that a person can only be three days without water and it all ends bad. And I was always easy with fasting because there was an example in my life like my father. When I was little he loved fasting, he read a lot of different literature, he practiced dissociated diet, he did ice plunging, he practiced yoga and for a long time, of course his close ones laughed at him and did not support him, and I am not saying I was on his side, maybe I did not understand if it is good, but I understood that not eating is possible, I saw that it absolutely did not cause him harm. How is fast intimidating? For example, my father did not call it fasting, he called it starving, when we see a person starve and they get negative consequences, meaning they become ill or they get problems. My father did not have any problems and maybe already back then it was imprinted on me that it is normal, so when I approached fasts on water, I was calm, knowing that father did it in the past, he also starved, did not eat, so everything is fine. But when I faced refusal of water, I began looking for information, I will not say how much literature I read through, of absolutely different authors, mostly in English-speaking, there are translations. Later I looked for diaries of people who refused water and by day they described how they did it because the preparation for the fast itself is very important, but not as important as exiting the fast. Since exiting the fast can end very badly because when a person consumes incorrect food after a long time, for me a long time is even 5 days, if you did not eat or drink anything and immediately take a piece of black bread, as it is black bread, no. No way, it must only be natural fruits and vegetables and not all of them. Later I will record a video on how to exit a fast, maybe after I exit fast and will at least drink water because it is hard to talk, but it is very important. You must know how to correctly exit a fast.
I will repeat, entering a fast is with raw vegetables, fruits, you can lightly steam them, simmer and that is it, and it is not bread, not dairy, under no circumstance’s protein food. What is protein food, for those who do not know it is meat, fish, diary products, eggs, seafood, who eats porridges also do not eat. So you must understand, only vegetables and fruits. It is not because you will not enter a fast, it is because I told you how in the first three days I had such pains, like labor pains, I do not know if they were worse. It was close or even worse and for this you must understand that it is for your easy entrance into fasting, gradual. But again, that is just my experience and it might be completely different for you, maybe you will be successful and nothing will happen.
What I was bringing this to, is that before you enter any fast, if you are new to this, if you have never been on water, then begin with one day, not even 24 hours but 12 hours, and definitely not dry fast, you can be 12 hours with water and then 12 hours are left, of which 10 hours you will sleep, it will be a kind of fast without water, and so, slowly, you can try and read a lot of literature. Look for information on the internet, look for a person who will talk about it and believe them how they did it, it is very interesting to see by days. In general, any refusals of food have been practiced since a very long time ago. But they were practiced in medical institutions, people turned to them on whom medicine gave up and said that they were powerless. That is, they are cancer patients, connective tissue diseases, endocrine diseases, some chronic diseases that are no longer amenable to treatment. And such people turned for help, there is a branch of medicine that deals with fasting on water, and there is also fasting without water, believe me, many people have returned from the other world, meaning first of all, fast, no matter which kind is directed for healing. Of course, all of this was conducted under the supervision of a doctor, in a hospital. But again, our goal is not only for healing of the body, you can get rid of many diseases, for example, I always remember my mother who had pain in the rotator cuff, she could not raise arm hand up, and closer to 40 I got something similar, both my arms hurt, both shoulders, I could not move my arms up or do circular movements. It was very difficult for me, plus when I worked I additionally got a problem with my neck, over half a year I could not lay or turn my head to the side, and on the sixth day of my spiritual fast I caught myself at the thought that I can freely move my arms, my neck does not hurt at all, I can move. Of course, you must remember that when you fast it does not mean that you only drink water, or not drink it at all, and lay on a bed. You will not be able to lie too long on a bed. You must do light exercises, it is not sit-ups, not exercise load, not running. You can do light movements with your head and pelvis, you can use those spiky mats to disperse the lymph and blood a little, and walk, just go for walks outside in the fresh air. It is already enough for you.
Part 6
Spiritual Fast Part 6
Now I will tell you a little about my family, about the changes that happened during this time. I will begin with my husband. This year, our Pentecost was on vegetables and fruits and one day a week on water and one day a week without water. He was two days on water and one day without water, that is, spiritual fast, and for 4 days he only ate vegetables and fruits and only once a day. He did not have the kind of pain, body ache like I described, but he said that it was very hard for him to get up from horizontal position into vertical. He had dizziness, shortness of breath and very low blood pressure. Also during the Pentecost he went for small daily walks. But Pentecost was during school, children, worries, it was difficult, and at the end of Pentecost he entered a 5-day spiritual fast without water. He also walked many kilometers. Because it was hot, he walked in the evening.
About our oldest daughter, in the first series of videos which we filmed four years ago, I talked about when she started fasting, how she fasted. I will not repeat again today. This Pentecost she surprised me, because we do not set strict limits for children as we do for ourselves. She also ate once a day, but she could prepare some porridge for the vegetables or fruits, and at the end of Pentecost she entered a dry fast for three days. Before this, just like my husband, she had one day a week on water and on weekends, when there was no school, she was one day without water. And by the end of Pentecost she entered a spiritual fast for three days, I was surprised because she did not have absolutely any negative effects, that is, she did not have dizziness or strong heartbeat, three days of spiritual fast went by very easy. As the third day passed, I began telling her to exit the fast because her exams were starting and I told her that she needs to prepare and she needs to eat something or at least drink, and she exited the fast. That is how her Pentecost ended. She really surprised me. Maybe a long-standing example is left in a child’s head. We do not have it so that we say that it is fast and you must do it because we do it. We do everything only by desire. Meaning, we are doing this, and you do as you want. Two weeks before Pentecost she asked me what we will eat during the Pentecost and what cannot be eaten, she asked numerous questions and that is great.
Also I want to say that there is Pentecost in the church, but it is such a holiday, you know, it is as it’s forgotten. I do not even know how to say it, it is there, but it is not celebrated, because christians celebrate Lent and, again, what is christian fasting, it is simply refusal of meat and certain products and they eat everything else, it is a sort of a diet. And imagine how for 40 days people set at least some limits, and on the holiday of Easter they eat meat, smoked meat, sweets, baked goods, alcohol drinks. Imagine what it is like for your body after this. We must love the body that the Lord gifted us, we must nurture it like a flower in our garden so that it grows and blooms and does not quickly wither. And then people are wondering how they get diabetes, asthma, osteochondrosis or something else, the Lord said that our health is at the tip of our tongue, it was you who allowed yourself to bring your body into such a bad state. And again, the propaganda works beautifully, that you must drink milk, eat meat, drink wine, that it is very healthy for your body and you say yes, it is true, it is great, you believe it. But when the Lord says no, human, you do not need so much, a person does not live on bread alone, and you answer no, it is not for everyone, it is not for me, it’s only the Lord who could do that, he was such a special person. But what was the goal of the Lord, his goal was to show us an example. He was in a human body. He did not come to us from heaven in His heavenly form, which He has, in the Revelation of John the Theologian, you can read about what He looks like. He came to us as a human, he felt thirst, cold, pain, and He cried, He had bloody sweat, so why do you doubt His words, if the Lord says that not by bread alone can a human live. It is so, and we must remember this. Our Passover is very modest, we have unleavened bread, vegetables and fruits, we do this first of all because we are preparing for Pentecost, because if we celebrate Passover more lavishly, we will simply not be able to enter a fast during the Pentecost. And the Pentecost is very important for us, moreover I want to say that my family does not consume meat. Of course, I will not repeat about alcohol, we refused alcohol decades ago. We have our own meals, they are very modest, simple, and mostly it is greens, vegetables, fruits, sometimes fish.
Now, about the other children. My son is younger, school age, he can be one day on water and one day without water without any problems, of course, he does not have and did not even have such a task that it is required, only if he wants to, and he does not always want to. During Pentecost the children were excluded from chocolate, flour products, porridge remained, and for several days there was fish, if they really wanted sweets, we bought them caramels. Also, sometimes I call him to each and he says no, mom, today I fast on water. Of course this on water can be over after lunch, he forgets, but sometimes he actually spends the day on water, and this is not during the Pentecost. He just wants to and that’s it.
Now about my youngest daughter, she is very little, preschool age, there is absolutely no talk of fasting at all, what can I say, during Pentecost she eats the way I already described, the children are excluded only from chocolate, flour products. But I would like to tell you about the abilities of children’s pure body when parents do not overfeed their child. When they do not watch the diet, proper nutrition, when they do not listen to what the child says when they say that they don’t want to eat something, but the mother or father force them, saying they must eat it. I never forced my children to eat the food they do not want, and I think that it is right. Now coming back to the youngest daughter. I want to tell you about a situation we had last year, it was September. So the circumstances turned out so that we my husband and I, both had to work. And it was a full-time job. It was not like for example, one of us worked in the morning, the other in the evening or at night, but all day long. Our schools allow to take children home for lunch or they could eat at school, school is until 5pm. Meaning you cannot take the child for lunch and not bring them back, you are required to bring them back. So we signed her up to eat at school, we worried a lot about how everything would go because she is a hundred percent vegetarian, she eats very simple food, and if there is any gravy or sauce, she will not touch it, she also rarely eats bread. A week goes by and the teacher tell me that she did not touch anything, and I asked if she drank anything, they said no, so you can imagine the child ate only in the evening. I want to say that my children do not eat breakfast, very rarely, if I really ask them, they might eat a small cookie or a fruit dessert and that’s it. So the youngest daughter was without food and water, and I picked her up after 5pm. For two-three weeks, she did not eat or drink, I began worrying, teachers told me no, these are just children’s whims, you must work, do not worry it will pass. And so we went for three months, and closer to the New Year, it was December, we saw that she had lost weight and we decided that one of us will quit work and watch the child. What is strange is that she was not lethargic from school, she left tired, of course, but only at the doorstep of the school she asked, mom, do you have anything to eat. Or sometimes she was given a fruit from school and she ate it after leaving. We still do not understand why it happened this way, later at home she ate maybe three times in the evening, and so for three months my very young daughter was 18 hours on a children’s spiritual fast. Of course, it was not planned, of course I will not say that it is right or not right. But sometimes the circumstances are such that you cannot change anything. This is about children. Our children eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I think that they eat properly, we do not restrict them. They eat fish, dairy, baked goods, candy, they really love candy and maybe eat a lot of it, but vegetables, fruits, are the main thing for them. If you ask them what they want for lunch, the answer might be salad.
So, watch what you eat, because you must understand that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Imagine what this temple of the Holy Spirit should be like. It must be pure, the body must be pure, it should not be overladen, not sick with infirmities, because your infirmities are what you do to yourself, you are the ones making your body suffer. I do not ask you all to be vegetarians, no, the Lord did not say that everyone must be a vegetarian or a meat eater. If you eat everything and you are successful in overcoming sin, that is great, everyone is different. I have a lot of acquaintances who eat meat multiple times a day, and they are very curious how I do not eat it, they ask about what changes happen in the body and then say, that is great but we would not be able to, and I always reply, that if in the future you feel ready, you will succeed, willingness is the most important.
Also I want to tell you to not give in to depressive states, because everyone has problems, it is hard for everyone. My children always worry that they do not have friends because we always move, since it is always apartments, rented homes, rented for a few years and they must change schools, all this time my children do not know what it is to have their own home. They say that again and again a new school, a new city, so everyone has problems, but we are happy that we are together. We are happy that we have, even for only two years, but a roof over our heads, that we have what to eat. My youngest daughter really loves vegetables and fruits. We had a time when she ate a peeled carrot or apple or pepper in the evening and she could fall asleep with that apple in her hand, she didn’t ask for a cookie or candy, so we had a period like that. Because it is a pure body. She is maybe the only one of the three children who has never tried meat. Refusal of meat is not only my decision it is their conscious choice. When in a store we pass the meat section, I can see they feel uneasy, she can say, mom look, sausage for cats, because she watches cartoons and for her sausage is something cats and dogs eat. And if in a meat section my son pulls my hand saying, mom, let’s go, I don’t feel good here, how can they sell this. So pure children feel everything completely differently.
I already talked about how my children are taught that no one can stomp or pick any leaf, flower, or bug. Of course, they argue. Of course, there are problems, who does not have them. Of course, it is hard for us because we will always be strangers in a foreign land, but our children, I think they already found their home, so for whom it is hard, do not be afraid to leave everything that you have or it’s good when we have nothing, we have nothing to leave, we can only ask the Lord and thank him for we have today, live in todays day. And not, you know, like about those treasures that the Lord gave, talents which you bury for the black day, no, you should not bury anything because the Lord will take care of your tomorrow, and we have the best day, it is today. Which you can spend with a smile, with love, with warm hugs when your children hug you, when the morning begins with warm hugs. When little hands hug you and say, mom, I love you so much. What can be better? Are father or mother not prepared to move mountains for this and tell that mountain to stand in the other direction, I think they are. In the same way, we must be able to let go of our children, let them go and accept them as they are, not to break them, not to change them, because they are all different. We are all different, but we must learn to live in peace and harmony, the Lord calls us to this, only love, only forgiveness. What did he say, if you are hit on the left cheek, also offer the right one. What does that mean? If they hurt you, don’t raise your hand, just turn around, if necessary, they will also hit you on the left cheek, but if there is no reaction from you then no one will ever raise your hand on you. Because when a hand is raised on you, it waits for an answer, and if there is no answer and there are only words of forgiveness, then the conflict ends. If people remembered this, there would be no military conflicts, there would be no violence.
I plan on being a few more days on spiritual fast. I will not make this fast long. I think that I would probably be able to last until the 21st day, but since summer is coming, the children’s summer off is beginning, they are so little, I want to devote my free time to go on walks, to cooking something delicious for them, and for this is needed mom, and not a weak creature, so I plan that from next week, I will start breaking the fast. I want to record a video for you about the last day of the fast, and only then I will tell you how to exit the fast. I love you and I will see you soon.
Greetings, today is day 10 of fasting. We decided to go to the ocean to gain strength. I thought a lot about whether it is worth it, but since another heat wave arrived, over 36-38 degrees, I decided that it would be cooler near the ocean. Also, I had a lot of doubts about swimming, since I do not consume water, but I swam, and it was great. I did not want to drink or eat. And since the water in the ocean is very cold, 18 degrees, but on land it is nearly 40, the contrast, it had a beneficial effect on my body, it is difficult to speak because it is already evening here, around eight o’clock, the ebb begins, the water recedes, we arrived when water was far.
I will tell you about how my two days passed. Yesterday was day 9 of the fast, the Lord gifted me wings, I was flying, except that I did not do long walks because it was very hot, impossible. And in general, we agreed with my husband that if it will be 30 or more, then I will start drinking water, but I did household chores, and it is not that I was on my feet all day, but I worked and I was surprised where I get this strength from, because everyone went to rest but the body which does not eat also has energy, and nowhere to spend this energy, so I finished things around 12:30 at night. My day yesterday was very easy, today is already more difficult. In the morning I went on errands. I thought that I will walk a few kilometers but when I went outside, I understood that I will not be able to because of heartbeat and it was hard to breathe, so I used transport to run errands. Day eight was maybe the hardest, my problems with frontalis and sinusitis started to appear and discharge from the nose began, which had never happened before, and my gums also swelled a little. I am telling this for those who are interested in what changes are happening in the body. Therefore, the 8-9 and even the 10th day of purifying the body continues, and I think that of those days that I plan and I plan 12 days, that is, Sunday will be the last day, Monday will be a day on the water. The three days that I attributed to preparation for fasting at the beginning were also with very little water and almost a whole day without water, so if we add everything up it will be 16 days, in heat. I think that it is enough, I will not do any feats.
Now I wanted to quickly tell you about something I forgot to mention, when you are on fast, especially spiritual fast, do not use absolutely any cosmetics, creams, that is, it is forbidden even if you have dry skin or some other problems, fasting will cure everything, because you are rubbing chemicals into your skin, and your fasting will be very difficult. I also thought that I should probably thank God that my fast are happening. Ones with cooking and with a full refrigerator, because today I can say that I no longer wanted to drink or eat. I did not want anything, a complete apathy to everything that surrounds me, as if I live in a parallel world. About what the fast revealed for me, for example, well, it did not reveal, but strengthened. I always put my hands on to someone in my family if they are sick and whatever diseases there are, except teeth, traumas and other illnesses pass very quickly, so the gift of healing grew very much. And the peace, the peace which I enjoy and such, you know, gratitude to God, because fast erases the border between this world and the spiritual world and it is not just words, because I catch myself at the thought of talking with God. I am grateful to Him for everything that He gave me and for what I don’t have, and these are not just words, these are from the bottom of my heart. Maybe it is not my own self, but my spirit that talks to him, and it is like this almost 24 hours a day. So do not be afraid to start fasting because it is wonderful. It is wonderful. I am not advocating you to fast, you must mature for it, but as you see, with 4 years of practice I feel normal, meaning I am able to work, I do not lie down, I do not feel very bad like in the beginning. Everything is tolerable. Everything is absolutely possible to overcome, having rested for a minute or two before work. It does not matter what you do. I will be saying goodbye now, until we meet, I love everyone, and I wish everyone peace and goodness.
Part 7
Spiritual Fast Part 7
Greetings, it is Monday, July 10, and today we are recording the final videos about fast. Today I am on water. It is very hot here. We wanted to go to record the video out in nature, but it’s not possible, there is no strength. Yesterday we were not able to record my last day of spiritual fast.
I will tell you how day 11 and 12 of the spiritual fast went by in short. It was Saturday and Sunday, in the evening after the ocean I had a little fever, I think maybe I was in the heat for too long, but in the morning everything was great. And on Saturday and Sunday thunderstorms began, and this became the reason why we were not able to go somewhere to record a video, because there was a storm. Sunday morning I woke up with conjunctivitis, but by the evening everything was gone as well. If you are fasting then you do not get sick, but any small illnesses pass by themselves in a few hours. What can I tell you about the changes in the body on the 11-12th day, especially if I feel bad or if it’s difficult, I have nothing to tell you, everything was good, I was cheerful as always, and it interchanged with periods of fatigue. In the heat, of course, it is very difficult, and it is difficult to walk up the stairs. So for me, maybe that is worst, to go up home and go down, heart starts pounding, something similar to dizziness appears, I must sit and rest.
As I already said today it is Monday, today I drink water. The body is very interesting, after all, it dictates us its own terms. I planned to be no more than 12 days on spiritual fast and so the twelfth day is over, I began drinking the water I wanted so much. It is not possible to drink a lot, literally a sip or two. In a while another sip or two, and it wasn’t really hunger that appeared, but I could feel it under the sternum. The stomach is growling and is ready for food. I feel a little sad to exit the fast as it is this small period of time which you spend alone with yourself, your thoughts, reflections, when you connect with the Lord, when you feel true freedom, when you are not a slave of the flesh that dictates the daily conditions of your existence. When you are free and this feeling, it is magical, and I am sorry to lose it because with the first bite of food the flesh will start gaining its strength, but this is normal. I think that as long as we live, we must learn, and it is possible to somehow tame our flesh.
Also, I want to say that if when you end a fast you become happy, that today it the last day, tomorrow I am beginning to eat, I also have this, I am not perfect but there are very good fasts like this one, even if it was difficult because it is very hot. But there are also very difficult fasts, I had it happen when I had 24 hours without water where I was looking at the clock and counting, this is it, just one more hour left, everything is over. I want to say that if you get this feeling of happiness by the end of the fast then maybe that fast was more forced than from a sincere heart.
Now I would like to also tell you something I forgot to tell you about fast. A lot of people say that with the first days of fasting they become afraid, they are afraid of losing weight, they are afraid of problems with the kidneys, the stomach. Because during any fast you lose a lot of weight and of course, organs lower a little, and this lets you know about it, some people get dizzy, they are afraid of losing consciousness. I want to tell such people that they should not go on long fasts if you have any fear If you are, for example, afraid of water you do not go swimming, right. That is, it is not forced, it is not some duty before the Lord. It means you have not yet matured, you have not come to terms with your emotions. It is very important. You do not believe that it is possible and that nothing will happen to you. When you enter any kind of fast, this is probably the only case out of all the cases when the analysis is absolutely unnecessary, because how can you analyze that you are without food and water for a long time. Is it subject to analysis? Any human will tell you no, it is dangerous, you can die, it is impossible. That’s why when it comes to the Lord, when it comes to spiritual things, there is no analysis because for the Lord everything is possible, and such things, they cannot be explained. How can you explain, for example, that the Lord healed the dry, raised the dead, which the apostles also did, or how can you explain when some exorcist priest casts out demons. You understand that he casts out in the name of the Lord, but it is very difficult to analyze and somehow understand it, you must remember this. So for the people who seem to think that they can fast, that they succeed in everything. I am talking about the most common mistakes that I have made. I am not talking about someone else’s experience, I am talking about my own.
You must exit a fast easily, for example, I would like to continue but I will not because desire is desire but there must be ease, I should not exit the fast when I am already dizzy, when I feel completely terrible, when I walk a few meters and I have to stop. No, I should be exiting the fast cheerful. That is why I think today is the last day, I don’t think, I am confident that it is. Later I will tell you about how I will exit the fast, because it is also very important, so remember, as a rule, exit the fast easily and you will not have a negative experience. Because the body remembers absolutely everything and maybe the brightest experience is negative because if you are asked you will say who offended you, when they offended you, and what they said. And if you are asked what good that person said, we might not even remember because precisely that which inflicts pain, discomfort, it gets deeply engraved in our subconscious, remember about this. Also there are such traps when you cannot enter a fast, as it happened to me, when I took medicine, and you see, one day, two days I did not give up and on the third day everything passed like nothing hurt in the first place, those pains disappeared, dissipated like a fog. Therefore here you also need to wait it out, if you feel that you are becoming ill, you can wait 12 hours, a day, and if you see that there is no improvement and you become worse and worse, you might get stomach pain, bitterness in your mouth, it is different for everyone, I cannot talk about someone else, only about myself, then you must exit.
And in no case should you become frustrated that you planned so much but you did not succeed in doing that much. I already said this many times, it is not a race, it is your short experience of uprooting sin, because fast – is the only thing that helps to pull it out with its root, when you see from where it grows and where it needs to be removed from. You must always remember this.
Also in fast it is good when your family supports you, when you are all together, when you are one whole from little and older children to husband or wife, or the people you live with. It also gives a lot of ardor and that helps. In my case my family is always close, always supports, and the same way when they enter a fast, I support them. We also never go on spiritual fasts together, my husband and I, because we have children we fast in turns. When he is on a spiritual fast, I try to take over most of the duties so that he could spend some time alone, so he could go for walks, I also tried not to let him go alone, we walked those kilometers together. I think that it is great when a family lives in unison.
Four years ago I said that we want to adopt a child, of course this has nothing to do with fasting, but I said that it is our goal, our dream. But before the process of adopting, we were told that it is very difficult even for citizens of this country and this can take 7-10 years. We have already been in the process of adopting twice and we were rejected twice, after each rejection there is a period of time you cannot apply again. We do not give up, we are waiting for the period of time to be over and we will definitely apply again. Because the soul is in need of an addition to the family. So these were not just words, it is true, we try to realize it but there are many obstacles so it is a little difficult.
Also a lot of people who fast during Pentecost, and this is also considered time of the Holy Spirit, they go through Pentecost and say, so I did not receive the Holy Spirit, they don’t say that the fast was fruitless, I wouldn’t say they become frustrated, but maybe get some sort of a depressive state. And how do you receive the Holy Spirit? No one knows, and it is actually a Mystery of God, and He Himself chooses whom to give it to when He sees readiness. I repeat, and have repeated many times, and my close ones also think that Pentecost or fast is for receiving the Holy Spirit. Fast is for uprooting sin.
Look, if we analyze the Bible, the Lord went into a desert. He was there for 40 days, and He was tempted by the devil. This is only what is described there. That is, simply put, in the desert He was able to overcome sin. Yes, He had no sin, but He showed us an example. So fast is given to us so that we could overcome flesh, flesh which imposes on you, flesh which listens not only to good voices that whisper to us, also evil voices whisper to us, so never say that you didn’t receive or did receive something. Because imagine if your child comes up to you and says, mom, I want a very expensive car or toy which you cannot buy, and you say that it is impossible for now, the child says that’s it, I do not love you, you are a bad mom, turns around and leaves. It is similar to this, understand, the Lord is not required to give us anything, right?
He gifted us this priceless gift of life, he gifted us free will, and absolutely all of our life, how it is built, of course there are certain circumstances, but we forge it ourselves, we pave the paths of our lives ourselves. We do not allow sin because we are in a bad environment, we allow it because we want to. Because we made a decision, because we allowed ourselves to sin, right? Absolutely everything in our life from hatred to love, from forgiveness and mercy, all of it is absolutely our choice. Of course, we must ask the Lord, of course He always stretches out His hand, but if he sees that you enter a fast, if you kneel to pray for some beneficial purpose, whom do you want to deceive, yourself? The Lord? I enter fast exclusively for myself because I lack this peace. I lack that feeling when I am free. When I do not need to eat, drink, when I do not want anything. Because the more you eat, the hungrier you are, the more you want to eat, you get emotions, tiredness, illnesses. But you get nothing during fast, everything is great, all these problems which seemed terrible, on fasts they seem so insignificant, so unworthy of your attention. You must also remember this.
And when you are fasting, you feel a flame of love in your heart. There are people who say they love a little, that they have little love. But I think that it is not true, every person is born with their flame of love in their heart, and maybe each life is absolutely unique and different and the life’s challenges which happen in our lives, they also make a person a little callous, maybe cold, maybe there are moments in their childhood and when they grow up they become more callous, but this does not mean that they do not have love. Love is in everyone, when you are fasting this love grows to heavens and I think that it is just another reason why fasting is needed, it is simply necessary for you. Therefore this is another reason to serve the Lord not by words, but by actions, when you bring Him something as a gift…
Part 8
Spiritual Fast Part 8
Therefore, nurture love in your heart so that it burns with fire towards the Lord because it helps to burn to ashes absolutely everything that drags us to hell, that drags us to the earth, that makes us slaves when we are children of the Lord. This fast was 17 days, of which 12 days I was without water, it was spiritual fast, and 5 days on water. Today, the last day is on water, true fast, it is very hot. Now I want to tell you a little about my exit from fast, about what I will be eating, all of this is not necessary for other people and of course, the fruits I will show you are seasonal so in the winter I exit with different fruits and vegetables.
Tomorrow is the first day I will be exiting the fast, also remember that if you were on a spiritual fast without water you must have a minimum of 24 hours on water. Meaning you cannot eat a fruit right away after not eating or drinking anything, you cannot do that, it is a big harm to your body. Today I had a day on water, on Sunday I had the last, 12th day of spiritual fast, tomorrow I will begin exiting with blueberries. The reason I chose them is that they have very thin skin, they are not sweet or sour, they have a neutral taste, and the seeds are very little, not like other berries. I will take half of this at a time and blend these berries with a glass of water in a blender, until the consistency of juice and with very small sips, literally take a sip and listen to your body, take the second sip and listen to your body. Although this is individual for me, I also always exit with orange juice, meaning I squeeze one or two oranges, also dilute it with water.
For example, tomorrow I will have a smoothie with these blueberries, half a glass of what I have here, and maybe this glass will be enough for tomorrow. And maybe if I want to, I might drink diluted orange juice. Juice one orange and the amount of juice you get, add water of the same amount, maybe even more. So this is how my first day goes. I always suggest the first days on berries, unless of course it is winter, well, there are no berries in winter. If it is winter, I exit on orange juice, on the first day I always introduce orange juice.
Now I will say the main thing, what under no circumstances you should eat during exit from fast. Do not consume grapes, it is number one under prohibition of exiting, do not consume melons and watermelon, you should not eat that which has a large amount of glucose, dried fruits and nuts are not allowed, under no circumstances consume honey, a minimum of three weeks no honey because it is also a protein product, it is animal protein, bees are not flowers. So remember, grapes, melons, watermelon, honey, dried fruits, only fresh vegetables and fruits. I know people who say that it is very good for them to exit with apples, for me an apple can make your stomach twist a little and make you bloat, so see how it is for you. But I think that the reason might be because we only have golden granny, well, they are artificial, there are no domestic apples, which you may have.
If you have your own apples then peel them, I always measure with a glass, it is easier this way, cut apple cubes in a glass and then dilute, for example, half a glass of those apples diluted with water, there should always be more water than what you are consuming. Next, doses. You cannot eat a lot right away, a glass – is for a whole day, I may not even drink all of it. The next day I will have peaches, one peach. The same as with berries I will dilute it with a glass of water, blend it, and another thing, if you take a peach, it should be soft and in no case hard, meaning everything must be ripe and soft, it is very important. I do not advise apricots because they have a laxative effect and for the completely empty stomach, I think that it is wrong. You can also exit with bananas, but I don’t really like them because I find them heavy for the stomach for some reason. But some people like them, it is even recommended to exit with bananas, also blend them with water and eat with a small teaspoon. I explained two days, I said that tomorrow I will have berries, tomorrow is Tuesday, on Wednesday I will have a peach, all of this in small quantities. You must watch how you feel, how your gastrointestinal tract is reacting.
On the third day I will introduce vegetables, tomatoes. They must also be ripe, first I will blanch them and remove the skin, dilute them with water and blend them in a blender with a small number of greens, I will add basil, literally a leaf, a sprig of dill, maybe not parsley, and a teaspoon of flax seeds. As you can see, I grounded flax seeds into flour and it is very good when leaving a fast. It does not matter whether you are on water or without it, to exit on flax porridge. I will a teaspoon of this diluted with water to the tomatoes. Later, on the fourth day, I will try consuming flax porridges. You dilute with hot water literally two tablespoons, you will not be able to eat more, and you can add a few berries or a few banana slices, mix it all with a fork. The main thing is for the first 4-5 days you eat baby food, such as puree or more water food, this is because your stomach is empty. And why I am talking about flax porridge is because it will be like a sort of a brush for your intestines, it will start it up. Which is very good. It will clean off whatever possibly dried up during the time when you did not eat or drink. The porridge should not be thick. By the way, for those who have never eaten flax porridge, I want to say that it is a very tasty porridge for vegetarians, it is a more familiar product, it has a nutty taste, it is not the kind of flax that you cook and it is “slimy” after. It is actually very delicious if you add berries or fruits, it is a very tasty porridge.
Also a little advice which I will also use this time, as I do not use it after every fast, this time I will use it. When exiting a fast it is recommended to consume cabbage kvass, what is cabbage kvass, it is when you chop cabbage and fill it with filtered cold water. It sits for 3 days, letting out juice. You gather the cabbage in a container and pour this juice in a bottle and later drink a quarter of a glass in the morning, you literally as if eat it with a teaspoon. And it is this cabbage kvass that is a treasure trove of lactic acid bacteria, which you consume very little, literally a quarter of a glass. I will drink this every day, quarter of a glass in the morning to populate the intestinal flora, this time I will do it because I was on a long fast without water and the stomach is empty. This is so that you have the right flora.
Next you ate flax porridge, everything is normal, the stomach is working, next you can transfer to smoothies such as baby puree, after that you can start salads, eat whole fruits, but slowly and chew thoroughly. I will not explain by days, it is all intuitional, you will feel it, but do not consume flour, yeast for a minimum of a month, it is recommended that the time you were on the fast, you continue it for yourself. White bread, potatoes are not allowed, you can introduce light lactic acid products or a little non-fatty fish on the 10th day and also very carefully.
After you eat salads you can eat fruit, if everything is fine then you can consume boiled vegetables, soups-purees, in my case I will prepare soup-puree with sweet potatoes, carrots, a little grated ginger, tomatoes and greens. All of this is prepared on a small fire without salt and blended in a blender. Tomatoes also without skin. And then later you can introduce, for those who eat porridge, dairy products, fish very little by little. Those who eat meat should wait, because meat is processed with a lot of chemical antibiotics, and a clean body does not need to be immediately driven into a state of intoxication.
Such things as baked goods, dairy, yeast, bread can be eaten a little after the third week, piece by piece, you will ask if you can eat unleavened bread, no, white flour is not allowed, if you remember these rules everything will be alright. You must have a norm, for example, on the fifth day when you stomach stretches a little you should not eat a double portion, no, you must have a dish which is your norm, and you slowly eat, if you are not satiate then eat again after 1.5 hours, understand, but not right away. The same for people who really like salt, you can start salting food after day 6 or 7, and also not too much.
Consuming fried foods is not allowed under any circumstances. It should only be something lightly steamed. Exit as if you were sick, you had a serious illness and you need to exit and everything will be fine from then on.
I think that I told you everything. If you have any questions write to me, ask. I always think about what I will say but when I sit down it is just empty in my head, maybe because of the heat, right now it is 38°C and it is very difficult, plus neighbors’ construction is making noise nearby. I am interrupted and must stop and wait for it to quiet down and repeat what I already said again.
So on this note I will be finishing, do not be afraid of fasts, they really do make you free, they make you younger, they heal and make you closer to the Lord.
I wish everyone spiritual comfort, regardless of the clouds that are in your life, I wish you to forget what anger, resentment is, and remember that God loves you indefinitely.
Peace to you all!
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